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Publikationen »Koopmans, Rachel Marie«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Koopmans, Rachel Marie

RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Monographie  The first Miracle Window: Becket's earliest pilgrims in Canterbury's stained glass
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. - Canterbury (2022)

2Monographie  Wonderful to relate: miracle stories and miracle collecting in high medieval England
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2011)

3Monographie  Dispute, control and the individual voice: The making of miracles at Christ Church, Canterbury, 1080-1220
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. - [University of Notre Dame] (2001)

4Buchbeitrag  The fifth window of Canterbury's Thomas Becket cycle: new readings
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2021) - In: Thomas Becket. Murder and the making of a saint S. 136-147

5Artikel  Benedict of Peterborough's compositions for Thomas Becket: Passion, miracles, Office
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2021) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 90 (2021) S. 247-274

6Artikel  Gifts of Thomas Becket's Clothing Made by the Monks of Canterbury Cathedral
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2020) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 173 (2020) S. 39-60

7Buchbeitrag  Laywomen's Leadership in Medieval Miracle Cults: Evidence from Britain, c. 1150-1250
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2020) - In: Women intellectuals and leaders in the middle ages S. 359-382

8Buchbeitrag  Intercessory prayer and the initials of the Markyate psalter
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2017) - In: St. Albans and the Markyate psalter S. ??

9Artikel  Kentish Pilgrims in Canterbury Cathedral's Miracle Windows
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2017) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 80 (2017) S. 1-27

10Artikel  'Water mixed with the blood of Thomas': contact relic manufacture pictured in Canterbury Cathedral's stained glass
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2016) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 42 (2016) S. 535-558

11Artikel  Thomas Becket and the Royal Abbey of Reading
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2016) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 131 (2016) S. 1-30

12Buchbeitrag  Testimonial Letters in the Late Twelfth-Century Collections of Thomas Becket's Miracles
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2015) - In: Essays John Van Engen S. 168-201

13Artikel  Visions, reliquiaries, and the image of "Becket's shrine" in the Miracle Windows at Canterbury Cathedral
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2015) - In: Gesta Bd. 54 (2015) S. 37-57

14Artikel  Early Sixteenth-Century Stained Glass at St. Michael-le-Belfrey and the Commemoration of Thomas Becket in Late Medieval York
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2014) - In: Speculum Bd. 89 (2014) S. 1040-1100

15Buchbeitrag  Dining at Markyate with Lady Christina
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2005) - In: Christina of Markyate. A twelfth-century holy woman S. 143-159

16Artikel  The conclusion of Christina of Markyate's Vita
Koopmans, Rachel Marie. (2000) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Bd. 51 (2000) S. 663-698

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

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