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Publikationen »Metcalf, David Michael«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Metcalf, David Michael

RI opac: 251 Einträge

1Monographie  Coinage in South-Eastern Europe 820-1396: with a new introductory essay, and a supplementary bibliography
Metcalf, David Michael. - Athens (2016)

2Monographie  Hadrianopolis I: Inschriften aus Paphlagonia
Lafli, ErgünChristof, Eva. Metcalf, David Michael [Bearb.]. - Oxford (2012)

3Monographie  The monetary economy of the Netherlands, c. 690 - c. 760 and the trade with England: a study of the "Porcupine" Sceattas of series E
Metcalf, David MichaelVelde, Wybrand op den. - Amsterdam (2010)

4Monographie  Byzantine Cyprus: 491 - 1191
Metcalf, David Michael. - Nicosia (2009)

5Monographie  Byzantine lead seals from Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. - Nicosia (2004)

6Monographie  Coinage as evidence for the changing prosperity of Cyprus in byzantine and medieval times
Metcalf, David Michael. - Nicosia (2003)

7Monographie  The monetary economy of the Netherlands, c. 690 - c. 715 and the trade with England: a study of the sceattas of series d.
Velde, Wybrand op denMetcalf, David Michael. - Amsterdam (2003)

8Monographie  An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Coin Finds, c. 973-1086
Metcalf, David Michael. - London (1998)

9Monographie  Corpus of Lusignan coinage: The silver coinage of Cyprus: 1285-1382
Metcalf, David Michael. - Nicosia (1996)

10Monographie  Coinage of the Crusades and the Latin East in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford
Metcalf, David Michael. - London (1995)

11Monographie  Thrymsas and Sceattas in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. (Vol. 1-3)
Metcalf, David Michael. - London (1994)

12Sammelwerk  Problems of medieval coinage in the Iberian area:a Symposium held by the Sociedade Numismática Scalabitana and the Instituto de Sintra on 4-8 october, 1988
Gomes Marques, MárioMetcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Santarém (1988)

13Sammelwerk  Sceattas in England and on the continent: The Seventh Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Hill, DavidMetcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1984)

14Sammelwerk  Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands. The Sixth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Blackburn, Mark A. S.Metcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1981)

15Sammelwerk  Coinage in the Latin East. The Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Edbury, Peter W.Metcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1980)

16Monographie  Coinage in South-Eastern Europe 820-1396
Metcalf, David Michael. - London (1979)

17Sammelwerk  Coinage in medieval Scotland (1100-1600): The 2. Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Metcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1977)

18Sachtitel  Sylloge of coins of the British Isles. 23: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 3
Metcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (1976)

19Sachtitel  Sylloge of coins of the British Isles. 12: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. 2, English coins, 1066 - 1279
Metcalf, David Michael [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (1969)

20Monographie  The origins of the Anastasian currency reform
Metcalf, David Michael. - Amsterdam (1969)

21Monographie  Coinage in the Balkans, 820-1355
Metcalf, David Michael. - Thessaloniki (1965)

22Monographie  The coinage of South Germany in the thirteenth century
Metcalf, David Michael. - London (1961)

23Monographie  Coinage in the Balkan Peninsula, a.d. 1100-1350: a study of Colonial monetary affairs
Metcalf, David Michael. - [University of Cambridge] (1959 - 1960)

24Artikel  The King's Lynn Find, T.P.Q. C.720
Metcalf, David Michael. (2017) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 87 (2017) S. 209-212

25Artikel  "Friesische Halbsceattas"; A comment
Metcalf, David MichaelVelde, Wybrand op den. (2017) - In: Jaarboek voor munt- en penningkunde Bd. 104 (2017) S. 23-24

26Artikel  Tremisses and sceattas from the South Lincolnshire productive site
Metcalf, David Michael. (2016) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 86 (2016) S. 96-117

27Buchbeitrag  Trymsas and Sceattas and the Balance of Payments
Metcalf, David Michael. (2014) - In: Studies Mark Blackburn S. 243-256

