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Publikationen »Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna

RI opac: 52 Einträge

1Monographie  Rol' religii v formirovanii sociokul'turnych praktik i predstavlenij [The role of religion in the formation of socio-cultural practices and ideas]
Litovskih, ElenaMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (2022)

2Sammelwerk  Pamjati Galiny Vasil'evny Glazyrinoj
Gimon, Timofej ValentinovicDzakson, Tat'jana NikolaevnaMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2018)

3Monographie  Drevnjaja Rus' v sisteme evrazijskich kommunikacij IX-X vekov
Konovalova, Irina GennadevnaMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (2018)

4Sammelwerk  Anticnye i srednevekovye obšcnosti: XXVIX Ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent'evica Pašuto, Moskva, 19-21 aprelja 2017 g. ; materialy konferencii
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2017)

5Sammelwerk  Gosudarstvennaja territorija kak faktor politogeneza: XXVII Ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent'evica Pašuto, Moskva, 15-17 aprelja 2015 g. ; materialy konferencii
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2015)

6Sammelwerk  Drevnjaja Rus' v svete zarubežnych istocnikov: [ucebnoe posobie dlja vysšych ucebnych zavedenij]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2013)

7Sammelwerk  Migracii, rasselenie vojna kak faktory politogeneza: XXIV Ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent'evica Pašuto, Moskva, 18 - 20 aprelja 2012 g. ; materialy konferencii
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2012)

8Sammelwerk  Drevnjaja Rus' i Skandinavija: Izbrannye trudy. [Old Rus' and Scandinavia: Selected papers]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. Glazyrina, Galina V.Jackson, Tatjana N. [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2011)

9Sammelwerk  Rannie gosudarstva Evropy i Azii: problemy politogeneza ; XXIII ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent'evica Pašuto ; materialy konferencii ; Moskva, 19 -21 aprelja 2011 g.
Melnikova, Elena AleksandrovnaPašuto, Vladimir T. [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2011)

10Sammelwerk  Visy druzhby: sbornik statej v chest' Tat'jany Nikolaevny Dzhakson. [Stanzas of friendship: Studies in honour of Tatjana N. Jackson].
Gvozdetskaya, NatalyaKonovalova, Irina GennadevnaMelnikova, Elena AleksandrovnaPodossinov, Alexander V. [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2011)

11Sammelwerk  Jaroslav Mudryj i ego epokha. [Yaroslav the Wise and his age]
Danilevsky, Igor V.Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2008)

12Monographie  Vostocnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekove: vosprijatie, modelirovanie i opisanie prostranstva v anticnoj i srednevekovoj literature ; XVIII Ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent·evica Pasuto ; Moskva, 17 - 19 aprelja 2006 g. ; materialy konferencii
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (2006)

13Monographie  Vostocnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekove: avtor i ego tekst ; XV Ctenija pamjati clena-korrespondenta AN SSSR Vladimira Terent·evica Pasuto ; Moskva, 15 - 17 aprelja 2003 g. ; materialy konferencii
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (2003)

14Monographie  Istoriceskaja pamjat i formy ee voploscenija
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (2003)

15Sammelwerk  Drevnjaja Rus' v svete zarubenych istonikov
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (2000)

16Sammelwerk  Vostocnaja Evropa v istoriceskoj retrospektive: k 80-letiju V. T. Pašuto
Džakson, Tatjana N.Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna [Hrsg.]. - Moskva (1999)

17Monographie  Obraz mira: geograficeskie predstavlenija v Zapadnoj i Severnoj Evrope, V - XIV veka
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (1998)

18Monographie  The Eastern world of the Vikings: eight essays about Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Göteborg (1996)

19Monographie  Drevneskandinavskie geografieskie soinenija: teksty, perevod, kommentarij
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (1986)

20Monographie  Drevneskandinavskie geograficeskie socinenija. Teksty, perevod, kommentarij [Altskandinavische geographische Werke. Texte, Übersetzung, Kommentar]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (1986)

21Monographie  Skandinavskie runiceskie nadpisi: teksty, perevod, kommentarij [Skandinaviens Runeninschriften. Texte, Übersetzung, Kommentar]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. - Moskva (1977)

22Buchbeitrag  The Legend of the Invitation of Varangian Princes in the Light of Interdisciplinarity
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2022) - In: Crossing disciplinary boundaries in studies of the Viking Age S. 69-93

23Artikel  Neskol'ko zamecanij o jazyke "Skazanija o prizvanii varjakov" [Some remarks on the language of the tale about the invitation of varangians]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2019) - In: Drevnjaja Rus' Bd. 75 (2019) S. 83-87

24Buchbeitrag  Econom ic Systems of the Em erging States: Ancient Rus' and Scandinavian Countries
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2017) - In: Ekonomiceskie sistemy Evrazii v rannee Srednevekov'e S. 374-389

25Buchbeitrag  Rhosia and the Rus in Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos' De administrando imperio
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2016) - In: Byzantium and the Viking world S. 315-336

