Publikationen »Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna
RI opac: 52 Einträge
2 | Pamjati Galiny Vasil'evny Glazyrinoj Gimon, Timofej Valentinovic • Dzakson, Tat'jana Nikolaevna • Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Drevnjaja Rus' v sisteme evrazijskich kommunikacij IX-X vekov Konovalova, Irina Gennadevna • Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
6 | Drevnjaja Rus' v svete zarubežnych istocnikov: [ucebnoe posobie dlja vysšych ucebnych zavedenij] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Drevnjaja Rus' i Skandinavija: Izbrannye trudy. [Old Rus' and Scandinavia: Selected papers] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. Glazyrina, Galina V. • Jackson, Tatjana N. [Hrsg.]. |
11 | Jaroslav Mudryj i ego epokha. [Yaroslav the Wise and his age] Danilevsky, Igor V. • Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. |
14 | Istoriceskaja pamjat i formy ee voploscenija Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
15 | Drevnjaja Rus' v svete zarubenych istonikov Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. |
16 | Vostocnaja Evropa v istoriceskoj retrospektive: k 80-letiju V. T. Pašuto Džakson, Tatjana N. • Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. |
17 | Obraz mira: geograficeskie predstavlenija v Zapadnoj i Severnoj Evrope, V - XIV veka Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
18 | The Eastern world of the Vikings: eight essays about Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
19 | Drevneskandinavskie geografieskie soinenija: teksty, perevod, kommentarij Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
20 | Drevneskandinavskie geograficeskie socinenija. Teksty, perevod, kommentarij [Altskandinavische geographische Werke. Texte, Übersetzung, Kommentar] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
21 | Skandinavskie runiceskie nadpisi: teksty, perevod, kommentarij [Skandinaviens Runeninschriften. Texte, Übersetzung, Kommentar] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
24 | Econom ic Systems of the Em erging States: Ancient Rus' and Scandinavian Countries Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
25 | Rhosia and the Rus in Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos' De administrando imperio Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
26 | A New Runic Inscription from Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
27 | The Penetration of Eastern Christianity into Scandinavia: Historical Memory as Reflected in Sagas Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
28 | The Acculturation of Scandinavian in Early Rus' as Reflected by Language and Literacy Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
31 | The Baltic on the mental map of the Old Russian annalist Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
32 | [Byzantium and the Christianization of Scandinavia.] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
34 | 911: retour sur les traites Bauduin, Pierre • Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
35 | Gutagård i Novgorod: dess förhistoria Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
36 | The baltic policy of Jaroslav the Wise Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
38 | The lists of Old Norse personal names in the Russian-Byzantine treaties of the tenth century Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
39 | Reminiscences of Old Norse Myths, Cults and Rituals in Old Russian Culture and Literature Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
40 | The Cultural Assimilation of the Varangians in Eastern Europe from the Point of View of Language and Literacy Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
41 | The death in the horses skull. The interaction of Old Russian and Old Norse literary traditions Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
43 | The Cult of St. Olaf in Novgorod Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
44 | A Russian-Norwegian Trade Treaty Concluded in 1024-1028? Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
45 | Ancient Rus' and Scandinavia in their relations to Byzantium Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
47 | Legendový zemepis západoevropského stredoveku. [Legend Geography of Medieval Western Europe] Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
50 | Rannie formy torgovych obedinenij v srednevekovoj Severnoj Evrope Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
51 | Scandinavian runic inscriptions as a source for the history of Eastern Europe Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
52 | Svedenya o drevnei rusi v dvukh skandinavskikh Rumicheskikh Nadpisyakh. Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. |
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