28Artikel  The archbisop's hat. A suggested attribution for the sceattas of Series F
Metcalf, David Michael. (2014) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 84 (2014) S. 52-71

29Buchbeitrag  The North-South Divide in Byzantine Cyprus: Some Evidence from Lead Seals and Coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (2014) - In: Cyprus and the balance of empires S. 57-68

30Buchbeitrag  The Templars as Bankers and Monetary Transfers between West and East in the Twelfth Century
Metcalf, David Michael. (2014) - In: The Eastern Mediterranean frontier of Latin Christendom S. 253-270

31Artikel  The Cothen hoard of porcupine sceattas and Merovingian deniers.
Metcalf, David MichaelVelde, Wybrand op den. (2014) - In: Jaarboek voor munt- en penningkunde Bd. 101 (2014) S. 27-51

32Artikel  The circulation of sceattas in the Southern Low Countries
Op den Velde, WybrandMetcalf, David Michael. (2014) - In: Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Bd. 160 (2014) S. 3-22

33Buchbeitrag  Byzantine and Islamic coins and the topography of Nea Paphos
Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: Papers Ino Nicolaou S. 69-75

34Artikel  Sceattas and early broad pennies found in the Isle of Wight
Ulmschneider, Katharina U.Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 83 (2013) S. 15-43

35Buchbeitrag  The moneyers of Paris and Reims compared. Strategies for exploring the work of individual moneyers
Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: Die Merowingischen Monetarmünzen als Quelle zum Verständnis des 7. Jahrhunderts in Gallien S. 455-466

36Artikel  Imperial involvement in the governance of Cyprus during the years 653-965: Archaeological evidence from lead seals
Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: Cahiers du Centre d'Études Chypriotes Bd. 43 (2013) S. 127-136

37Buchbeitrag  Revalidation of the Currency in Venetian Cyprus. The Curious Episode of Countermarking
Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: Caterina Cornaro. Last queen of Cyprus and daughter of Venice S. 355-366

38Buchbeitrag  An Imperial Initiative in the Time of Tiberius III (698-705)
Metcalf, David Michael. (2013) - In: FS Petros N. Protonotarios S. 167-172

39Artikel  Fifty Sceattas from South Warwickshire
Laight, R. J.Metcalf, David Michael. (2012) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 82 (2012) S. 29-45

40Buchbeitrag  Merovingian deniers in the Netherlands and in England
Op den Velde, WybrandMetcalf, David Michael. (2012) - In: FS Peter Ilisch S. 35-43

41Buchbeitrag  "First to Oland, then to Gotland...": the arrival and dispersal of late Roman and Byzantine solidi in Sweden and Denmark
Metcalf, David Michael. (2010) - In: Mélanges Cécile Morrisson S. 561-578

42Artikel  Betwixt sceattas and Offa's pence: mint-attributions, and the chronology of a recession
Metcalf, David Michael. (2009) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 79 (2009) S. 1-33

43Artikel  Crusader numismatics: how immobilized types are classified, how chronologies are revised and verified, and how coins are attributed to their mints.
Metcalf, David Michael. (2008) - In: Israel numismatic research Bd. 3 (2008) S. 175-188

44Artikel  The bust of Christ on an early Anglo-Saxon coin
Stewartby, LordMetcalf, David Michael. (2007) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 167 (2007) S. 179-182

45Artikel  Runic sceattas reading EPA, types R1 and R2
Metcalf, David Michael. (2007) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 77 (2007) S. 49-70

46Buchbeitrag  Regions around the north sea with a monetised economy in the pre-viking and viking ages
Metcalf, David Michael. (2007) - In: Silver economy in the Viking age S. 1-12

47Buchbeitrag  Six Unresolved Problems in the Monetary History of Antioch, 969-1268
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: East and West in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean 1 S. 283-318

48Buchbeitrag  Monetary circulation in the Danelaw, 973-1083
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: Studies Cyril Roy Hart S. 159-185

