Publikationen »McGinn, Bernard«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: McGinn, Bernard
RI opac: 202 Einträge
1 | La Summa theologiae di Tommaso d'Aquino: una biografia McGinn, Bernard. |
2 | The varieties of vernacular mysticism, 1350-1550 McGinn, Bernard. |
3 | Würde und Gottebenbildlichkeit des Menschen bei Nikolaus von Kues, Marsilio Ficino und Giovanni Pico della Mirandola McGinn, Bernard. |
4 | Die Mystik im Abendland. Bd. 4 ; Fülle: die Mystik im mittelalterlichen Deutschland (1300 - 1500) McGinn, Bernard. |
5 | The doctors of the church: thirty-three men and women who shaped Christianity McGinn, Bernard. |
6 | Die Mystik im Abendland. 4: Fülle: die Mystik im mittelalterlichen Deutschland: (1300-1500) McGinn, Bernard. |
7 | The Presence of God, A History of Western Christian Mysticism. 4: The Harvest of Mysticism in Medieval Germany McGinn, Bernard. |
8 | Early Christian mystics: the divine vision of the spiritual masters McGinn, Bernard • McGinn, Patricia Ferris. |
9 | The Mystical Theology of Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing McGinn, Bernard. |
10 | The mystical thought of Meister Eckhart: the man from whom God hid nothing McGinn, Bernard. |
11 | Antichrist: two thousand years of the human fascination with evil McGinn, Bernard. |
12 | The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism Collins, John J. • McGinn, Bernard • Stein, Stephen J. [Hrsg.]. |
13 | Die Mystik im Abendland. Bd. 3: Blüte. Männer und Frauen der neuen Mystik [1200-1350] McGinn, Bernard. |
14 | The Presence of God, A History of Western Christian Mysticism. 3: The Flowering of Mysticism: Men and Women in New Mysticism, 1200-1350 McGinn, Bernard. |
15 | Jean Gerson: early works Gerson, Johannes. McGinn, Bernard [Bearb.]. McGuire, Brian Patrick [Hrsg.]. |
16 | The Presence of God, A History of Western Christian Mysticism. 2: The Growth of Mysticism: 500 to 1200 A.D. McGinn, Bernard. |
17 | Mystik im Abendland. Bd. 2: Entfaltung McGinn, Bernard. |
18 | Die Geschichte der christlichen Spiritualität. Bd. 2. Hochmittelalter und Reformation Raitt, Jill • McGinn, Bernard • Meyendorff, John [Hrsg.]. |
19 | Die Mystik im Abendland McGinn, Bernard. |
20 | Apocalypticism in the Western tradition McGinn, Bernard. |
22 | Mystik im Abendland. Bd. 1: Ursprünge McGinn, Bernard. |
23 | The Growth of Mysticism: 500 to 1200 A.D. McGinn, Bernard. |
24 | Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete Eckhart <Meister>. McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
25 | The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages Emmerson, Richard Kenneth • McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
26 | The Presence of God, A History of Western Christian Mysticism, I: The Foundation of Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
27 | The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century McGinn, Bernard. |
29 | L'abate calabrese: Gioacchino da Fiore nella storia del pensiero occidentale McGinn, Bernard. |
30 | Christian spirituality. Bd. 1: Origins to the 12th century McGinn, Bernard • Meyendorff, John [Hrsg.]. |
31 | Meister Eckhart. Teacher and Preacher Eckhart <Meister>. Tobin, Frank J. • Borgstadt, Elvira [Bearb.]. McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
32 | The Calabrian abbot ; Joachim of Fiore in the history of Western thought McGinn, Bernard. |
33 | Meister Eckhart. The Essential Sermons, Commentaries, Treatises and Defense Eckhart <Meister>. Smith, Huston [Bearb.]. Colledge, Edmund • McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
34 | Meister Eckhart: the essential sermons, commentaries, treatises, and defense Eckhart <Meister>. Smith, Huston [Bearb.]. Colledge, Edmund • McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
35 | Apocalyptic Spirituality. Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarola McGinn, Bernard. |
36 | Visions of the End. Apocalyptic Traditions in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
37 | The works of Bernard of Clairvaux: Treatises: 3: On grace and free choice / Bernard of Clairvaux Bernardus <Claraevallensis>. O'Donovan, Daniel • McGinn, Bernard [Bearb.]. |
38 | Three treatises on man: a Cistercian anthropology McGinn, Bernard [Hrsg.]. |
40 | Introducing a Neglected Mystic. Tomás de Jesús (1564-1627) McGinn, Bernard. |
41 | "This Master Is Exceptional in All His Writings". Cusanus and Wenck Read Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
43 | Niht Enwil Und Niht Enweiz Und Niht Enhât: Eckhart's Triple Negation and its History McGinn, Bernard. |
