Publikationen »Kolb, Robert«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kolb, Robert
RI opac: 40 Einträge
1 | Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran traditions Granquist, Mark Alan • Haemig, Mary Jane • Kolb, Robert • Mattes, Mark C. • Strom, Jonathan [Bearb.]. Wengert, Timothy J. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | The Oxford handbook of Martin Luther's theology Kolb, Robert [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Martin Luther: confessor of the faith Kolb, Robert. |
4 | Luther's heirs define his legacy: studies on Lutheran confessionalization Kolb, Robert. |
5 | Nikolaus von Amsdorf (1483-1565). Popular Polemics in the preservation of Luther's Legacy Kolb, Robert. |
7 | The Reformer as Reader Kolb, Robert. |
8 | "Befreit, um gebunden zu sein": Luthers Summa des christlichen Lebens im historischen Zusammenhang Kolb, Robert. |
9 | "Accompanying this Sister of Ours to the Grave". Late-Reformation Lutheran Funeral Sermons for Women Kolb, Robert. |
11 | The "Heidelberg Theses" of 1518: A Milestone in Luther's Theological Maturation Kolb, Robert. |
12 | Luthers Appell an Albrecht von Mainz -Sein Brief vom 31. Oktober 1517 Kolb, Robert. |
13 | Pastoral Education in the Wittenberg Way Kolb, Robert. |
14 | Recultivation of the Vineyard in Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Exegesis and Preaching Kolb, Robert. |
15 | David: King, Prophet, Repentant Sinner. Martin Luther"s Image of the Son of Jesse Kolb, Robert. |
16 | Luther on peasants and princes Kolb, Robert. |
18 | Amsdorf, Nikolaus von (1483-1565) Kolb, Robert. |
19 | From Hymn to History of Dogma: Lutheran Martyrology in the Reformation Era Kolb, Robert. |
20 | Confessional Lutheran theology Kolb, Robert. |
21 | Christ's descent into hell as christological locus in the era of the "Formula of Concord": Luther's "Torgau Sermon" revisited Kolb, Robert. |
22 | Art. Oecolampadius Kolb, Robert. |
23 | The advance of dialectic in Lutheran theology: the role of Johannes Wigand (1523-1587) Kolb, Robert. |
24 | Teaching the text: the commonplace method in sixteenth century Lutheran biblical commentary Kolb, Robert. |
25 | Festivals of the saints in late Reformation Lutheran preaching Kolb, Robert. |
26 | Sixteenth century Lutheran commentary on Genesis and the Genesis commentary of Martin Luther Kolb, Robert. |
27 | Leaming to drink from the fountains of Israel: the biblical exegesis of Cyriakus Spangenberg Kolb, Robert. |
28 | Nikolaus von Amsdorf on vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy: a Lutheran's doctrine of double predestination Kolb, Robert. |
29 | God, faith and the devil: popular Lutheran treatments of the first commandment in the era of the Book of Concord Kolb, Robert. |
30 | The German Lutheran reaction to the third period of the Council of Trent Kolb, Robert. |
31 | 'Good works are detrimental to salvation': Amsdorf's use of Luther's words in controversy Kolb, Robert. |
32 | Philipp's foes, but followers nonetheless: late humanism among the Gnesio-Lutherans Kolb, Robert. |
33 | Georg Major as controversialist: polemics in the late Reformation Kolb, Robert. |
34 | The Flacian rejection of the Concordia, prophetic style and action in the German late Reformation Kolb, Robert. |
36 | Dynamics of party con?ict in the Saxon late Reformation. Gnesio-Lutherans vs. Philippists Kolb, Robert. |
38 | Matthaeus Judex's condemnation of princely censorship of theologians' publications Kolb, Robert. |
39 | The German Lutheran reaction to the third period of the Council of Trent Kolb, Robert. |
40 | Nikolaus von Amsdorf on vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy: a Lutheran's doctrine of double Predestination Kolb, Robert. |
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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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