Publikationen »MacQueen, John«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: MacQueen, John
RI opac: 32 Einträge
1 | Ninian and the Picts MacQueen, John. |
2 | Humanism in renaissance Scotland MacQueen, John [Hrsg.]. |
3 | St Nynia: with a translation of the Miracula Nynie Episcopi and the Vita Niniani MacQueen, John. MacQueen, Winifred [Bearb.]. |
4 | Saint Nynia. A Study of Litevary and Linguistic Evidence MacQueen, John. |
5 | Lent and Henryson's 'The Fox, the Wolf, and the Cadger' MacQueen, John. |
6 | National spirit and native culture MacQueen, John. |
7 | The dear green place: St Mungo and Glasgow, 600-1966 MacQueen, John. |
8 | The Scottish literary renaissance and late medieval Scottish poetry MacQueen, John. |
10 | Alexander Myln, Bishop George Brown, and the Chapter of Dunkeld MacQueen, John. |
11 | The Renaissance in Scotland MacQueen, John. |
12 | Vita Merlini Silvestris MacQueen, Winifred • MacQueen, John. |
13 | Poetry - James I to Henryson MacQueen, John. |
14 | Latin prose literature MacQueen, John • MacQueen, Winifred. |
15 | Epic elements in early Welsh and Scottish hagiography MacQueen, John. |
16 | Myth and legends of Lowland Scottish saints MacQueen, John. |
17 | Pennyland and Davoch in South Western Scotland: a preliminary note MacQueen, John. |
18 | The literature of fifteenth-century Scotland MacQueen, John. |
19 | Neoplatonism and Orphism in fifteenth-century Scotland: the evidence of Henryson's "New Orpheus" MacQueen, John. |
20 | The Gaelic speakers of Galloway and Carrick MacQueen, John. |
21 | National spirit and native culture MacQueen, John. |
22 | Duns Scotus an William Langland MacQueen, John. |
23 | Saints' legends and celtic life MacQueen, John. |
24 | Some aspects of the early Renaissance in Scotland MacQueen, John. |
25 | Ane satyre of the thrie estaitis MacQueen, John. |
26 | "As you like it" and mediaeval literary tradition MacQueen, John. |
27 | The text of Henryson's Morall fabillis MacQueen, John. |
28 | History and miracle stories in the biography of Nynia MacQueen, John. |
29 | Tradition and the interpretation of the "Kingis quair" MacQueen, John. |
30 | The Picts in Galloway MacQueen, John. |
31 | A lost Glasgow life of Saint Thaney (Saint Enoch) MacQueen, John. |
32 | Maponus in mediaeval tradition MacQueen, John. |
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