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Publikationen »McTurk, Rory W.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: McTurk, Rory W.

RI opac: 58 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture
McTurk, Rory W. [Hrsg.]. - Malden, Mass. (2007)

2Monographie  Chaucer and the Norse and Celtic Worlds
McTurk, Rory W.. - Aldershot (2005)

3Sammelwerk  Úr Dölum til Dala. Guðbrandur Vigfússon Centenary Essays
McTurk, Rory W.Wawn, Andrew N. [Hrsg.]. - Leeds (1989)

4Buchbeitrag  How not to write an Icelandic family saga
McTurk, Rory W.. (2023) - In: Germanisches Altertum und Europäisches Mittelalter. Gedenkband für Heinrich Beck S. 263-286

5Buchbeitrag  St Erkenwald and the Legendary History of St Paul's
McTurk, Rory W.. (2021) - In: Old St Paul's and Culture S. 51-71

6Buchbeitrag  Contrapuntal Alliteration in Piers Plowman and Skaldic Poetry
McTurk, Rory W.. (2019) - In: Crossing borders in the insular Middle Ages S. 113-132

7Buchbeitrag  La saga islandaise de saint Martin de Tours
McTurk, Rory W.. (2019) - In: Un nouveau Martin. Essor et renouveaux de la figure de saint Martin S. 285-294

8Buchbeitrag  Let Beowulf now be a book from Ireland': What Would Henryson or Tolkien Say?
McTurk, Rory W.. (2017) - In: Translating early medieval poetry. Transformation, reception, interpretation S. 75-91

9Buchbeitrag  Facing Beowulf in Translation
McTurk, Rory W.. (2017) - In: Riscrittura e attualizzazione dei testi germanici medievali S. 237-262

10Buchbeitrag  Aicill in Piers Plowman ?
McTurk, Rory W.. (2014) - In: FS A. V. C. Schmidt S. 127-136

11Buchbeitrag  'Rattus rattus' as a Beast of Battle? Stanza 12 of 'Ragnars Saga'
McTurk, Rory W.. (2014) - In: Eddic, Skaldic, and beyond. Poetic variety in medieval Iceland and Norway S. 102-113

12Buchbeitrag  La royauté scandinave à l'époque des Vikings
McTurk, Rory W.. (2013) - In: Le Prince, son peuple et le bien commun S. 421-430

13Buchbeitrag  Snorra Edda as Menippean satire
McTurk, Rory W.. (2011) - In: Essays John McKinnell S. 109-130

14Buchbeitrag  The Household of 'Ragnarr lodbrok'
McTurk, Rory W.. (2011) - In: Familia and Household in the Medieval Atlantic Province S. 1-18

15Buchbeitrag  Introduction
McTurk, Rory W.. (2010) - In: Making History. Essays on the fornaldarsögur S. Vff.

16Buchbeitrag  External prolepsis in Beowulf
McTurk, Rory W.. (2010) - In: "The comoun peplis language" S. 113-130

17Artikel  Redemption through Iambic Reversal? The Case of Henryson's Cresseid
McTurk, Rory W.. (2010) - In: Leeds studies in English Bd. 41 (2010) S. 134-145

18Buchbeitrag  Introduction
McTurk, Rory W.. (2007) - In: A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture S. 1-6

19Buchbeitrag  Male or Female Initiation? The Strange Case of Ragnars saga
McTurk, Rory W.. (2007) - In: Reflections on old norse myths S. 53-74

20Buchbeitrag  Kings and Kingship in Viking Northumbria
McTurk, Rory W.. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 2 S. 681-688

21Artikel  The Balanced Parallel in Beowulf
McTurk, Rory W.. (2006) - In: Leeds studies in English Bd. 37 (2006) S. 63-74

22Buchbeitrag  Introduction
McTurk, Rory W.. (2005) - In: A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture S. 1-6

23Buchbeitrag  Art. Schildgedichte
McTurk, Rory W.. (2004) - In: Hoops Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Tl. 27 S. Sp. 108-112

24Buchbeitrag  Art. Ragnarsdrápa
McTurk, Rory W.. (2003) - In: Hoops Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Tl. 24 S. Sp. 112-117

25Buchbeitrag  Art. Ragnars saga loðbrókar
McTurk, Rory W.. (2003) - In: Hoops Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Tl. 24 S. Sp. 108-112

26Buchbeitrag  Snorri Sturluson's Skåldskaparmål and Chaucer's House of Farne
McTurk, Rory W.. (2003) - In: FS Klaus Düwel S. 418-429

27Buchbeitrag  Snorri Sturluson's Edda and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
McTurk, Rory W.. (2002) - In: FS Heinz Klingenberg S. 213-238

28Buchbeitrag  'Acallam na senórach' and Snorri Sturlusson's 'Edda'
McTurk, Rory W.. (2001) - In: Essays Bo Almqvist S. 178-189

