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Publikationen »Lako, Kosta«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Lako, Kosta

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Buchbeitrag  Le monastère des Quarante Martyrs de Sébastée à Saranda (Albanie), un centre important de pèlerinage pendant l'Antiquité tardive
Bushi, SkënderLako, KostaMuçaj, SkënderXhyheri, Suela. (2020) - In: Archaeology of a world of changes. Late Roman and early Byzantine architecture, sculpture and landscapes S. 69-94

2Buchbeitrag  Anchiasmos (Onchesmos) in the 5th-7th centuries: city, pilgrimage, centre and port.
Lako, KostaMuçaj, SkënderBushi, SkënderXhyheri, Suela. (2014) - In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Albanian Archaeological Studies (2013) S. 613-624

3Buchbeitrag  La synagogue antique d'Anchiasmos à Saranda, en Albanie
Nallbani, EtlevaRaynaud, Marie-PatriciaNetzer, EhudFoerster, GideonLako, Kosta. (2011) - In: L'archéologie du judaïsme en France et en Europe S. 63-74

4Buchbeitrag  The medieval occupation of the triconch area
Bowden, WilliamCulwick, AmyFrancis, KarenGilkes, Oliver J.Lako, KostaPrice, Jonathan. (2011) - In: Butrint 3. Excavations at the Triconch Palace S. 118-151

5Buchbeitrag  The domus and the Triconch Palace
Bowden, WilliamFrancis, KarenGilkens, OliverLako, Kosta. (2011) - In: Butrint 3. Excavations at the Triconch Palace S. 11-55

6Buchbeitrag  The 5th- to mid 7th-century occupation of the triconch area
Bowden, WilliamFrancis, KarenGilkes, Oliver J.Lako, Kosta. (2011) - In: Butrint 3. Excavations at the Triconch Palace S. 56-117

7Buchbeitrag  Butrinto: l'archeologia di una città marittima
Bowden, WilliamHodges, RichardGilkes, Oliver J.Lako, KostaPërzhita, Luan. (2003) - In: L'archeologia dell'Adriatico dalla preistoria al Medioevo S. 583-599

8Artikel  Enë balte nga qyteti i Onhezm-Ankiazmit (Saranda) [Sixth-to-Seventh Century AD Pottery from the City of Onchesmos ( Saranda) ]
Lako, Kosta. (2001) - In: Iliria Bd. 30 (2001) S. 283-316

9Artikel  The Anglo-Albanian Project at Butrint
Bowden, WilliamHodges, RichardLako, Kosta. (1998) - In: Iliria Bd. 28 (1998) S. 275-321

10Artikel  Të dhëna për disa banesa dhe sterna të shek. II- VI të e. sonë të zbuluara në qytetin e Sarandës (Onhezëm - Ankiazëm) [Quelques habitations et citernes découvertes à Saranda (Onhesme-Ankiasme) ]
Lako, Kosta. (1993) - In: Iliria Bd. 23 (1993) S. 241-257

11Artikel  Bazilika paleokristiane e Onhezmit [La basilique paléochrétienne d'Anchiasmos ]
Lako, Kosta. (1991) - In: Iliria Bd. 21 (1991) S. 123-186

12Artikel  Dinamika e zhvillimit të Onhezmit (shek. IV p. e. sonë - shek. VI e. sonë) [ La dynamique de développement d'Onhezmos (IVe siècle av. n. ère - VIe siècle de n. ère) ]
Lako, Kosta. (1986) - In: Iliria Bd. 16, 1 (1986) S. 273-281

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