49Artikel  Monetary circulation in Merovingian Gaul, 561-674. A propos Cahiers Emest Babelon, 8
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: Revue numismatique Bd. 162 (2006) S. 337-394

50Buchbeitrag  Single finds of Wodan/monster sceattas in England and their interpretation for monetary history
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: Single Finds. the Nordic Perspective S. 109-148

51Buchbeitrag  Inflows of Anglo-Saxon and German coins into the Northern lands c. 997-1024: discerning the patterns
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: Essays Marion Archibald S. 349-388

52Artikel  The coinage of King Aldfrith of Northumbria (685-704) and some contemporary imitations
Metcalf, David Michael. (2006) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 76 (2006) S. 147-158

53Artikel  The first series of sceattas minted in Southern Wessex: Series W
Metcalf, David Michael. (2005) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 75 (2005) S. 1-17

54Artikel  Monetary circulation in England, c. 675-c. 710: the distribution pattern of Series A, B and C - and F
Metcalf, David Michael. (2004) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 74 (2004) S. 1-19

55Artikel  A new variety of denier of Raymond of Poiteirs, Prince of Antioch (1136-49)
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: Spink numismatic circular Bd. 111 (2003) S. 70-71

56Buchbeitrag  Variations in the Composition of the Currency at Different Places in England
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: Markets in early medieval Europe S. 37-47

57Buchbeitrag  East meets West, and money changes hands
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: East and West in the Crusader States 3 S. 223-234

58Buchbeitrag  Byzantine Lead Seals. The Other Half of the Story
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: FS Nicolas Oikonomides (State) S. 393-402

59Artikel  A note on the "suevic" triens bought in Santarem
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: Gaceta numismatica Bd. 151 (2003) S. 15-16

60Artikel  Byzantine, Islamic, and Crusader coins from Saranda Kolones, Paphos
Metcalf, David Michael. (2003) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 163 (2003) S. 205-226

61Buchbeitrag  Interpreting coin hoards for Polish monetary history. The quarter-century 1025-1050
Metcalf, David Michael. (2002) - In: FS Stanislaw Suchodolski (2002) S. 245-251

62Artikel  Sporadic Debasement in the English Coinage, c. 1009-1052
Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, J. P.. (2002) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 162 (2002) S. 217-316

63Artikel  Sporadic debasement in the English coinage, c. 1009-1052
Metcalf, David Michael. (2002) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 162 (2002) S. 217-236

64Buchbeitrag  Coins from Wics
Metcalf, David Michael. (2001) - In: Wics. The early mediaeval trading centres of northern Europe S. 50-53

65Buchbeitrag  Monetary questions arising out of the role of the Templars as guardians of the northern marches of the principality of Antioch
Metcalf, David Michael. (2001) - In: The Crusades and the Military Orders S. 77-87

66Buchbeitrag  The premises of early medieval mints: the case of eleventh-century Winchester
Metcalf, David Michael. (2001) - In: I luoghi della moneta S. 59-68

67Artikel  Monetary recession in the Middle Byzantine period: the numismatic evidence
Metcalf, David Michael. (2001) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 161 (2001) S. 111-155

68Buchbeitrag  The case for Sigouri as a mint-place in fifteenth-century Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. (2001) - In: Études Jean Richard S. 403-408

69Artikel  A gold bracteate or uniface from Martlesham, Suffolk
Newman, JohnMetcalf, David Michael. (2001 - 2004) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History Bd. 40 (2001/04) S. 334-335

70Artikel  The metrology of the Amalricus deniers of Jerusalem in the early thirteenth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (2000 - 2002) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 14 (2000/02) S. 239-244

71Artikel  Crusader gold bezants of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem: two additional sources of information
Metcalf, David Michael. (2000) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 160 (2000) S. 203-218

72Artikel  Acquisitions for 1999 in the American Numismatic Society Collection: Roman and Byzantine
Metcalf, David Michael. (2000) - In: American journal of numismatics Ser. 2, Bd. 12 (2000) S. 265-266

