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Publikationen »Lee, Christina«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Lee, Christina

RI opac: 30 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Trauma in medieval society
Turner, Wendy J.Lee, Christina [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2018)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Lee, Christina. (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Social dimensions of medieval disease and disability
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2014)

4Sammelwerk  Germania remembered, 1500 - 2009: commemorating and inventing a Germanic past
Lee, ChristinaMcLelland, Nicola [Hrsg.]. - Tempe, Ariz. (2012)

5Sammelwerk  Bodies of knowledge: cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in Medieval Europe
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2010)

6Monographie  Feasting the dead: food and drink in Anglo-Saxon burial rituals
Lee, Christina. - Woodbridge (2007)

7Buchbeitrag  De Profundis: Sadness and Healing
Lee, Christina. (2023) - In: Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World S. 151-170

8Buchbeitrag  The Art of Looking Good: Hair and Beauty Remedies in Early Medieval Texts and Contexts
Lee, Christina. (2021) - In: FS Elizabeth Coatsworth S. 45-67

9Buchbeitrag  Healing runes
Jesch, JudithLee, Christina. (2020) - In: Viking Encounters S. 386-398

10Buchbeitrag  Healing Words: St Guthlac and the Trauma of War
Lee, Christina. (2018) - In: Trauma in medieval society S. 259-273

11Buchbeitrag  Conceptualizing Trauma for the Middle Ages
Turner, Wendy J.Lee, Christina. (2018) - In: Trauma in medieval society S. 3-12

12Buchbeitrag  Les souvenirs du mythe: culture, migration et peuplement dans les îles Britanniques pendant la période viking
Lee, Christina. (2016) - In: 911-2011. Penser les mondes normands médiévaux S. 73-86

13Buchbeitrag  Threads and needles: the use of textiles for medical purposes.
Lee, Christina. (2016) - In: Essays Gale R. Owen-Crocker S. 103-117

14Buchbeitrag  Costumes and contact: evidence for Scandinavian women in the Irish Sea region
Lee, Christina. (2015) - In: The Vikings in Ireland and beyond. Before and after the battle of Clontarf S. 284-296

15Buchbeitrag  Invisible enemies: the role of epidemics in the shaping of historical events in the early medieval period
Lee, Christina. (2014) - In: Social dimensions of medieval disease and disability S. 15-28

16Buchbeitrag  A useful great-grandmother: 'Edda' receptions in post-medieval Germany
Lee, Christina. (2012) - In: Germania remembered, 1500 - 2009. Commemorating and inventing a Germanic past S. 99-119

17Buchbeitrag  Reluctant Appetites: Anglo-Saxon Attitudes towards Fasting
Lee, Christina. (2012) - In: New perspectives Hugh Magennis S. 164-186

18Buchbeitrag  Body and Soul: Disease and Impairment
Lee, Christina. (2011) - In: The material culture of daily living in the Anglo-Saxon world S. 293-309

19Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina. (2011) - In: Bodies of knowledge. Cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in Medieval Europe S. 1-4

20Buchbeitrag  Earth's Treasures: Food and Drink
Lee, Christina. (2011) - In: The material culture of daily living in the Anglo-Saxon world S. 142-156

21Buchbeitrag  Body talks: disease and disability in Anglo-Saxon England
Lee, Christina. (2011) - In: Anglo-Saxon traces S. 145-164

22Artikel  Viking Identities: Gender, Material Culture, and Identity: Introduction
Lee, Christina. (2009) - In: Viking and medieval Scandinavia Bd. 5 (2009) S. 251-252

23Buchbeitrag  Forever Young: Child Burial in Anglo-Saxon England
Lee, Christina. (2008) - In: Youth and age in the medieval north S. 17-36

24Buchbeitrag  Children of Darkness: Arminius/Siegfried in Germany
Lee, Christina. (2007) - In: Myth in early Northwest Europe S. 281-306

25Buchbeitrag  Thære wæs symbla cyst: food in the funerary rites of the early Anglo-Saxons
Lee, Christina. (2007) - In: At the table. Metaphorical and material cultures of food in medieval and early modern Europe S. 125-144

26Artikel  Women in Anglo-Saxon England and the Impact of Christine Fell: Introduction
Lee, Christina. (2007) - In: Nottingham medieval studies Bd. 51 (2007) S. 201-207

27Buchbeitrag  Changing Faces: Leprosy in Anglo-Saxon England
Lee, Christina. (2006) - In: Conversion and colonization in Anglo-Saxon England S. 59-82

28Buchbeitrag  "Cast a cold eye on life, on death": Disease in the Sagas (Abstract)
Lee, Christina. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 1 S. 562-564

29Artikel  Grave matters: Anglo-Saxon textiles and their cultural significance
Lee, Christina. (2004) - In: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Bd. 86, 2 (2004) S. 203ff.

30Artikel  Eclectic memories: in search of Eadgyth
Lee, Christina. (2001) - In: Offa Bd. 58 (2001) S. 277-285

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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