Publikationen »Lönnroth, Lars«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Lönnroth, Lars
RI opac: 67 Einträge
1 | Det germanska spåret: en västerländsk litteraturtradition från Tacitus till Tolkien Lönnroth, Lars. |
2 | Den poetiska Eddan: gudadikter och hjältedikter efter Codex Regius och andra handskrifter Lönnroth, Lars [Hrsg.]. |
3 | The academy of Odin: selected papers on old norse literature Lönnroth, Lars. |
4 | Structure and Meaning in Old Norse Literature. New Approaches to Textual Analysis and Literary Criticism Lindow, John • Lönnroth, Lars • Weber, Gerd Wolfgang [Hrsg.]. |
5 | European Sources of Icelandic Saga-Writing Lönnroth, Lars. |
6 | Geijer och Eddornas ‘sinnebildsspråk' Geijer och Eddornas ‘sinnebildsspråk' Lönnroth, Lars. |
7 | Dalin, Ramsay and the Enlightened Reaction to Rudbeckianism Lönnroth, Lars. |
8 | Vad visste Snorre om Kungahälla? Lönnroth, Lars. |
9 | Memorial Toasts Lönnroth, Lars. |
10 | Sigurður Nordals brev till Nanna Lönnroth, Lars. |
11 | Att läsa Njáls Saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
12 | Old Norse Text as Performance Lönnroth, Lars. |
13 | The Icelandic sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
14 | En gräns mot det overkliga. Göta älv-området i fomisländska texter Lönnroth, Lars. |
15 | "Fuga poética" de Almqvist Lönnroth, Lars. |
16 | Sverrir's Dreams Lönnroth, Lars. |
17 | The Growth of the Sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
18 | Sverrir's Dreams Lönnroth, Lars. |
19 | From Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic: The development of types of text Lönnroth, Lars. |
20 | The transformation of literary genres in Iceland from orality to literacy Lönnroth, Lars. |
21 | Snorri and Laxness Lönnroth, Lars. |
22 | The founding of Midgardr (Voluspá 1-8) Lönnroth, Lars. |
23 | Literature Lönnroth, Lars. |
24 | The transformation of literary genres in Iceland from orality to literacy Lönnroth, Lars. |
25 | Dreams in the sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
26 | The Norse Muse. Report from an international research project Clunies Ross, Margaret • Lönnroth, Lars. |
27 | Heroine in grief: the Old Norse development of a Germanic theme Lönnroth, Lars. |
28 | Vad visste Snorre om Kungahälla? Lönnroth, Lars. |
29 | The Baptist and the Saint: Odd Snorrason's View of the Two King Olavs Lönnroth, Lars. |
30 | The Norse Muse: Report from an International Research Project Clunies Ross, Margaret • Lönnroth, Lars. |
31 | Saga and Jartegn: the appeal of mystery in saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
32 | The man-eating Mama of Miklagard. Empress Zoe in Old Norse saga tradition Lönnroth, Lars. |
33 | Hövdingahallen i Fornnordisk myt och saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
34 | The Vikings in history and legend Lönnroth, Lars. |
35 | Almqvists "poetiska fuga" Lönnroth, Lars. |
37 | När vikingarna blev européer Lönnroth, Lars. |
38 | På andra sidan Fyrisvallarna. Några tendenser i modern sagaforskning Lönnroth, Lars. |
39 | The reception of Snorri's poetics. An international research project Lönnroth, Lars. |
40 | Sponsors, writers, and readers of early Norse literature Lönnroth, Lars. |
41 | The Old Norse analogue: Eddic poetry and fornaldarsaga Lönnroth, Lars. |
42 | Rhetorical persuasion in the sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
43 | Art. Trójumanna saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
44 | Art. Rómverja saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
45 | Art. Ólafs saga tryggvasonar Lönnroth, Lars. |
46 | Art. Oddr Snorrason Lönnroth, Lars. |
47 | Art. Óláfs saga helga Lönnroth, Lars. |
48 | Dómaldi's death and the myth of sacral kingship Lönnroth, Lars. |
49 | Art. Kristni saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
50 | Indoctrination in the Icelandic Saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
51 | Art. Alexanders saga Lönnroth, Lars. |
52 | "Iörð fannz æva né upphiminn". A formula analysis Lönnroth, Lars. |
53 | New dimensions and old directions in saga research Lönnroth, Lars. |
54 | The double scene of Arrow-Odd's drinking contest Lönnroth, Lars. |
55 | The Riddles of the Rök-Stone: A Structural Approach Lönnroth, Lars. |
56 | Ideology and structure in Heimskringla Lönnroth, Lars. |
57 | Charlemagne, Hrolf Kraki, Olaf Tryggvason: parallels in the heroic tradition Lönnroth, Lars. |
58 | Structural Divisions in the Njála manuscripts Lönnroth, Lars. |
59 | The concept of genre in saga literature Lönnroth, Lars. |
60 | Hjálmar's Death-Song and the Delivery of Eddic Poetry Lönnroth, Lars. |
61 | Hetjurnar líta bleika akra. Lönnroth, Lars. |
62 | Rhetorical persuassion in the sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
63 | The Noble Heathen: a theme in the sagas Lönnroth, Lars. |
64 | Stymir's hand in the Obituary of Viðey? Lönnroth, Lars. |
65 | Filologi och ordräkning Lönnroth, Lars. |
66 | Det litterära porträra porträttet i latinsk historiografi och isländsk sagaskrivning - en komparativ studie Lönnroth, Lars. |
67 | [Étude de la saga d'Olav Tryggvason] Lönnroth, Lars. |
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