Publikationen »Laureys, Marc«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Laureys, Marc
RI opac: 54 Einträge
2 | Horace across the Media: Textual, Visual and Musical Receptions of Horace from the 15th to the 18th Century Enenkel, Karl A. E. • Laureys, Marc [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Spheres of conflict and rivalries in Renaissance Europe Laureys, Marc • Kraye, Jill • Lines, David A. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | I paratesti nelle edizioni a stampa dei classici greci e latini, XV-XVIII sec. Abbamonte, Giancarlo • Laureys, Marc • Miletti, Lorenzo [Hrsg.]. |
6 | A new sense of the past: the scholarship of Biondo Flavio (1392-1463) Mazzocco, Angelo • Laureys, Marc [Hrsg.]. |
7 | The art of arguing in the world of Renaissance humanism Laureys, Marc • Simons, Roswitha [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Discourses of Power. Ideology and Politics in Neo-Latin Literature Enenkel, Karl A. E. • Laureys, Marc • Pieper, Christoph [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Die Kunst des Streitens. Inszenierung, Formen und Funktionen öffentlichen Streits in historischer Perspektive Laureys, Marc [Hrsg.]. |
10 | Bilder der Antike Steiner-Weber, Astrid • Laureys, Marc • Schmitz, Thomas [Hrsg.]. |
11 | Ioannis Caballini de Cerronibus Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum Johannes <Caballinus de Cerronibus>. Laureys, Marc [Hrsg.]. |
12 | An edition and study of Giovanni Cavallini's "Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum" Laureys, Marc. |
13 | Juvenal in Bologna (1462) Laureys, Marc. |
14 | Poetic crisis talks between Constantinople and Rome. Laureys, Marc. |
15 | Unveiling the Calumny of Apelles: Caspar Dornavius's Calumniae repraesentatio Laureys, Marc. |
17 | Vorwort: Heroinnen und Heldinnen in Geschichte, Kunst und Literatur Vössing, Konrad • Baumann, Uwe • Laureys, Marc. |
19 | Bemerkungen zur parodia Horatiana im Lichte der neueren Forschung Laureys, Marc. |
20 | Assessing the influence of Biondo Flavios historical geography: the case of the Low Countries Laureys, Marc. |
21 | Introduzione Abbamonte, Giancarlo • Laureys, Marc • Miletti, Lorenzo. |
22 | Text and Paratext in Erasmus' Editions of the Classics Laureys, Marc. |
23 | Raum und Geschichte in Biondo Flavios wissenschaftlichen Oeuvre Laureys, Marc. |
24 | Gegenreformation und Fürstenerziehung. Stephanus Pighius' Hercules Prodicius Laureys, Marc. |
25 | Auf den Spuren Paolo Giovios? Herrscherdarstellung in Jacobus Sluperius' Elogia virorum bellica laude illustrium Laureys, Marc. |
26 | Johannes Hinderbach's notes on Biondo Flavio's Roma instaurata Laureys, Marc. |
27 | Political Action Laureys, Marc. |
29 | Competence matters: Grammar and Invective in Girolamo Balbi's Rhetor gloriosus Laureys, Marc. |
31 | Die Kunst der Verunglimpfung in Nikodemus Frischlins Satiren gegen Jakob Rabus Laureys, Marc. |
32 | Friendship and Exile: On Francesco Filelfo's Ode Laureys, Marc. |
33 | Towards a Theory of the Humanistic Art of Arguing Laureys, Marc • Simons, Roswitha • Becker, Arnold. |
34 | La "Roma instaurata" di Biondo Flavio: censimento dei manoscritti Della Schiava, Fabio • Laureys, Marc. |
36 | Bibliography Laureys, Marc. |
39 | La poesia latina di Coluccio Salutati Laureys, Marc. |
40 | Torrentius und Horaz Laureys, Marc. |
41 | Antiquarianism and politics in 14th-century Avignon: the humanism of Giovanni Cavallini Laureys, Marc. |
43 | Das osmanische Reich aus der Sicht des Genueser Historikers Uberto Foglietta. Laureys, Marc. |
44 | Silver threads among the gold. Philological research in the Belgian Historical Institute (1902-2002) Laureys, Marc. |
45 | Per una storia dell'invettiva umanistica Laureys, Marc. |
46 | A newly discovered poem of Justus Rycquius Laureys, Marc. |
47 | "The Grandeur that was Rome": Scholarly Analysis and Pious Awe in Lipsius' Admiranda Laureys, Marc. |
48 | Theory and practice of the journey to Italy in the 16th century: Stephanus Pighius' "Hercules prodicius" Laureys, Marc. |
49 | Between Mirabilia and Roma Instaurata: Giovanni Cavallini's Polistoria Laureys, Marc. |
50 | The reception of Giovanni Pico in the Low Countries Laureys, Marc. |
51 | Leuven als Zentrum des niederländischen Humanismus Laureys, Marc. |
52 | At the threshold of humanist jurisprudence: Andrea Fiocchi's "De potestatibus Romanis" Laureys, Marc. |
53 | Johannes de Meerhout and his annotations to the odes and epodes of Horace Laureys, Marc. |
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