44 | Niht Enwil Und Niht Enweiz Und Niht Enhât: Eckhart's Triple Negation and Its History McGinn, Bernard. |
45 | The Mystical McGinn, Bernard. |
46 | The Ordering of Love in the Twelfth Century McGinn, Bernard. |
47 | Gelazen/Gelazenheit from Eckhart to the Radical Reformers McGinn, Bernard. |
48 | Apocalypticism and Mysticism in Joachim of Fiore's Expositio in Apocalypsim McGinn, Bernard. |
49 | The Conjecture on the Last Days (Coniectwra de ultimis diebus): Cusanus and Concordist Eschatology McGinn, Bernard. |
50 | "Contemplatio Sapientialis": Thomas Aquinas's Contribution to Mystical Theology McGinn, Bernard. |
51 | The Periphyseon as Hexaemeral Commentary McGinn, Bernard. |
52 | Eckhart, Freedom, and the Bible McGinn, Bernard. |
53 | "It's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there" McGinn, Bernard. |
54 | The Biblical Mysticism of John of the Cross McGinn, Bernard. |
55 | Semper agens/semper quietus-. Notes on the History of an Augustinian Theme McGinn, Bernard. |
56 | Introduction: Joachim of Fiore in the History of Western Culture McGinn, Bernard. |
57 | From Joachim to Pseudo-Joachim and Back McGinn, Bernard. |
58 | A Sixteenth-Century Mystical Renaissance in the Eastern Netherlands McGinn, Bernard. |
59 | Il linguaggio mistico di Meister Eckhart e dei suoi discepoli McGinn, Bernard. |
60 | Academics and Mystics: The Case of Jean Gerson McGinn, Bernard. |
61 | "Das Schwache in der Welt": Mystikerinnen als Theologinnen (1150-1700) McGinn, Bernard. |
62 | Lost in the Abyss: The Function of Abyss Language in Medieval Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
63 | Essential Themes in Ruusbroec's Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
64 | Exegesis as Metaphysics: Eriugena and Eckhart on Reading Genesis 1-3 McGinn, Bernard. |
65 | Foreword: Medieval Visions of the End: The Irish Contribution McGinn, Bernard. |
66 | In Memory of Marjorie E. Reeves McGinn, Bernard. |
67 | The spiritual teaching of the early Cistercians McGinn, Bernard. |
68 | Introduction to Part One: A Companion to Meister Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
69 | Love: Active, Contemplative, Essential McGinn, Bernard. |
70 | Joachim of Fiore and the Twelfth-century Papacy McGinn, Bernard. |
71 | La justicia y el justo en Meister Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
72 | Late medieval mystics McGinn, Bernard. |
73 | Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
74 | Mystical Language in Meister Eckhart and His Disciples, McGinn, Bernard. |
75 | Image as Insight in Joachim of Fiore's Figurae McGinn, Bernard. |
76 | Die Lebensalter des Antichrist McGinn, Bernard. |
77 | Two Female Apostolic Mystics: Catherine of Siena and Madame Jeanne Guyon McGinn, Bernard. |
78 | Women reading the Song of Songs in the Christian tradition McGinn, Bernard. |
79 | A Forgotten Classic of Late Medieval Women's Mysticism: The Evangelical Pearl McGinn, Bernard. |
80 | Divine and human love in two twelfth-century letter collections McGinn, Bernard. |
81 | Sermo XLIX: 'Cuius est imago haec et supercriptio?' McGinn, Bernard. |
82 | Regina quondam... McGinn, Bernard. |
83 | The Dynamism of the Trinity in Bonaventure and Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
84 | The dynamism of the Trinity in Bonaventure and Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
85 | Theologians as Trinitarian iconographes McGinn, Bernard. |
86 | Aspects of Joachimism in Renaissance Italy McGinn, Bernard. |
87 | Nicolas de Cues sur la vision de Dieu McGinn, Bernard. |
88 | The "Traktat von der Minne": A Chapter in the Reception of Meister Eckhart's Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
89 | Saint Augustine Lecture 2005 How Augustine Shaped Medieval Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
90 | Gioacchino da Fiore nella storia della cultura europea McGinn, Bernard. |
91 | Visio dei: seeing God in medieval theology and mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
92 | The significance of Ruusbroec's mystical theology McGinn, Bernard. |
93 | The problem of mystical union in Eckhart, Seuse, and Tauler McGinn, Bernard. |
95 | Joachim of Fiore in the History of Religions: Ernesto Buonaiuti and Mircea Eliade on the Calabrian Abbot McGinn, Bernard. |
96 | Selective Affinities. Reflections on Jewish and Christian Mystical Exegesis McGinn, Bernard. |
98 | Art. 'Vom verborgenen Gott zum bloßen Gott' McGinn, Bernard. |
99 | Love's last millennial turn McGinn, Bernard. |
100 | "Trinity higher than any being!": imaging the invisible Trinity McGinn, Bernard. |
101 | Unitrinum seu triunum: Nicholas of Cusa's trinitarian mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
