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Publikationen »Macey, Patrick«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Macey, Patrick

RI opac: 14 Einträge

1Monographie  Bonfire Songs: Savonarola's Musical Legacy
Macey, Patrick. - Oxford (1998)

2Artikel  Jean Mouton: Canon, Cantus Firmus, and the ‘Combinative Impulse' in Motets for Five Voices
Macey, Patrick. (2018) - In: Journal of the Alamire Foundation Bd. 10 (2018) S. 237-290

3Buchbeitrag  Savonarola and the boys of Florence: songs and politics
Macey, Patrick. (2015) - In: The Cambridge History of Fifteenth Century Music S. 486-508

4Buchbeitrag  Josquin and Champion: Conflicting Attributions for the Psalm Motet De profundis clamavi
Macey, Patrick. (2009) - In: Studies Bonnie J. Blackburn S. 453-468

5Buchbeitrag  La musica nei conventi savonaroliani nel Cinquecento
Macey, Patrick. (2009) - In: Il velo, la penna e la parola. Le domenicane S. 177-184

6Buchbeitrag  Filippo Salviati, Caterina de' Ricci, and Serafino Razzi. Patronage practices for the lauda and madrigal at the convent of S. Vincenzo in Prato
Macey, Patrick. (2007) - In: Cappelle musicali fra corte, stato e chiesa nell'Italia del Rinascimento S. 349-372

7Artikel  An expressive detail in Josquin's Nimphes, nappés
Macey, Patrick. (2003) - In: Early music Bd. 31 (2003) S. 400-411

8Buchbeitrag  "Lazare veni foras!" Savonarola and the Franco-Flemish motet
Macey, Patrick. (2001) - In: Una città e il suo profeta. Firenze di fronte al Savonarola S. 451-467

9Buchbeitrag  Josquin and musical rhetoric: "Miserere mei, deus" and other motets
Macey, Patrick. (2000) - In: The Josquin companion S. 485-530

10Buchbeitrag  Art. Josquin des Prez
Macey, Patrick. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 3 S. 358

11Buchbeitrag  Josquin, Good King René, and "O bone et dulcissime Jesu"
Macey, Patrick. (1997) - In: Hearing the motet S. 213-242

12Artikel  Galeazzo Maria Sforza and Musical Patronage in Milan: Compère, Weerbeke and Josquin.
Macey, Patrick. (1996) - In: Early music history Bd. 15 (1996) S. 147-212

13Buchbeitrag  Some new contrafacta for canti carnascialeschi and Laude in late Quattrocento Florence
Macey, Patrick. (1993) - In: La musica a Firenze al tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico S. 143-166

14Artikel  Josquin's Misericordias Domini and Louis XI
Macey, Patrick. (1991) - In: Early music Bd. 19 (1991) S. 163-178

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