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Publikationen »Mazeika, Rasa J.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mazeika, Rasa J.

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Monographie  The role of pagan Lithuania in roman catholic and greek orthodox religious diplomacy in east-central europe (1345-1377)
Mazeika, Rasa J.. - [Fordham University] (1987)

2Artikel  Familiar Marvels? French and German Crusaders and Chroniclers Confront Baltic Pagan Religions
Mazeika, Rasa J.Chollet, Loïc. (2016) - In: Francia Bd. 43 (2016) S. 41-62

3Artikel  Pagans, Saints, and War Criminals: Direct Speech as a Sign of Liminal Interchanges in Latin Chronicles of the Baltic Crusades
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (2014) - In: Viator Bd. 45, 2 (2014) S. 271-288

4Buchbeitrag  Violent Victims? Surprising Aspects of the Just War Theory in the Chronicle of Peter von Dusburg
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (2009) - In: The clash of cultures on the medieval Baltic frontier S. 123-140

5Buchbeitrag  An Amicable Enmity: Some Peculiarities in Teutonic-Balt Relations in the Chronicles of the Baltic Crusades
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (2008) - In: The Germans and the East S. 49-58

6Buchbeitrag  Granting power to enemy gods in the chronicles of the Baltic crusades
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (2002) - In: Medieval frontiers. Concepts and practices S. 153-171

7Buchbeitrag  When crusader and pagan agree: conversion as a point of honour in the baptism of King Mindaugas of Lithuania (c. 1240-63)
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (2001) - In: Crusade and Conversion on the Baltic Frontier S. 197-214

8Buchbeitrag  "Nowhere was the fragility of their sex apparent": women warriors in the Baltic crusade chronicles
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1998) - In: From Clermont to Jerusalem S. 229-248

9Buchbeitrag  Bargaining for baptism: Lithuanian negotiations for conversion, 1250-1358
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1997) - In: Varieties of religious conversion in the Middle Ages S. 131-145

10Artikel  The Grand Duchy rejoins Europe: Post-Soviet developments in the historiography of pagan Lithuania
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1995) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 21 (1995) S. 289-303

11Artikel  Of cabbages and knights: Trade and trade treaties with the infidel on the northern frontier, 1200-1390
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1994) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 20 (1994) S. 63-76

12Artikel  Prekyba ir taika mirties zonoje: prekybines taikos sutartys tarp kryziuociu ir lietuviu XIV a. [Peace and trade in a killing zone: trade-oriented peace treaties between Teutonic Knights and the Lithuanians in the 14th century]
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1993) - In: Lietuviu kataliku Mokslo Akademijos Suvaziavimu Darbai Bd. 14 (1993) S. 105-117

13Artikel  'Zelatores maximi'. Pope John XXII, Archbishop Frederick of Riga and the Baltic Mission 1305-1340
Mazeika, Rasa J.Rowell, Stephen C.. (1993) - In: Archivum Historiae Pontificiae Bd. 31 (1993) S. 33-68

14Artikel  Kryziaus karu Pabaltyje pradzia: teorija ir tikrove (1199-1215m.) [The beginnings of the Baltic Crusade: theory and reality, 1199-1215]
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1992) - In: Lietuviu kataliku Mokslo Akademijos Suvaziavimu Darbai Bd. 13 (1992) S. ??

15Artikel  'Nenorim, kad jie kovotu pries mus musu paciu ginklais...'-- popieziu bandymai reguliuoti prekyba su Pabaltijo pagonimis XIIIa ['We do not wish them to wage war on us with our own weapons...': papal attempts to regulate commerce with the pagans of the Baltic area in the 13th century]
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1990) - In: Lituanistica Bd. 4 (1990) S. 11-19

16Buchbeitrag  The relations of Grand Prince Algirdas with eastern and western Christians
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1989) - In: La cristianizzazione della Lituania S. 63-84

17Artikel  Was Grand Prince Algirdas a Greek Orthodox Christian?
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1987) - In: Lituanus Bd. 33 (1987) S. 35-55

18Artikel  Some remarks upon Acta Innocentii PP.VII and Acta Clementis PP.VI, edited by Aloysius L. Tautu
Mazeika, Rasa J.. (1985) - In: Archivum Historiae Pontificiae Bd. 23 (1985) S. 367-372

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