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Publikationen »Locker, Alison M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Locker, Alison M.

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Monographie  The role of stored fish in England 900-1750 A.D.: The evidence from historical and archaeological data
Locker, Alison M.. - [University of Southampton] (2001)

2Buchbeitrag  How Pious? How Wealthy? The Status of Eynsham and St Albans Abbeys Between the 8th to the 12th Centuries Re-examined in the Light of their Food Consumption
Serjeantson, DaleCrabtree, Pam J.. Mulville, JacquiAyres, KathyIngrem, ClaireLocker, Alison M. [Bearb.]. (2018) - In: Studies David A. Hinton S. 115-140

3Buchbeitrag  'Dark Age Economies' revisited: the English fish bone evidence ad 600-1600
Barrett, James HaroldLocker, Alison M.Roberts, Callum M.. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology S. 418-440

4Buchbeitrag  The decline in the consumption of stored Cod and Herring in Post-medieval and Early Industrialised England: A change in food culture
Locker, Alison M.. (2016) - In: Cod and herring. The archaeology and history of medieval sea fishing S. 99-107

5Artikel  Fish for the city: meta-analysis of archaeological cod remains and the growth of London's northern trade
Orton, David C.Morris, JamesLocker, Alison M.Barrett, James Harold. (2014) - In: Antiquity. A quarterly review of archaeology Bd. 88 (2014) S. 516-530

6Buchbeitrag  "Dark Age Economics" revisited: the English Fish-Bone Evidence, 600-1600
Barrett, James HaroldLocker, Alison M.Roberts, Callum M.. (2009) - In: Beyond the catch. Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic S. 31-60

7Artikel  The origins of intensive marine fishing in medieval Europe: The English evidence
Barrett, James HaroldLocker, Alison M.Roberts, C. M.. (2004) - In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B Bd. 271 (2004) S. 2117-2121

8Artikel  Production, Imports and Status: Biological Remains from a Late Roman Farm at Great Hants Farm, Boreham, Essex, UK
Murphy, PeterAlbarella, UmbertoGermany, MarkLocker, Alison M.. (2000) - In: Environmental archaeology Bd. 5 (2000) S. 35-48

9Artikel  Saxon and Medieval Settlement Remains at St. John's Square, Daventry, Northamptonshire July 1994 - February 1995
Soden, IainBlinkhorn, Paul W.Carruthers, WendyHylton, ToraLocker, Alison M.. (1996 - 1997) - In: Northamptonshire archaeology Bd. 27 (1996/97) S. 51-99

10Buchbeitrag  Animal bone
Locker, Alison M.. (1992) - In: Iron Age and Roman Salt Production and the Medieval Town of Droitwich S. 172-181

11Artikel  Faunal evidence from a late medieval garden well of the Greyfriars, London
Armitage, Philip L.West, BarbaraClark, B. T.Dyson, TonyFesting, M. F. W.Locker, Alison M.. (1985) - In: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Ser. NS, Bd. 36 (1985) S. 107-136

12Artikel  Two town houses in medieval Shrewsbury: the excavation and analysis of two medieval and later houses built on the town wall at Shrewsbury
Carver, Martin Oswald HughToms, G. S. G.Jenks, W. E.Clarke, P. J.Morris, E. L.Taylor, RuthJames, R. E.Jenkinson, A. M.Noddle, Barbara A.Bramwell, DonBaker, N. J.Tanner, D.Knight, D.Moran, MadgeSnell, A.Moffett, CameronColledge, S.Locker, Alison M.. (1983) - In: Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society Bd. 61 (1977/78) S. 1-68

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