102 | Sermo XXIX: 'Deus unus est' McGinn, Bernard. |
103 | The End is not yet. Reflections on the State of Apocalyptic Studies McGinn, Bernard. |
104 | Does the Trinity add up?: transcendental mathematics and trinitarian speculation in the twelft and thirteenth centuries McGinn, Bernard. |
105 | "Maximum contractum et absolutum": the motive for the incarnation in Nicholas of Cusanus and his predecessors McGinn, Bernard. |
106 | The apocalyptic imagination in the middle ages. McGinn, Bernard. |
108 | Eriugena confronts the end: reflections in Johannes Scottus's place in Carolingian eschatology McGinn, Bernard. |
109 | The spiritual heritage of Origen in the West: aspects of the history of Origen's influence in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
110 | Ratio and Visio: Reflections on Joachim of Fiore's Place in Twelfth-Century Theology McGinn, Bernard. |
111 | Art. Walter Hilton, CanA McGinn, Bernard. |
112 | The language of inner experience in Christian mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
113 | Seeing and Not Seeing: Nicholas of Cusa's "De Visione Dei" in the History of Western Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
114 | Art. Sibylline oracles McGinn, Bernard. |
115 | The four female evangelists of the thirteenth century: The invention of authority McGinn, Bernard. |
116 | Hildegard of Bingen as Visionary and Exegete McGinn, Bernard. |
117 | Art. Eschatology McGinn, Bernard. |
118 | Reflections on St. Francis at the new millennium McGinn, Bernard. |
119 | "Sapientia Judaeorum": The Role of Jewish Philosophers in Some Scholastic Thinkers. McGinn, Bernard. |
120 | The last judgment in Christian tradition McGinn, Bernard. |
121 | Suffering, emptiness and annihilation in three beguine mystics. McGinn, Bernard. |
122 | Apocalypticism and church reform: 1100-1500 McGinn, Bernard. |
123 | Was Eckhart Christologically Challenged? McGinn, Bernard. |
124 | Island of saints and scholars: some recent books on early Irish christianity McGinn, Bernard. |
125 | "To the scandal of men, women are prophesying". Female seers of the high middle ages McGinn, Bernard. |
126 | Sermo IV 'Ex ipso, per ipsum et in ipso sunt omnia' McGinn, Bernard. |
127 | Cosmic and sexual love in Renaissance thought: reflections on Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, and Leone Ebreo McGinn, Bernard. |
128 | Thomas Gallus and Dionysian mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
129 | Oracular Transformations. The Sibylla Tiburtina in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
130 | Jewish mystical leadership; a Christian response McGinn, Bernard. |
131 | A Prologomenon to the Role of the Trinity in Meister Eckhart's Mysticism McGinn, Bernard. |
132 | Topics od desire: mistical interpretation of the Song of Songs McGinn, Bernard. |
133 | The originality of Eriugena's spiritual exegesis McGinn, Bernard. |
134 | Reading Revelation: Joachim of Fiore and the Varieties of Apocalypse Exegesis in the Sixteenth Century McGinn, Bernard. |
135 | Prophetic power in early medieval Christianity McGinn, Bernard. |
136 | The abyss of love McGinn, Bernard. |
137 | Asceticism and Mysticism in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
138 | In memoriam Jean Leclercq: remarks delivered at the Twenty-Eighth International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 7 May 1994 McGinn, Bernard. |
139 | Contemplation in Gregory the Great McGinn, Bernard. |
140 | From admirable tabernacle to the house of God: some theological reflections on medieval architectural integration McGinn, Bernard. |
141 | "Pastor Angelicus": apocalyptic myth and political hope in the fourteenth century McGinn, Bernard. |
142 | Symbols of the Apocalypse in Medieval culture McGinn, Bernard. |
143 | Joachim of Fiore's "Tertius Status": some theological appraisals McGinn, Bernard. |
144 | Introduction: Eriugena: East and West McGinn, Bernard. |
145 | Preface McGinn, Bernard. |
146 | Ocean and desert as symbols of mysical absorption in the Christian tradition McGinn, Bernard. |
147 | Apocalypticism in the Middle Ages: an historiographical sketch McGinn, Bernard. |
148 | Apocalyptic traditions and spiritual identity in thirteenth-century religious life McGinn, Bernard. |
149 | Influence and importance in evaluating Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
150 | The significance of Bonaventure's theology of history McGinn, Bernard. |
151 | Introduction. Meister Eckhart and the Beguines in the Context of Vernacular Theology McGinn, Bernard. |
