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Publikationen »McCarthy, Conor«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: McCarthy, Conor

RI opac: 14 Einträge

1Monographie  Seamus Heaney and medieval poetry
McCarthy, Conor. - Woodbridge (2008)

2Sammelwerk  Love, sex and marriage in the Middle Ages: a sourcebook
McCarthy, Conor [Hrsg.]. - London (2004)

3Monographie  Marriage in medieval England: law, literature, and practice
McCarthy, Conor. - Woodbridge (2004)

4Monographie  Love, sex and marriage in the Middle Ages: a sourcebook
McCarthy, Conor. - London [u.a.] (2003)

5Monographie  Representations of marriage in later medieval England
McCarthy, Conor. - [University of Dublin] (1997)

6Buchbeitrag  Time, Place, Language and Translation: Ciaran Carson's The Inferno and The Tain
McCarthy, Conor. (2017) - In: The Middle Ages in the modern world S. 239-253

7Buchbeitrag  The World of Medieval England: From the Norman Conquest to the Fourteenth Century
McCarthy, Conor. (2010) - In: A companion to medieval poetry S. 165-180

8Artikel  Luf-talkyng in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
McCarthy, Conor. (2008) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 92 (2008) S. 155-162

9Artikel  Injustice and Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale
McCarthy, Conor. (2003) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 20, 1 (2003) S. 1-18

10Artikel  Love, marriage, and law: three Canterbury tales
McCarthy, Conor. (2002) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 83 (2002) S. 504-518

11Artikel  "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and the sign of "trawée"
McCarthy, Conor. (2001) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 85 (2001) S. 297-308

12Artikel  Marriage and Mede in Passus 2 to 4 of Piers Plowman
McCarthy, Conor. (2000) - In: Nottingham medieval studies Bd. 44 (2000) S. 152-166

13Artikel  Love and marriage in the Confessio Amantis
McCarthy, Conor. (2000) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 84 (2000) S. 485-499

14Buchbeitrag  The position of widows in the later fourteenth-century English community and the Wife of Bath's Prologue
McCarthy, Conor. (1999) - In: Authority and Community in the Middle Ages S. 101-115

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