Publikationen »Lieu, Samuel N. C.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Lieu, Samuel N. C.
RI opac: 42 Einträge
1 | Varia manichaica Morano, Enrico • Lieu, Samuel N. C. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Manichaeism East and West Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Hunter, Erica C. D. • Morano, Enrico • Pedersen, Nils Arne [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Between Rome and China: history, religions and material culture of the Silk Road Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Mikkelsen, Gunner B. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Greek and Latin sources on Manichaean cosmogony and ethics Fox, Greg [Bearb.]. Lieu, Samuel N. C. [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Constantine. History, Historiography and Legend Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Montserrat, Dominic [Hrsg.]. |
6 | From Constantine to Julian: pagan and Byzantine views. A source history Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Montserrat, Dominic [Hrsg.]. |
7 | Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
8 | Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
9 | The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. A Documentary History Dodgeon, Michael H. • Lieu, Samuel N. C. [Hrsg.]. |
12 | "In the Name of Jesus". Observations on the Term "Jesus the Messiah" in Christian and Manichaean Texts from Central Asia Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
14 | 'Damn the Dardanelles!' (Admiral Lord Fisher, 5th May, 1915), vel Onomastica Callipolitana Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Sheldon, John S.. |
15 | Da Qin [...] and Fulin [...] - the Chinese Names for Rome Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
17 | Simplicius on Manichaean cosmogony Lieu, Samuel N. C. • Sheldon, John S.. |
18 | Medieval Manichaean and Nestorian remarins in the Zayton (Quanzhou) of Marco Polo Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
19 | Manichaeism Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
20 | Christianity and Manichaeism Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
21 | Rome on the Euphrates: The Final Siege of Dura-Europos Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
23 | Palmyra - Epigraphy and religion. A review article Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
24 | Constantine in Legendary Literature Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
25 | Libanius and Higher Education at Antioch. Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
26 | Manichaean Terminology in Syriac - Some Observations Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
28 | Manichaeism Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
33 | Introduction: Pagan and Byzantine historical writing on the reign of Constantine Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
34 | From villain to saint and martyr: the life and after-life of Flavius Artemius, "dux Aegypti" Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
37 | The holy men and their biographers in early Byzantium and medieval China: a preliminary comparative study in hagiography Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
39 | Precept and Practice in Manichaean Monasticism Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
40 | 'Felix Conversus ex Manichaeis': A Case of Mistaken Identity Lieu, Judith M. • Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
41 | Nestorians and Manichaeans on the South China coast. Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
42 | Polemics against Manichaeism as a subversive cult in Sung China (A.D.c.960-c.1200) Lieu, Samuel N. C.. |
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