26Artikel  A New Runic Inscription from Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2016) - In: Futhark Bd. 7 (2016) S. 101-110

27Buchbeitrag  The Penetration of Eastern Christianity into Scandinavia: Historical Memory as Reflected in Sagas
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2015) - In: Scandinavia and the Balkans S. 67-71

28Buchbeitrag  The Acculturation of Scandinavian in Early Rus' as Reflected by Language and Literacy
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2014) - In: Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident. Regards croisés S. 363-376

29Buchbeitrag  Mental maps of the Old Russian chronicle-writer of the early twelfth century
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2013) - In: From Goths to Varangians. Communication and cultural exchange between the Baltic and the Black Sea S. 317-340

30Artikel  Runic inscriptions as a memorisation tool: between orality and literacy
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2013) - In: Studia historyczne Bd. 56 (2013) S. 311-324

31Buchbeitrag  The Baltic on the mental map of the Old Russian annalist
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2012) - In: FS Nils Blomkvist S. 11-22

32Buchbeitrag  [Byzantium and the Christianization of Scandinavia.]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2012) - In: FS Igor Cicurov S. 215-228

33Buchbeitrag  L'acculturation des Scandinaves en Europe Orientale: quelques jalons pour une comparaison
Bauduin, PierreMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2011) - In: Russie viking, vers une autre Normandie? S. 26-29

34Buchbeitrag  911: retour sur les traites
Bauduin, PierreMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2011) - In: Russie viking, vers une autre Normandie? S. 18-25

35Buchbeitrag  Gutagård i Novgorod: dess förhistoria
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2009) - In: Spaden och pennan. Ny humanistisk forskning S. 483-498

36Buchbeitrag  The baltic policy of Jaroslav the Wise
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2007) - In: Cultural interaction between east and west S. 73-77

37Buchbeitrag  The incorporation of oral historical tradition in the early historical texts: Snorri's Ynglingasaga and Nestor's Primary Chronicle
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2004) - In: Sagas and Societies. International Conference Tl. 12

38Artikel  The lists of Old Norse personal names in the Russian-Byzantine treaties of the tenth century
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2004) - In: Studia anthroponymica scandinavica Bd. 22 (2004) S. 5-27

39Buchbeitrag  Reminiscences of Old Norse Myths, Cults and Rituals in Old Russian Culture and Literature
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2003) - In: Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society S. 66-86

40Buchbeitrag  The Cultural Assimilation of the Varangians in Eastern Europe from the Point of View of Language and Literacy
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2003) - In: FS Klaus Düwel S. 454-465

41Buchbeitrag  The death in the horses skull. The interaction of Old Russian and Old Norse literary traditions
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (2000) - In: FS Lars Lönnroth S. 152-168

42Buchbeitrag  Runic inscriptions as a source for the relation of northern and eastern Europe in the Middle Ages
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1998) - In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung S. 647-659

43Buchbeitrag  The Cult of St. Olaf in Novgorod
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1997) - In: Sagas and the Norwegian experience S. 453-460

44Buchbeitrag  A Russian-Norwegian Trade Treaty Concluded in 1024-1028?
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1997) - In: FS Sten Körner S. 15-24

45Artikel  Ancient Rus' and Scandinavia in their relations to Byzantium
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1995) - In: Bulletin. Bysantinska sällskapet Bd. 13 (1995) S. 5-11

46Artikel  Formirovanie i evoljucija geograficeskich predstavlenij v srednevekoj Zapadnoj Evrope [ Entstehung und Entwicklung der Geographie im mittelalterlichen Europa]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1990) - In: Srednie veka Bd. 53 (1990) S. 52-74

47Artikel  Legendový zemepis západoevropského stredoveku. [Legend Geography of Medieval Western Europe]
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1987) - In: Historická geografie Bd. 26 (1987) S. 57-78

48Artikel  Formirovaniye seti rannegorodskikh tsentrov i stanovlenie gosudarstva (Dre vnvaya Rus' i Skandinaviya). [The formation of early urban centers network and the making of the State (Ancient Russia and Scandinavia).]
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1986) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 5 (1986) S. 64-78

49Artikel  Drevnerusskie vliyaniya v kul'ture Skandinavii rannego svednevekov'ya (k postanovke problemy). [Ancient Russia and its impact on early medieval culture in Scandinavia]
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevMelnikova, Elena AleksandrovnaPushkina, Tamara A.. (1984) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 3 (1984) S. 50-65

50Artikel  Rannie formy torgovych obedinenij v srednevekovoj Severnoj Evrope
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1982) - In: Skandinavskij sbornik Bd. 27 (1982) S. 19-29

51Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian runic inscriptions as a source for the history of Eastern Europe
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1981) - In: Les Pays du Nord et Byzance S. 169-173

52Artikel  Svedenya o drevnei rusi v dvukh skandinavskikh Rumicheskikh Nadpisyakh.
Melnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1974) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 6 (1974) S. 170-178

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

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