73Buchbeitrag  The coins and tokens
Metcalf, David Michael. (2000) - In: Belmont Castle. The Excavation of a Crusader Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem S. 81-85

74Artikel  Evidence concerning the activity of a mint in Famagusta (1456-1457)
Otten-Froux, CatherineMetcalf, David Michael. (1999) - In: Epetèrida (1999) S. 19-50

75Buchbeitrag  Islamic, Byzantine, and Latin influences in the iconography of crusader coins and seals
Metcalf, David Michael. (1999) - In: East and West in the Crusader States 2 S. 163-175

76Artikel  Coins from the Excavations at 'Atlit (Pilgrim's Castle and its Faubourg
Metcalf, David MichaelKool, RobertBerman, Allen G.. (1999) - In: Atiqot Bd. 37 (1999) S. 89-164

77Buchbeitrag  Visigothic monetary history: the facts, what facts?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1999) - In: The Visigoths. Studies in Culture and Society S. 201-217

78Artikel  Viking-age numismatics 5. Denmark in the time of Cnut and Harthacnut
Metcalf, David Michael. (1999) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 159 (1999) S. 395-430

79Buchbeitrag  The monetary economy of Cyprus (1184-1489)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1998) - In: Byzantine medieval Cyprus S. 79ff.

80Buchbeitrag  The monetary economy of ninth-century England south of the Humber: a topographical analysis
Metcalf, David Michael. (1998) - In: Kings, Currency and Alliances S. 167-197

81Buchbeitrag  Runes and literacy: pondering the evidence of Anglo-Saxon coins of the eighth and ninth centuries
Metcalf, David Michael. (1998) - In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung S. 434-438

82Artikel  Viking-age numismatics 4. The currency of German and Anglo-Saxon coins in the Northern lands
Metcalf, David Michael. (1998) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 158 (1998) S. 345-371

83Buchbeitrag  "Describe the Currency of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem"
Metcalf, David Michael. (1997) - In: FS Hans Eberhard Mayer S. 189-198

84Artikel  A large hoard from the Latin East concealed during the reign of Henry I of Cyprus (1218-53)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1997) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 157 (1997) S. 133-156

85Artikel  Kan Hedeby mønter også være præget i Ribe og Birka?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1996) - In: Nordisk Numismatisk Unions medlemsblad , 5 (1996) S. 74-77

86Artikel  A new type of anonymous denier of Cyprus of the early thirteenth century
Metcalf, David MichaelJacobowitz, M.. (1996) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 156 (1996) S. 243-247

87Artikel  Viking-Age numismatics 2. Coinage in the northern lands in Merovingian and Carolingian times
Metcalf, David Michael. (1996) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 156 (1996) S. 399-428

88Buchbeitrag  Graphic signs on English medieval coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (1996) - In: Graphische Symbole in Urkunden S. 549-550

89Buchbeitrag  The iconography and style of crusader seals in Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1995) - In: He Kypros kai hoi Staurophories = Cyprus and the Crusades S. 365-375

90Artikel  The early coinage of Bohémond III of Antioch (1149-1201) reconsidered
Metcalf, David MichaelBelaubre, Jean. (1995) - In: Revue numismatique Bd. 150 (1995) S. 133-148

91Artikel  Three hoards of deniers tournois from Frankish Greece
Metcalf, David Michael. (1995) - In: Numismatica e antichità classica Bd. 24 (1995) S. 351-378

92Artikel  Byzantine coins from Exeter
Metcalf, David Michael. (1995) - In: Byzantinische Forschungen Bd. 21 (1995) S. 253-261

93Artikel  Viking-Age numismatics I: Late Roman and Byzantine gold in the northern lands
Metcalf, David Michael. (1995) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 155 (1995) S. 413-441

94Artikel  Coins of the Latin Princes of Antioch (1098-1130) found at Corinth and Athens
Metcalf, David Michael. (1995) - In: Nomismatika Khronika Bd. 14 (1995) S. 77-78

