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Publikationen »Marmodoro, Anna«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Marmodoro, Anna

RI opac: 23 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The reception of Greek ethics in late antiquity and Byzantium
Marmodoro, AnnaXenophontos, Sophia A. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2021)

2Sammelwerk  Exploring Gregory of Nyssa: philosophical, theological, and historical studies
Marmodoro, AnnaMcLynn, Neil B. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2018)

3Sammelwerk  A history of mind and body in late antiquity
Marmodoro, AnnaCartwright, Sophie H. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2018)

4Sammelwerk  Divine powers in Late Antiquity
Marmodoro, AnnaViltanioti, Irini-Fotini [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2017)

5Monographie  The metaphysics of relations
Marmodoro, AnnaYates, David. - Corby (2016)

6Sammelwerk  Causation and creation in late antiquity
Marmodoro, AnnaPrince, Brian D. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2015)

7Sammelwerk  The author's voice in Classical and Late Antiquity
Marmodoro, AnnaHill, Jonathan [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2013)

8Sammelwerk  The metaphysics of the incarnation
Marmodoro, Annau.a. [Bearb.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2011)

9Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Marmodoro, AnnaXenophontos, Sophia A.. (2021) - In: The reception of Greek ethics in late antiquity and Byzantium S. 1-13

10Buchbeitrag  Plotinus on perception
Marmodoro, Anna. (2019) - In: The Senses and the History of Philosophy S. [15 S.]

11Buchbeitrag  Gregory of Nyssa on the Metaphysics of the Trinity (with Reference to his Letter To Ablabius)
Marmodoro, Anna. (2018) - In: Exploring Gregory of Nyssa S. 220-234

12Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Marmodoro, AnnaMcLynn, Neil B.. (2018) - In: Exploring Gregory of Nyssa S. 1-6

13Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Marmodoro, AnnaCartwright, Sophie H.. (2018) - In: A history of mind and body in late antiquity S. 1-11

14Buchbeitrag  Gioacchino da Fiore sulla Trinità (e la sua ricezione da parte in Tommaso d'Aquino)
Marmodoro, Anna. (2018) - In: Il maestro dell'Apocalisse. Eredità e posterità di Gioacchino da Fiore S. 37-64

15Buchbeitrag  Gregory of Nyssa on the Creation of the World
Marmodoro, Anna. (2017) - In: Divine powers in Late Antiquity S. 218-234

16Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Marmodoro, AnnaViltanioti, Irini-Fotini. (2017) - In: Divine powers in Late Antiquity S. 1-15

17Artikel  Aquinas on Forms, Substances and Artifacts
Marmodoro, AnnaPage, Ben. (2016) - In: Vivarium Bd. 54 (2016) S. 1-21

18Buchbeitrag  Gregory of Nyssa on the creation of the world
Marmodoro, Anna. (2015) - In: Causation and creation in late antiquity S. 94-110

19Artikel  Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquity
Marmodoro, Anna. (2014) - In: British journal for the history of philosophy Bd. 22 (2014) S. 861-866

20Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Marmodoro, AnnaHill, Jonathan. (2013) - In: The author's voice in Classical and Late Antiquity S. 1-7

21Artikel  Peter Abelard's metaphysics of the incarnation
Marmodoro, AnnaHill, Jonathan. (2010) - In: Philosophy and theology Bd. 22 (2010) S. 27-48

22Artikel  "Metaphysica D 7": diverse soluzioni esegetiche a confronto
Marmodoro, Anna. (2001) - In: Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale Bd. 12 (2001) S. 1-59

23Artikel  La nozione aristotelica di 'per sé' e la tradizione esegetica.
Marmodoro, Anna. (2000) - In: Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale Bd. 11 (2000) S. 1-34

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