Publikationen »Liuzza, Roy Michael«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Liuzza, Roy Michael
RI opac: 36 Einträge
1 | Anglo-Saxon Prognostics. An Edition and Translation of Texts from London, British Library, MS Cotton Tiberius A.iii. Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
2 | Old English literature: critical essays Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. |
3 | The poems of MS Junius 11: basic readings Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. |
4 | The old English version of the gospels. 2: Notes and glossary Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile. Bd. 3: Anglo-Saxon gospels Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. |
6 | The old English version of the gospels. 1: Text and introduction Liuzza, Roy Michael [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Reconstructing a Lost Manuscript of the Old English Gospels Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
9 | Cingulum est custodiam: semiotics and the semantic range of gyrdels Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
10 | The Future is a Foreign Country: The Legend of the Seven Sleepers and the Anglo-Saxon Sense of the Past Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
11 | Editions Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
12 | The Sense of Time in Anglo-Saxon England Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
13 | Iron and Irony in Beowulf Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
14 | In measure, and number, and weight: writing science Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
15 | Prayers and/or Charms Addressed to the Cross Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
16 | Designing the Old English Newsletter bibliography database Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
17 | Scribes of the mind: editing old english, in theory and in practice Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
18 | Beowulf: Monuments, Memory, History Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
19 | What the thunder said: Anglo-Saxon brontologies and the problem of sources Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
20 | The Tower of Babel: The Wanderer and the ruins of history Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
21 | Introduction Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
22 | Beowulf in Translation: Problems and Possibilities Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
23 | Introduction Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
25 | Scribal habit: the evidence of the Old English Gospels Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
26 | Gospel translation Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
27 | A practical guide to working with Middle English manuscripts Liuzza, Roy Michael • u.a.. |
28 | Who read the Gospels in Old English? Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
29 | On the dating of "Beowulf" Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
30 | The return of the repressed: old and new theories in Old English literary criticism Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
31 | The year's work in Old English studies 1992 Cormican, John • Farrell, Robert T. • Hall, James R. • Hall, Thomas Nelson • Karkov, Catherine E. • Leinbaugh, Theodore H. • Liuzza, Roy Michael • Marino, Matthew • O'Brien O'Keeffe, Katherine • Remley, Paul G. • Richards, Mary P. • Turner, Kathleen • Wilcox, Jonathan • Wright, Charles D. • Trahern, Joseph B. jr.. |
32 | The year's work in Old English studies 1991 Cormican, John • Farrell, Robert T. • Fleming, Robin • Hall, James R. • Hall, Thomas Nelson • Karkov, Catherine E. • Leinbaugh, Theodore H. • Liuzza, Roy Michael • Marino, Matthew • O'Brien O'Keeffe, Katherine • Remley, Paul G. • Richards, Mary P. • Turner, Kathleen • Trahern, Joseph B. jr.. |
33 | Sir Orfeo: sources, traditions, and the poetics of performance Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
34 | Names, Reputation, and History in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
35 | The Texts of the Old English "Riddle 30" Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
36 | The Yale fragments of the West Saxon gospels Liuzza, Roy Michael. |
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