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Publikationen »McDiarmid, Matthew P.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: McDiarmid, Matthew P.

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Bards and Makars. Scottish Language and Literature: Medieval and Renaissance
Aitken, Adam J.McDiarmid, Matthew P.Thomson, Derick S. [Hrsg.]. - Glasgow (1977)

2Monographie  Hary's 'Wallace: vita nobilissimi defensoris Scotie Wilelmi Wallace militis (Vol. 1-2)
Harry <the Minstrel>. McDiarmid, Matthew P. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1969)

3Buchbeitrag  Robert Henryson on Man and the Thing Present
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (2001) - In: The European sun. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference S. 242-248

4Buchbeitrag  Brett and Pict, Taliesin and Aneirin in Early Scotland
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1992) - In: Selected Essays on Scottish Language and Literature S. 1-12

5Buchbeitrag  Art. Kingis Quair, The
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1991) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 5 S. Sp. 1158

6Buchbeitrag  The Scots makars and the ballad tradition
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1989) - In: Bryght Lanternis. Essays on the Language and Literature of Medieval and Renaissance Scotland S. 14-23

7Buchbeitrag  The metrical chronicles and non-alliterative romances
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1988) - In: The History of Scottish Literature 1 S. 27-38

8Buchbeitrag  Scottish love poetry before 1600: a character and appreciation
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1986) - In: Scottish Language and Literature, Medieval and Renaissance S. 443-450

9Buchbeitrag  The Gododdin and other heroic poems of Scotland
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1983) - In: Scotland and the Lowland Tongue S. 1-17

10Buchbeitrag  The northern initiative: John of Fordun, John Barbour and the author of the Saints Legends
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1983) - In: Literature of the North S. 1-13

11Artikel  The early William Dunbar and his poems
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1980) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 59 (1980) S. 126-139

12Buchbeitrag  The Early Heroic Poetry of Scotland
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1979) - In: Actes du 2e colloque de langue et de litterature ecossaises (Moyen Âge et Renaissance) S. 39-53

13Artikel  The kingship of the Scots in their writers
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1979) - In: Scottish literary journal Bd. 6, 1 (1979) S. 5-18

14Buchbeitrag  Robert Henryson in his poems
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1977) - In: Bards and Makars. Scottish Language and Literature S. 27-40

15Artikel  Sir David Lindsay's report of the sacr of Canickfergus
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1971) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 9 (1971) S. 40-47

16Artikel  Richard Holland's Buke of the Howlat: an interpretation
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1969) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 38 (1969) S. 277-290

17Artikel  "Philotus": a play of the Scottish Renaissance
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1967) - In: Forum for modern language studies Bd. 3 (1967) S. 223-235

18Artikel  John Stewart of Baldynneis
McDiarmid, Matthew P.. (1950) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 29 (1950) S. 52-63

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