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Publikationen »Liuzza, Roy Michael«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Liuzza, Roy Michael

RI opac: 36 Einträge

1Monographie  Anglo-Saxon Prognostics. An Edition and Translation of Texts from London, British Library, MS Cotton Tiberius A.iii.
Liuzza, Roy Michael. - Cambridge, UK (2011)

2Sammelwerk  Old English literature: critical essays
Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. - New Haven, Conn. (2002)

3Sammelwerk  The poems of MS Junius 11: basic readings
Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2002)

4Sachtitel  The old English version of the gospels. 2: Notes and glossary
Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2000)

5Sachtitel  Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile. Bd. 3: Anglo-Saxon gospels
Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. - Tempe, Ariz. (1995)

6Sachtitel  The old English version of the gospels. 1: Text and introduction
Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (1994)

7Monographie  New wine in old bottles: The twelfth century texts of the West-Saxon Gospels
Liuzza, Roy Michael. - [Yale University] (1988)

8Buchbeitrag  Reconstructing a Lost Manuscript of the Old English Gospels
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2022) - In: Essays David F. Johnson S. 15-28

9Buchbeitrag  Cingulum est custodiam: semiotics and the semantic range of gyrdels
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2020) - In: Essays Antonette di Paolo Healey S. 186-198

10Buchbeitrag  The Future is a Foreign Country: The Legend of the Seven Sleepers and the Anglo-Saxon Sense of the Past
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2016) - In: Medieval science fiction S. 61-78

11Buchbeitrag  Editions
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2014) - In: Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century S. 5-14

12Artikel  The Sense of Time in Anglo-Saxon England
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2013) - In: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Bd. 89, 2 (2013) S. 131-153

13Buchbeitrag  Iron and Irony in Beowulf
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2012) - In: Beowulf at Kalamazoo. Essays on translation and performance S. 50-68

14Buchbeitrag  In measure, and number, and weight: writing science
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2012) - In: The Cambridge history of early medieval English literature S. 475-498

15Buchbeitrag  Prayers and/or Charms Addressed to the Cross
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2008) - In: Studies George Hardin Brown S. 276-320

16Artikel  Designing the Old English Newsletter bibliography database
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2006) - In: Digital Medievalist (2006)

17Buchbeitrag  Scribes of the mind: editing old english, in theory and in practice
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2006) - In: Studies Donald G. Scragg (2006) S. 243-277

18Buchbeitrag  Beowulf: Monuments, Memory, History
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2005) - In: Readings in medieval texts. Interpreting old and middle English literature S. 91-108

19Artikel  What the thunder said: Anglo-Saxon brontologies and the problem of sources
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2004) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 55 (2004) S. 1-23

20Artikel  The Tower of Babel: The Wanderer and the ruins of history
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2003) - In: Studies in the Literary Imagination Bd. 36 (2003) S. 1-35

21Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2002) - In: Old English literature. Critical essays S. XI-XXXVI

22Buchbeitrag  Beowulf in Translation: Problems and Possibilities
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2002) - In: Beowulf in our time. Teaching Beowulf in translation S. 23-40

23Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2002) - In: The poems of MS Junius 11. Basic readings S. IX-XVIII

24Artikel  Anglo-Saxon prognostics in context: a survey and handlist of manuscripts
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2001) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 30 (2001) S. 181-230

25Buchbeitrag  Scribal habit: the evidence of the Old English Gospels
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (2000) - In: Rewriting Old English in the Twelfth Century S. 143-165

26Buchbeitrag  Gospel translation
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1999) - In: The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England S. 216

27Buchbeitrag  A practical guide to working with Middle English manuscripts
Liuzza, Roy Michaelu.a.. (1998) - In: A Guide to Editing Middle English S. 305-318

28Buchbeitrag  Who read the Gospels in Old English?
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1998) - In: Studies Fred C. Robinson S. 3-24

29Buchbeitrag  On the dating of "Beowulf"
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1995) - In: Beowulf. Basic readings S. 281-302

30Buchbeitrag  The return of the repressed: old and new theories in Old English literary criticism
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1994) - In: Old English shorter poems. Basic readings S. 103-147

31Artikel  The year's work in Old English studies 1992
Cormican, JohnFarrell, Robert T.Hall, James R.Hall, Thomas NelsonKarkov, Catherine E.Leinbaugh, Theodore H.Liuzza, Roy MichaelMarino, MatthewO'Brien O'Keeffe, KatherineRemley, Paul G.Richards, Mary P.Turner, KathleenWilcox, JonathanWright, Charles D.Trahern, Joseph B. jr.. (1994) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 27, 2 (1994) S. 5-101

32Artikel  The year's work in Old English studies 1991
Cormican, JohnFarrell, Robert T.Fleming, RobinHall, James R.Hall, Thomas NelsonKarkov, Catherine E.Leinbaugh, Theodore H.Liuzza, Roy MichaelMarino, MatthewO'Brien O'Keeffe, KatherineRemley, Paul G.Richards, Mary P.Turner, KathleenTrahern, Joseph B. jr.. (1993) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 26, 2 (1993) S. 5-105

33Artikel  Sir Orfeo: sources, traditions, and the poetics of performance
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1991) - In: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 21 (1991) S. 269-284

34Artikel  Names, Reputation, and History in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1989) - In: Essays in Medieval studies Bd. 6 (1989) S. 41-56

35Artikel  The Texts of the Old English "Riddle 30"
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1988) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 87 (1988) S. 1-15

36Artikel  The Yale fragments of the West Saxon gospels
Liuzza, Roy Michael. (1988) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 17 (1988) S. 67-82

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