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Publikationen »McLaughlin, Martin L.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: McLaughlin, Martin L.

RI opac: 51 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Imitative Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature
Burrow, ColinHarrison, StephenMcLaughlin, Martin L.Tarantino, Elisabetta [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2020)

2Sammelwerk  Leon Battista Alberti: la vita, l'umanesimo, le opere letterarie
McLaughlin, Martin L.. - Firenze (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Dante in Oxford: the paget toynbee lextures
Kay, TristanMcLaughlin, Martin L.Zaccarello, Michelangelo [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2011)

4Sammelwerk  Dante the Lyric and Ethical Poet. Dante lirico e Etico
Baranski, Zygmunt G.McLaughlin, Martin L. [Hrsg.]. - London (2010)

5Sammelwerk  Petrarch in Britain: interpreters, imitators and translators over 700 years
McLaughlin, Martin L. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2007)

6Sammelwerk  Literary Imitation in the Italian Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Literary Imitation in Italy from Dante to Bembo
McLaughlin, Martin L. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1995)

7Buchbeitrag  Alberti and Vitruvius: Reception and Rejection of the Model in De re aedificatoria
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2024) - In: Brill's Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius S. 165-185

8Buchbeitrag  Translations
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2021) - In: The Oxford handbook of Dante S. 583-601

9Buchbeitrag  Purgatorio XXX: Nomi e lagrime
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2020) - In: Lectura Dantis Bononiensis Tl. 9 S. 69-86

10Artikel  Alberti's humour in Philodoxeos fabula
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2020) - In: Albertiana Bd. 23, 2 (2020) S. 145-160

11Buchbeitrag  Alberti's humour in "Philodoxeos fabula"
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2020) - In: Alberti ludens S. 145-160

12Buchbeitrag  Introduction: seeing through texts
Burrow, ColinHarrison, StephenMcLaughlin, Martin L.Tarantino, Elisabetta. (2020) - In: Imitative Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature S. 1-25

13Buchbeitrag  Alberti's Commentarium to His First Literary Work: Self-Commentary as Self-Presentation in the Philodoxeos
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2019) - In: Self-commentary in early modern European literature, 1400-1700 S. 28-49

14Buchbeitrag  The Furioso in Translation: "Lascivious" Ariosto in Two Modern English Versions
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2019) - In: Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso, and English Culture S. 246-267

15Buchbeitrag  Humanist Translations and Rewritings: Lucian's Encomium of the Fly between Guarino and Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2019) - In: Making and rethinking the Renaissance S. 95-108

16Buchbeitrag  Un petrarchista legge la Commedia: il Dante postillato di Giovanni Brevio
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2018) - In: La filologia in Italia nel Rinascimento S. 101-116

17Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of Publications by Martin McLaughlin
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2017) - In: Essays Martin McLaughlin S. XXVIIIff.

18Artikel  Alberti and Burckhardt: The construction of a myth
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2017) - In: Albertiana Bd. 20, 1 (2017) S. 145-163

19Buchbeitrag  La vita dell'Alberti: Dall'autobiografia al ritratto di Burckhardt
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. I S. 3-18

20Buchbeitrag  Tradizione letteraria e originalità del pensiero nel De re aedificatoria
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. VII S. 145-162

21Buchbeitrag  Ritratto dell'artista da cucciolo rinascimentale: Struttura e fonti del Canis di Leon Battista Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. IV S. 71-98

22Buchbeitrag  Pessimismo stoico e cultura classica nel Theogenius dell'Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. VI S. 125-144

23Buchbeitrag  La Storia del Ciceronianismo, centotrenta anni dopo
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: Sabbadini, La filologia classica e umanistica S. 189-200

24Buchbeitrag  Alberti e la nuova direzione dell'umanesimo rinascimental
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. III S. 41-70

25Buchbeitrag  Unità tematica e strutturale nel De familia
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. V S. 99-124

26Buchbeitrag  Da "Lepidus" a "Leon Battista Alberti": Metamorfosi onomastiche e identità
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2016) - In: McLaughlin, Leon Battista Alberti Tl. II S. 19-40

27Artikel  Boccaccio between Apuleius and Cicero: Bandello's Latin version of Decameron, X 8 (1509)
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2013) - In: Humanistica Bd. 8, 1 (2013) S. 71-82

