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Publikationen »Light, Laura«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Light, Laura

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  Shared language: vernacular manuscripts in the middle ages
Light, Laura. - Paris [u.a.] (2018)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Light, Laura. (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Women and the book in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: [Les Enluminures, New York, NY, exhibition, January 24 to February 21, 2015]
Light, Laura [Bearb.]. - Paris [u.a.] (2015)

4Sammelwerk  Form and function in the late medieval Bible
Poleg, EyalLight, Laura [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2013)

5Sammelwerk  The Bible in the twelfth century: an exhibition of manuscripts at the Houghton Library
Light, Laura [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge, Mass. (1988)

6Buchbeitrag  Job, Zacharie, Matthieu: questions soulevées par la présence de trois livres bibliques
Light, LauraPoirel, Dominique. (2021) - In: Le manuscrit franciscain retrouvé S. 181-203

7Buchbeitrag  Genealogies, chronicles, and the "Interpretation of Hebrew Names": the Foigny Bible in context.
Light, Laura. (2020) - In: France et Angleterre. Manuscrits médiévaux entre 700 et 1200 S. 255-280

8Artikel  What was a Bible for? Liturgical texts in thirteenth-century Franciscan and Dominican Bibles
Light, Laura. (2016) - In: Lusitania sacra Ser. 2, Bd. 34 (2016) S. 165-182

9Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Poleg, EyalLight, Laura. (2013) - In: Form and function in the late medieval Bible S. 1-8

10Buchbeitrag  The Thirteenth-Century Pandect and the Liturgy: Bibles with Missals
Light, Laura. (2013) - In: Form and function in the late medieval Bible S. 185-216

11Buchbeitrag  The thirteenth century and the Paris Bible
Light, Laura. (2012) - In: The new Cambridge history of the bible. 2. From 600 to 1450 S. 380-391

12Buchbeitrag  The Bible and the Individual: The Thirteenth-Century Paris Bible
Light, Laura. (2011) - In: The practice of the Bible in the Middle Ages S. 228-246

13Buchbeitrag  Non-biblical Texts in Thirteenth-Century Bibles
Light, Laura. (2011) - In: Medieval manuscripts, their makers and users S. 169-184

14Buchbeitrag  French Bibles c. 1200-30: A New Look at the Origin of the Paris Bible
Light, Laura. (2010) - In: The history of the book in the West. A library of critical essays Tl. I S. 247-268

15Artikel  Roger Bacon and the origin of the Paris Bible.
Light, Laura. (2001) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 111 (2001) S. 483-507

16Buchbeitrag  French Bibles c. 1200-30: a new look at the origin of the Paris Bible
Light, Laura. (1994) - In: The Early Medieval Bible. Its Production, Decoration and Use S. 155-176

17Artikel  The new thirteenth-century Bible and the challenge of heresy
Light, Laura. (1987) - In: Viator Bd. 18 (1987) S. 275-288

18Buchbeitrag  Versions et révisions du texte biblique
Light, Laura. (1984) - In: Bible de tous les temps 4 S. 55-94

19Buchbeitrag  Versions et révisions du texte biblique
Light, Laura. (1984) - In: Le Moyen Âge et la Bible S. 55-93

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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