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Publikationen »Krahmer, Shawn Madison«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Krahmer, Shawn Madison

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Monographie  Friendship and eros: Toward a feminist revisionist theology of right relation
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. - [University of Chicago] (1995)

2Artikel  Mary as mother and bride in the liturgical sermons of Aelred of Rievaulx
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (2007) - In: The American Benedictine review Bd. 58 (2007) S. 280-298

3Buchbeitrag  Redemptive suffering: The life of Alice of Schaerbeek in a contemporary context
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (2004) - In: Maistresse of my wit. Medieval women, modern scholars S. 267-293

4Artikel  Adam, Eve, and original sin in the works of Bernard of Clairvaux.
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (2002) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly Bd. 37 (2002) S. 3-12

5Artikel  Aelred of Rievaulx and the feminine in the Marian sermons for the feasts of the Assumption and Purification.
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (2000) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly Bd. 35 (2000) S. 459-478

6Artikel  The virile bride of Bernard of Clairvaux
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (2000) - In: Church history Bd. 69 (2000) S. 304-327

7Artikel  Loving "In God": An Examination of the Hierarchical Aspects of the Ordo Caritatis in Bernard of Clairvaux and Aelred of Rievaulx
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (1999) - In: The American Benedictine review Bd. 50 (1999) S. 74-93

8Artikel  The Bride as Friend in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermones Super Cantica
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (1997) - In: The American Benedictine review Bd. 48 (1997) S. 69-87

9Artikel  The friend as "second self" and the theme of substitution in the letters of Bernard of Clairvaux
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (1996) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly Bd. 31 (1996) S. 21-33

10Artikel  Friend and lover as metaphors of right relation in Bernard of Clairvaux
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (1995) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly Bd. 30 (1995) S. 15-26

11Artikel  Interpreting the letters of Bernard of Clairvaux to Ermengarde, countess of Brittany: the twelfth-century context and the language of friendship
Krahmer, Shawn Madison. (1992) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly Bd. 27 (1992) S. 217-250

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