152 | "Alter Moyses": the role of Bernard of Clairvaux in the thought of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
153 | The abbot and the doctors: scholastic reaction to the radical eschatology of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
154 | "Teste David cum Sibylla": the significance of the Sibylline tradition in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
155 | Angel Pope and papal Antichrist McGinn, Bernard. |
156 | Alter Moyses: the role of Bernard of Clairvaux in the thought of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
157 | Meister Eckhart (circa 1260 - circa 1328) McGinn, Bernard. |
158 | Ibn Gabirol: the sage among the schoolmen McGinn, Bernard. |
159 | Donne mistiche ed autorità esoterica nel XIV secolo McGinn, Bernard. |
160 | Notes on a Forgotten Prophet: Paulus Angelus and Rome McGinn, Bernard. |
161 | Introduction. 1: The Apocalypse in Medieval Thought: John's Apocalypse and the Apocalyptic Mentality McGinn, Bernard. |
162 | Preface Emmerson, Richard Kenneth • McGinn, Bernard. |
163 | "Alter Moyses": il ruolo di Bernardo di Clairvaux nel pensiero di Gioacchino da Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
164 | Influence and importance in evaluating Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
165 | Freedom, formation and reformation: the anthropological roots of Saint Bernard's spiritual teaching McGinn, Bernard. |
166 | Do Christian Platonists Really Believe in Creation? McGinn, Bernard. |
167 | The role of Christ, II: Christ as saviour in the west McGinn, Bernard. |
168 | Eriugena mysticus McGinn, Bernard. |
169 | Art. Eschatologie. A. Lateinisches Mittelalter. II. Eschatologische Vorstellungen und Geschichtsdenken McGinn, Bernard. |
170 | The human person as image of God, II: Western Christianity McGinn, Bernard. |
171 | "Pastor Angelicus": apocalyptic myth and political hope in the fourteenth century McGinn, Bernard. |
172 | Portraying Antichrist in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
173 | The religious significance of food for late medieval women McGinn, Bernard. |
174 | The influence of St. Francis on the theology of the high Middle Ages: the testimony of St. Bonaventure McGinn, Bernard. |
175 | "The Gold of Catholicity". Reflections on a Century of American Study of Medieval Church History McGinn, Bernard. |
176 | St. Benedict as the steward of creation McGinn, Bernard. |
177 | Love, knowledge and mystical union in Western Christianity: twelfth to sixteenth centuries McGinn, Bernard. |
178 | The English mystics McGinn, Bernard. |
179 | Joachim of Fiore's Tertius Status: Some Theological Appraisals McGinn, Bernard. |
180 | Circolo gioachimiti veneziani (1450-1530) McGinn, Bernard. |
181 | Teste David cum Sibylla: the significance of the Sybilline tradition in the Middle Ages McGinn, Bernard. |
182 | Meister Eckhart: an introduction McGinn, Bernard. |
183 | Early apocalypticism: the ongoing debate McGinn, Bernard. |
184 | Meister Eckhart on God as Absolute Unity McGinn, Bernard. |
185 | Awaiting an end: research in medieval apocalypticism, 1974-1981 McGinn, Bernard. |
186 | The God beyond God: theology and mysticism in the thought of Meister Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
187 | Eckhart's condemnation reconsidered McGinn, Bernard. |
188 | Symbolism in the thought of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
189 | St. Bernard and Meister Eckhart McGinn, Bernard. |
190 | Resurrection and ascension in the christology of the early Cistercians McGinn, Bernard. |
191 | The significance of Bonaventure's theology of history McGinn, Bernard. |
192 | Angel Pope and Papal Antichrist McGinn, Bernard. |
193 | Medieval Christianity: an introduction to the literature, 1957-1977 McGinn, Bernard. |
194 | Iter Sancti Sepulchri: the piety of the First Crusaders McGinn, Bernard. |
195 | The negative element in the anthropology of John the Scot McGinn, Bernard. |
196 | Apocalypticism in the Middle Ages: An Historiographical Sketch McGinn, Bernard. |
197 | Isaac of Stella on the Divine Nature McGinn, Bernard. |
198 | Joachim and the Sibyl: an early work of Joachim of Fiore from Ms. 322 of the Biblioteca Antoniana in Padua McGinn, Bernard. |
199 | Ascension and introversion in the Itinerarium mentis in Deum McGinn, Bernard. |
200 | The abbot and the doctors: scholastic reactions to the radical eschatology of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
201 | Theologia in Isaac of Stella McGinn, Bernard. |
202 | The Abbot and the Doctors: Scholaslic Reactions to the Radical Eschatology of Joachim of Fiore McGinn, Bernard. |
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