29Buchbeitrag  Acallam na Senórach and Snorri Sturluson's Edda
McTurk, Rory W.. (2001) - In: Essays Bo Almqvist S. 178-189

30Buchbeitrag  Guðrún Ósvífrsdóttir: An Icelandic Wife of Bath?
McTurk, Rory W.. (2001) - In: Studies Hermann Pálsson (2001) S. 175-194

31Artikel  Chaucer and Giraldus Cambrensis
McTurk, Rory W.. (1998) - In: Leeds studies in English Ser. NS, Bd. 29 (1998) S. 173-183

32Buchbeitrag  Marie de France, Geirmundar þáttr heljarskinns, and reader-response criticism
McTurk, Rory W.. (1997) - In: Mélanges Régis Boyer S. 193-209

33Buchbeitrag  No Man is an Island: Matthew Paris on Munkholmen
McTurk, Rory W.. (1997) - In: Sagas and the Norwegian experience S. 445-452

34Buchbeitrag  Njáls saga
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Reference guide to world literature Tl. 2 S. 884-885

35Artikel  La realeza sagrada escandinava
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Acta poética Bd. 16 (1995) S. 55-74

36Buchbeitrag  The Saga of King Óláf the Saint (Óláfs saga ins helga): prose by Snorri Sturluson, 12-13th century
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Reference guide to world literature Tl. 2 S. 1170-1171

37Buchbeitrag  The prose Edda: prose by Snorri Sturluson, 13th century
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Reference guide to world literature Tl. 2 S. 1169-1170

38Buchbeitrag  Egils saga
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Reference guide to world literature Tl. 1 S. 382-383

39Buchbeitrag  The Poetic Edda
McTurk, Rory W.. (1995) - In: Reference guide to world literature Tl. 2 S. 958-959

40Artikel  Fooling Gylfi: who tricks who?
McTurk, Rory W.. (1994) - In: Alvíssmál Bd. 3 (1994) S. 3-18

41Artikel  Scandinavian Sacral Kingship
McTurk, Rory W.. (1994) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 24 (1994) S. 19-32

42Artikel  Harðar saga, Þórhallur Vilmundarson ... gáfu út
McTurk, Rory W.. (1994) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 24 (1994) S. 164-172

43Buchbeitrag  Art. "Ragnars saga Lodbrókar" (the saga of Ragnarr Hairy-breeches)
McTurk, Rory W.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 519-520

44Buchbeitrag  Art. Kingship
McTurk, Rory W.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 353-355

45Buchbeitrag  The supernatural in Njáls saga: a narratological approach
McTurk, Rory W.. (1992) - In: Introductory Essays on Egils saga and Njáls saga S. 102-124

46Buchbeitrag  Ytri og innri frásögn í Snorra-Eddu
McTurk, Rory W.. (1992) - In: Snorrastefna S. 155-162

47Buchbeitrag  The anxiety of influence and the Icelandic literary tradition
McTurk, Rory W.. (1992) - In: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference of the British Association of Scandinavian Studies S. 200-213

48Artikel  The supernatural in Njáls Saga: A Narratological approach
McTurk, Rory W.. (1992) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 23 (1992) S. 28-45

49Buchbeitrag  The poetic Edda and the appositive style
McTurk, Rory W.. (1990) - In: Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages S. 321-337

50Buchbeitrag  "The thief of time": an Icelandic woman's novel
McTurk, Rory W.. (1989) - In: Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial Conference of Teachers of Scandinavian Studies S. 212-229

51Buchbeitrag  The treatment of the supernatural in saga-narrative
McTurk, Rory W.. (1987) - In: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Conference of Teachers of Scandinavian Studies S. 191-206

52Buchbeitrag  Approaches to the structure of Eyrbyggja saga
McTurk, Rory W.. (1986) - In: Studies Hermann Pálsson S. 223-227

53Buchbeitrag  Variation in Beowulf and the poetic Edda: a chronological experiment
McTurk, Rory W.. (1981) - In: The Dating of Beowulf S. 141-160

54Artikel  "Cynewulf and Cyneheard" and the Icelandic sagas
McTurk, Rory W.. (1980 - 1981) - In: Leeds studies in English Ser. NS, Bd. 12 (1980/81) S. 81-127

55Buchbeitrag  Ireland and the Irish in the Icelandic sagas
McTurk, Rory W.. (1978) - In: Focus on medieval Dublin S. 21-25

56Buchbeitrag  The relationship of Ragnars saga loðbrókar to Þiðriks saga af Bern
McTurk, Rory W.. (1977) - In: FS Jakob Benediktsson S. 568-585

57Buchbeitrag  Ragnarr loðbrók in the Irish annals?
McTurk, Rory W.. (1976) - In: Proceedings of the Seventh Viking Congress S. 93-123

58Artikel  Sacral Kingship in Ancient Scandinavia: A Review of Some Recent Writings
McTurk, Rory W.. (1974) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 19 (1974) S. 139-169

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