95Buchbeitrag  The beginnings of coinage in the North Sea coastlands: a Pirenne-like hypothesis
Metcalf, David Michael. (1994) - In: The Twelfth Viking Congress. Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the Viking Age S. 196-214

96Artikel  Crusader coins from Caesarea Maritima
Metcalf, David Michael. (1994 - 1999) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 13 (1994/99) S. 156-162

97Artikel  A hoard of early Tripolitan Crusader bezants
Metcalf, David Michael. (1994) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 154 (1994) S. 214-217

98Buchbeitrag  The battle of Maldon and the minting of crux pennies in Essex: post hoc propter hoc?
Metcalf, David MichaelLean, W.. (1993) - In: The Battle of Maldon. Fiction and Fact S. 205-224

99Buchbeitrag  Some further reflections on the volume of the German coinage in the Salian period (1024-1125)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1993) - In: Fernhandel und Geldwirtschaft S. 55-72

100Buchbeitrag  A new catalogue of crusader coins. Problems and strategies
Metcalf, David Michael. (1993) - In: Actes du XIe congrès international de numismatique Tl. 3 S. 141-146

101Artikel  Copper-based alloys of the fifth century. A comparison of Carthage under Vandalitic rule, with other mints
King, Cathy E.Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, J. P.. (1992) - In: Revue numismatique Ser. 6, Bd. 34 (1992) S. 54-76

102Artikel  Sixth-century Visigothic metrology, some evidence from Portugal
Metcalf, David MichaelCabral, João M. PeixotoAlves, L. C.. (1992) - In: American journal of numismatics Ser. 2, Bd. 3/4 (1992) S. 65-90

103Artikel  Crusader coins from Caesarea Maritima
Metcalf, David Michael. (1992 - 1993) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 12 (1992/93) S. 94-103

104Artikel  A Comment on the Circulation of Tornesia of Charles of Anjou and their Chronology
Metcalf, David Michael. (1992) - In: Nomismatika Khronika Bd. 11 (1992) S. 27-32

105Buchbeitrag  The monetary economy of the Irish Sea province
Metcalf, David Michael. (1992) - In: Viking Treasure from the North West S. 89-106

106Artikel  The mid-ninth century coinage of Archbishop Wigmund of York in the light of metal analysis
Gilmore, G. R.Metcalf, David Michael. (1992) - In: Yorkshire Numismatist Bd. 2 (1992) S. 21-43

107Buchbeitrag  Art. Anglosassoni, Arte degli. Monetazione
Metcalf, David Michael. (1991) - In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale Tl. 1

108Artikel  Avar and Slav invasions into the Balkan peninsula (c.575-625): the nature of the numismatic evidence
Metcalf, David Michael. (1991) - In: Journal of Roman archaeology Bd. 4 (1991) S. 140-148

109Artikel  A pair of inscribed Anglo-Saxon hooked tags from the Rome (Forum) 1883 hoard
Graham-Campbell, James A.Okasha, ElisabethMetcalf, David Michael. (1991) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 20 (1991) S. 221-229

110Artikel  The Currency of Lusignan Cyprus in the Years Around 1400 in the Light of a Coin Hoard Excavated at Polis
Metcalf, David Michael. (1990) - In: Report of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus) (1990) S. 241-284

111Buchbeitrag  The Fall and Rise of the Danelaw Connection, the Export of Obsolete English Coin to the Northern Lands, and the Tributes of 991 and 994
Metcalf, David Michael. (1990) - In: Sigtuna Papers. Proceedings of the Sigtuna Symposium on Viking-Age Coinage (1989) S. 213-223

112Buchbeitrag  Can we believe the very large figure of e72,000 for the geld levied by Cnut in 1018?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1990) - In: Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Coinage S. 165-176

113Artikel  The Value of the Amorgos and Thira Hoards
Metcalf, David Michael. (1989) - In: Nomismatika Khronika Bd. 8 (1989) S. 49-59

