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Publikationen »Kuefler, Mathew Stephen«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kuefler, Mathew Stephen

RI opac: 20 Einträge

1Monographie  The making and unmaking of a saint: hagiography and memory in the cult of Gerald of Aurillac
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2014)

2Sammelwerk  The Boswell thesis: Essays on Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen [Hrsg.]. - Chicago, Ill. [u.a.] (2006)

3Monographie  The manly eunuch: masculinity, gender ambiguity, and Christian ideology in late antiquity
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. - Chicago, Ill. (2001)

4Monographie  Eunuchs and other men: The crisis and transformation of masculinity in the later Roman west
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. - [Yale University] (1995)

5Buchbeitrag  Christian Self-Castration as Mystagogical Practice.
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2022) - In: Early Christian mystagogy and the body S. 121-139

6Buchbeitrag  St Gerald of Aurillac, Sex and Violence in Medieval Hagiography
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2020) - In: Hagiography and the history of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 S. 232-251

7Buchbeitrag  The Formation of the Homosexual Subject in Late Roman Antiquity
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2019) - In: La construction sociale du sujet exclu, IVe-XIe siècle S. 227-240

8Buchbeitrag  Between Bishops and Barbarians: The Rulers of the Later Roman Empire
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2018) - In: The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Political Culture in Europe S. 37-62

9Artikel  An Account of the Churches of Bethlehem and Jerusalem by the Priest Iachintus
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2017) - In: Manuscripta Bd. 61 (2017) S. 161-210

10Artikel  The Merry Widows of Late Roman Antiquity: The Evidence of the Theodosian Code
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2015) - In: Gender and history Bd. 27 (2015) S. 28-52

11Artikel  Dating and Authorship of the Writings about Saint Gerald of Aurillac
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2013) - In: Viator Bd. 44, 2 (2013) S. 49-97

12Buchbeitrag  Homosexuality: Augustine and the Christian closet
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2012) - In: Why the Middle Ages matter. Medieval light on modern injustice S. 77-89

13Artikel  The Marriage Revolution in Late Antiquity: The Theodosian Code and Later Roman Marriage Law
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2007) - In: Journal of Family History Bd. 32 (2007) S. 343-370

14Buchbeitrag  Sex with eunuchs, sex with boys, and the implications of sexual difference
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2006) - In: Comportamenti e immaginario della sessualità nell'alto medioevo (2005) S. 139-172

15Buchbeitrag  Male friendship and the suspicion of sodomy in twelfth-century France
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2006) - In: The Boswell thesis. Essays on Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality S. 179-212

16Buchbeitrag  The Boswell thesis
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2006) - In: The Boswell thesis. Essays on Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality S. 1-31

17Buchbeitrag  Male Friendship and the Suspicion of Sodomy in Twelfth-Century France
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2003) - In: Gender and difference in the Middle Ages S. 145-181

18Buchbeitrag  Life of the Dear Friends Amicus and Amelius
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (2000) - In: Medieval hagiography. An anthology S. 441-458

19Buchbeitrag  Castration and eunuchism in the Middle Ages
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (1996) - In: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality S. 279-306

20Artikel  "A Wryed Existence": attitudes toward children in Anglo-Saxon England
Kuefler, Mathew Stephen. (1991) - In: Journal of social history Bd. 24 (1991) S. 823-834

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