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Publikationen »Kumler, Aden«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kumler, Aden

RI opac: 25 Einträge

1Monographie  Translating truth: ambitious images and religious knowledge in late medieval France and England
Kumler, Aden. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (2011)

2Monographie  Visual translation, visible theology: Illuminated compendia of spiritual instruction in late medieval France and England
Kumler, Aden. - [Harvard University] (2007)

3Artikel  Writing on the world beyond the page: medieval inscriptions as facta and ficta
Kumler, Aden. (2023) - In: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Bd. 97 (2023) S. 447-484

4Buchbeitrag  "All form is a process of notation": Hrabanus Maurus's "exemplativist" art.
Kumler, Aden. (2023) - In: L'art médiéval est-il contemporain? S. 91-111

5Artikel  Writing on the world beyond the page: medieval inscriptions as facta and ficta
Kumler, Aden. (2023) - In: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Bd. 97 (2023) S. 447-484

6Buchbeitrag  Lyric Vessels
Kumler, Aden. (2022) - In: What kind of a thing is a middle English lyric? S. 182-217

7Buchbeitrag  Whose Iconography?
Kumler, Aden. (2022) - In: Iconography Beyond the Crossroads. Image, Meaning, and Method in Medieval Art S. 35-58

8Artikel  ‘Where your treasure is, there is your heart also: A Kesslerian view from the Soissons Gospels'
Kumler, Aden. (2021) - In: Codex aquilarensis Bd. 37 (2021) S. 109-126

9Buchbeitrag  Abstraction's Gothic grounds
Kumler, Aden. (2021) - In: Abstraction in medieval art. Beyond the ornament S. 55-88

10Buchbeitrag  Counterfeiting the Eucharist in late medieval life and art
Kumler, Aden. (2020) - In: Quid est sacramentum? On the Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries S. 57-81

11Artikel  "Periculum" and "peritia" in the late medieval "ars market"
Kumler, Aden. (2019) - In: Codex aquilarensis Bd. 35 (2019) S. 157-178

12Buchbeitrag  Materials, Materia, ‘Materiality'
Kumler, Aden. (2019) - In: A companion to medieval art. Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe (2) S. 95-117

13Buchbeitrag  Seeing the Worldly with a Moral Eye: Illuminated Observation as Introspection
Kumler, Aden. (2018) - In: Optics, ethics, and art in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries S. 47-63

14Buchbeitrag  Handling the letter
Kumler, Aden. (2017) - In: St. Albans and the Markyate psalter S. 69-100

15Buchbeitrag  "Signatis... vultus tui" ; (re)impressing the Holy Face before and after the european cult of the Veronica
Kumler, Aden. (2017) - In: The European fortune of the Roman Veronica in the Middle Ages S. 103-113

16Artikel  "Sacrament to Street Food
Kumler, Aden. (2016) - In: Cabinet. A Quarterly of Art and Culture Bd. 58 (2016) S. 63-71

17Artikel  Manufacturing the sacred in the Middle Ages: The Eucharist and other medieval works of ars
Kumler, Aden. (2015) - In: English language notes Bd. 53, 2 (2015) S. 9-44

18Buchbeitrag  The "genealogy of Jean le Blanc": accounting for the materiality of the medieval Eucharist.
Kumler, Aden. (2014) - In: The matter of art. Materials, practices, cultural logics, c. 1250 - 1750 S. 119-140

19Artikel  Accidentally on purpose
Kumler, Aden. (2014) - In: Cabinet. A Quarterly of Art and Culture Bd. 54 (2014) S. 74-80

20Artikel  Imitatio rerum: sacred objects in the St. Giles's hospital processional
Kumler, Aden. (2014) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Bd. 44 (2014) S. 469-502

21Buchbeitrag  The patron-function
Kumler, Aden. (2013) - In: Patronage. Power and agency in medieval art S. 297-319

22Artikel  Res et significatio: The Material Sense of Things in the Middle Ages
Kumler, Aden. (2012) - In: Gesta Bd. 51 (2012) S. 1-17

23Buchbeitrag  Translating ma dame dc Saint-Pol: The Privilege and Predicament of the Devotee in the Legiloque Manuscript
Kumler, Aden. (2012) - In: Translating the Middle Ages S. 35-54

24Artikel  The multiplication of the species: Eucharistic morphology in the Middle Ages
Kumler, Aden. (2011) - In: Res Bd. 59/60 (2011) S. 179-191

25Artikel  Faire translater, faire historier: Charles V's Bible historiale and the Visual Rhetoric of Vernacular Sapience
Kumler, Aden. (2008) - In: Studies in iconography Bd. 29 (2008) S. 90-135

Alphabetisches Register

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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