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Publikationen »Lincoln, Bruce«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Lincoln, Bruce

RI opac: 10 Einträge

1Monographie  Between history and myth: stories of Harald Fairhair and the founding of the state
Lincoln, Bruce. - Chicago, Ill. (2014)

2Buchbeitrag  Before Religion? The Zoroastrian Concept of Daena and Two Myths about It
Lincoln, Bruce. (2019) - In: FS Steven M. Wasserstrom S. 77-86

3Buchbeitrag  Disciplina, doctrina, and Maurizio Betoni
Lincoln, Bruce. (2017) - In: FS Maurizio Bettini S. 211-214

4Buchbeitrag  Violence
Lincoln, Bruce. (2013) - In: The Cambridge companion to ancient Mediterranean religions S. 199-219

5Artikel  Human Unity and Diversity in Zoroastrian Mythology
Lincoln, Bruce. (2010) - In: History of religions Bd. 50 (2010) S. 7-20

6Artikel  Cešmag, the Lie, and the Logic of Zoroastrian Demonology
Lincoln, Bruce. (2009) - In: Journal of the American Oriental Society Bd. 129 (2009) S. 45-56

7Artikel  An Early Moment in the Discourse of "Terrorism:" Reflections on a Tale from Marco Polo
Lincoln, Bruce. (2006) - In: Comparative studies in society and history Bd. 48 (2006) S. 242-259

8Buchbeitrag  Kings, cowpies, and creation. Intertextual traffic between "history" and "myth" in the writings of Snorri Sturluson
Lincoln, Bruce. (2006) - In: Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives S. 381-388

9Buchbeitrag  Intertextual silence and veiled critique: Snorri on Harald Fairhair and Váli Hödr's-slayer
Lincoln, Bruce. (2001) - In: FS Anders Hultgård S. 485-491

10Buchbeitrag  The ship as symbol. Mobility, stability, and mercantile capitalism in Gautrek's Saga
Lincoln, Bruce. (1995) - In: The Ship as Symbol in Prehistoric and Medieval Scandinavia S. 25-33

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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