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Publikationen »Kolb, Robert«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kolb, Robert

RI opac: 40 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran traditions
Granquist, Mark AlanHaemig, Mary JaneKolb, RobertMattes, Mark C.Strom, Jonathan [Bearb.]. Wengert, Timothy J. [Hrsg.]. - Grand Rapids, Mich. (2017)

2Sammelwerk  The Oxford handbook of Martin Luther's theology
Kolb, Robert [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2014)

3Monographie  Martin Luther: confessor of the faith
Kolb, Robert. - New York, NY (2009)

4Sammelwerk  Luther's heirs define his legacy: studies on Lutheran confessionalization
Kolb, Robert. - Aldershot [u.a.] (1996)

5Monographie  Nikolaus von Amsdorf (1483-1565). Popular Polemics in the preservation of Luther's Legacy
Kolb, Robert. - Nieuwkoop (1978)

6Monographie  Aquila certans, pro immunitate et exemptione ecclesiarum, monasteriorum et status ecclesiastici a potestate saeculari, sive confutatio fundamentalis triginta quinque signorum Solmensium
Kolb, Robert. - Frankfurt a. M. (1687)

7Buchbeitrag  The Reformer as Reader
Kolb, Robert. (2022) - In: FS Jorg Christian Salzmann S. 197-216

8Artikel  "Befreit, um gebunden zu sein": Luthers Summa des christlichen Lebens im historischen Zusammenhang
Kolb, Robert. (2019) - In: Lutherische Theologie und Kirche Bd. 43 (2019) S. 28-48

9Buchbeitrag  "Accompanying this Sister of Ours to the Grave". Late-Reformation Lutheran Funeral Sermons for Women
Kolb, Robert. (2018) - In: Essays Jill Bepler S. 239-250

10Buchbeitrag  Melanchthon - ein >Lutheraner
Kolb, Robert. (2018) - In: Melanchthon. Der Reformator zwischen Eigenständigkeit und Erkenntnisgemeinschaft S. 165-190

11Artikel  The "Heidelberg Theses" of 1518: A Milestone in Luther's Theological Maturation
Kolb, Robert. (2017) - In: The Southern Baptist journal of theology Bd. 21, 4 (2017) S. 15-34

12Buchbeitrag  Luthers Appell an Albrecht von Mainz -Sein Brief vom 31. Oktober 1517
Kolb, Robert. (2014) - In: Meilensteine der Reformation. Schlüsseldokumente der frühen Wirksamkeit Martin Luthers S. 80-88

13Buchbeitrag  Pastoral Education in the Wittenberg Way
Kolb, Robert. (2013) - In: Studies Richard A. Muller S. 67-80

14Buchbeitrag  Recultivation of the Vineyard in Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Exegesis and Preaching
Kolb, Robert. (2012) - In: The Reformation as Christianization. Essays S. 305-320

15Artikel  David: King, Prophet, Repentant Sinner. Martin Luther"s Image of the Son of Jesse
Kolb, Robert. (2010) - In: Perichoresis Bd. 8 (2010) S. 203-232

16Artikel  Luther on peasants and princes
Kolb, Robert. (2009) - In: Lutheran quarterly Bd. 23 (2009) S. 125-146

17Buchbeitrag  Die Josef-Geschichten als Fürstenspiegel in der Wittenberger Auslegungstradition: "Ein verständiger und weiser Mann" (Genesis 41, 33)
Kolb, Robert. (2008) - In: Gedenkschrift Günther Wartenberg S. 41-55

18Buchbeitrag  Amsdorf, Nikolaus von (1483-1565)
Kolb, Robert. (2008) - In: The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History Tl. 1 S. 21

19Buchbeitrag  From Hymn to History of Dogma: Lutheran Martyrology in the Reformation Era
Kolb, Robert. (2005) - In: More than a memory. The discourse of martyrdom S. 295-314

20Buchbeitrag  Confessional Lutheran theology
Kolb, Robert. (2004) - In: The Cambridge companion to Reformation theology S. 68-79

21Artikel  Christ's descent into hell as christological locus in the era of the "Formula of Concord": Luther's "Torgau Sermon" revisited
Kolb, Robert. (2002) - In: Lutherjahrbuch Bd. 69 (2002) S. 101-118

22Buchbeitrag  Art. Oecolampadius
Kolb, Robert. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 4 S. 337-338

23Buchbeitrag  The advance of dialectic in Lutheran theology: the role of Johannes Wigand (1523-1587)
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XVI S. 93-102

24Buchbeitrag  Teaching the text: the commonplace method in sixteenth century Lutheran biblical commentary
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. X S. 571-585

25Buchbeitrag  Festivals of the saints in late Reformation Lutheran preaching
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. IX S. 613-626

26Buchbeitrag  Sixteenth century Lutheran commentary on Genesis and the Genesis commentary of Martin Luther
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XI S. 243-258

27Buchbeitrag  Leaming to drink from the fountains of Israel: the biblical exegesis of Cyriakus Spangenberg
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XIII S. 1-37

28Buchbeitrag  Nikolaus von Amsdorf on vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy: a Lutheran's doctrine of double predestination
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. II S. 325-343

29Buchbeitrag  God, faith and the devil: popular Lutheran treatments of the first commandment in the era of the Book of Concord
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. VII S. 71-89

30Buchbeitrag  The German Lutheran reaction to the third period of the Council of Trent
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. V S. 63-95

31Buchbeitrag  'Good works are detrimental to salvation': Amsdorf's use of Luther's words in controversy
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. III S. 136-151

32Buchbeitrag  Philipp's foes, but followers nonetheless: late humanism among the Gnesio-Lutherans
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XV S. 159-177

33Buchbeitrag  Georg Major as controversialist: polemics in the late Reformation
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. IV S. 455-468

34Buchbeitrag  The Flacian rejection of the Concordia, prophetic style and action in the German late Reformation
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. VI S. 196-216

35Buchbeitrag  The influence of Luther's Galatians commentary of 1535 on later sixteenth-century Lutheran commentaries on Galatians
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XII S. 156-183

36Buchbeitrag  Dynamics of party con?ict in the Saxon late Reformation. Gnesio-Lutherans vs. Philippists
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. I S. 1-17

37Buchbeitrag  'Not Without the satisfaction of God's righteousness': the Atonement and the generation gap between Luther and his students
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. VIII S. 136-156

38Buchbeitrag  Matthaeus Judex's condemnation of princely censorship of theologians' publications
Kolb, Robert. (1996) - In: Kolb, Luther's heirs define his legacy Tl. XIV S. 401-414

39Artikel  The German Lutheran reaction to the third period of the Council of Trent
Kolb, Robert. (1984) - In: Lutherjahrbuch Bd. 51 (1984) S. 63-95

40Artikel  Nikolaus von Amsdorf on vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy: a Lutheran's doctrine of double Predestination
Kolb, Robert. (1976) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 69 (1976) S. 325-343

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