28Artikel  From Lepidus to Leon Battista Alberti: Naming, Renaming, and Anonymizing the Self in Quattrocento Italy
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2013) - In: Romance studies. A journal of the University of Wales Bd. 31 (2013) S. 152-166

29Buchbeitrag  Unité thématique et structurelle dans le De familia d'Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2013) - In: Les "Livres de la famille" d'Alberti. Sources, sens et influence S. 177-204

30Artikel  Da "Lepidus" a "Leon Battista Alberti": Metamorfosi onomastiche e anonimizzazione nell'Italia del Quattrocento
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2013) - In: Albertiana Bd. 16 (2013) S. 5-26

31Artikel  "Canis": Structure and sources in the portrait of the artist as a Renaissance dog
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2011) - In: Albertiana Bd. 14 (2011) S. 55-83

32Buchbeitrag  Alberti and the Classical Canon
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2009) - In: Italy and the classical tradition. Language, thought and poetry 1300 - 1600 S. 73-100

33Buchbeitrag  L'ambigua freschezza dell'"Orlando furioso" del 1516
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2009) - In: Ludovico Ariosto. Nuove prospettive e ricerche in corso S. 159-166

34Buchbeitrag  Empire, Eloquence and Military Genius: Renaissance Italy
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2009) - In: A companion to Julius Caesar S. 335-355

35Buchbeitrag  Calvino's Rewriting of Marco Polo: From the 1960 Screenplay to "Invisible Cities"
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2008) - In: Marco Polo and the encounter of East and West S. 182-200

36Buchbeitrag  Bilinguismo e strategie teoriche nel "De pictura" dell'Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2007) - In: Leon Battista Alberti. Teorico delle arti e gli impegni civili del "De re aedificatoria" Tl. 1 S. 203-224

37Buchbeitrag  Nineteenth-century British Biographies of Petrarch
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2007) - In: Petrarch in Britain. Interpreters, imitators and translators over 700 years S. 319-340

38Buchbeitrag  Struttura e "sonoritas " in Petrarca ("Rvf" 151-60)
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2007) - In: Il canzoniere. Lettura micro e macrotestuale S. 361-382

39Buchbeitrag  Alberti e le opere retoriche di Cicerone
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2007) - In: Alberti e la tradizione. Per lo "smontaggio" dei "mosaici" albertiani S. 181-210

40Buchbeitrag  Tradizione letteraria e originalità del pensiero nel "De re aedificatoria" dell'Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2007) - In: Leon Battista Alberti. Teorico delle arti e gli impegni civili del "De re aedificatoria" Tl. 1 S. 451-470

41Artikel  Pessimismo stoico e cultura classica nel Theogenius dell'Alberti
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2006) - In: Schifanoia Bd. 30/31 (2006) S. 131-143

42Artikel  Humanist Rewriting and Translation: the Latin Griselda from Petrarch to Neri de' Nerli
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2006) - In: Humanistica Bd. 1/2 (2006) S. 23-40

43Buchbeitrag  Latin and Vernacular from Dante to the Age of Lorenzo (1321-c. 1500)
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2005) - In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. 2. The Middle Ages S. 612-625

44Buchbeitrag  Humanist Criticism of Latin and Vernacular Prose
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2005) - In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. 2. The Middle Ages S. 648-665

45Buchbeitrag  Literature and science in Leon Battista Alberti's "De re aedificatoria"
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2004) - In: FS Patrick Boyde S. 94-114

46Buchbeitrag  Poliziano's "Stanze per la giostra": postmodern poetics in a proto-Renaissance poem
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (2000) - In: Italy in crisis 1494 S. 129-151

47Buchbeitrag  The rock and the vine: Pier della Vigna, Dante, and the imagery of empire.
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (1997) - In: Dante and Governance S. 121-136

48Buchbeitrag  Humanism and Italian literature
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (1996) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism S. 224-245

49Buchbeitrag  The Dispute between Poliziano and Cortesi
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (1995) - In: Literary Imitation in the Italian Renaissance S. 187-227

50Artikel  Humanist concepts of Renaissance and Middle Ages in the Tre- and Quattrocento
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (1988) - In: Renaissance studies Bd. 2 (1988) S. 131-142

51Buchbeitrag  Histories of literature in the Quattrocento
McLaughlin, Martin L.. (1988) - In: The Languages of Literature in Renaissance Italy S. 63-80

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