114Artikel  Coinage alloys from the time of Offa and Charlemagne to c.864
Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, J. P.. (1989) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 149 (1989) S. 100-120

115Buchbeitrag  Large Danegelds in relation to war and kingship. Their implications for monetary history, and some numismatic evidence
Metcalf, David Michael. (1989) - In: Weapons and Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England S. 179-189

116Buchbeitrag  The availability and uses of gold coinage in England, c. 580-c. 670: Kentish primacy reconsidered
Metcalf, David Michael. (1989) - In: FS Lars O. Lagerqvist S. 267-274

117Buchbeitrag  The minting of gold coinage at Thessalonica in the fifth and sixth centuries and the gold currency of Illyricum and Dalmatia
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: Studies in Early Byzantine Gold Coinage S. 65-109

118Artikel  A sceat of series K minted by Archbishop Berhtwald of Canterbury (693-731)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 58 (1988) S. 124-126

119Buchbeitrag  The Coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: Southampton finds. 1. The coins and pottery from Hamwic S. 17-59

120Buchbeitrag  The currency of the kingdom of East Anglia in the first half of the eighth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: FS Gert und Vera Hatz S. 19-27

121Buchbeitrag  For what purposes were Suevic and Visigothic tremisses used? The contribution of topographical analysis, illustrated by some comments on single finds from the Alentejo, and on the mint of Elvora
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 15-34

122Buchbeitrag  A rare twelfth-century coin in the Ljubljana cabinet
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: FS Aleksander Jelocnik S. 323-326

123Artikel  A plate of Anglo-Saxon coins found at Reculver, Kent in the eighteenth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 58 (1988) S. 126-129

124Buchbeitrag  A parcel of coins of Alfonso VI of Leon (1073-1109)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 287-305

125Artikel  Carolingian and Viking coins from the Cuerdale hoard: an interpretation and comparison of their metal contents
Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, Peter. (1988) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 148 (1988) S. 97-116

126Artikel  Coinage of the Crusades and the Latin East: some new hoards and site finds
Metcalf, David Michael. (1987) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 147 (1987) S. 84-105

127Artikel  Were ealdormen exercising independent control over the coinage in mid tenth century England?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1987) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 57 (1987) S. 24-33

128Artikel  A penny life will give you all the facts
Metcalf, David Michael. (1987) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 147 (1987) S. 184-188

129Buchbeitrag  The taxation of moneyers under Edward the Confessor and in 1086
Metcalf, David Michael. (1987) - In: Domesday Studies. Papers S. 279-293

130Artikel  Some finds of thrymsas and sceattas in England
Metcalf, David Michael. (1986) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 56 (1986) S. 1-15

131Artikel  Interpreting the alloy of the later Anglo-Saxon coinage
Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, J. P.. (1986) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 56 (1986) S. 35-63

132Artikel  A Celtic silver coin of previously unpublished type from St. Nicholas at Wade, Thanet: the prototype for Anglo-Saxon sceattas of BMC type 37?
Sellwood, LynMetcalf, David Michael. (1986) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 56 (1986) S. 181-182

133Buchbeitrag  Some geographical aspects of early medieval monetary circulation in the Iberian Peninsula
Metcalf, David Michael. (1986) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 2 S. 307-324

134Buchbeitrag  How Sceattas are attributed to their mints. The case of series H, type 48
Metcalf, David Michael. (1986) - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Numismatics S. 333-338

135Artikel  Ritrovamenti di monete del Rogno di Sicilia negli stati crociati d'Orients
Metcalf, David Michael. (1986) - In: Bollettino di numismatica Bd. 4, 6/7 (1986) S. 81-84

136Artikel  The gros grand et the gros petit of Hugh IV of Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: Revue numismatique Ser. 6, Bd. 27 (1985) S. 130-175

137Buchbeitrag  A decline in the stock of currency in fourteenth-century Cyprus?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: Crusade and settlement S. 264-267

138Artikel  Debasement of the coinage in Southern England in the age of King Alfred
Metcalf, David MichaelNorthover, J. P.. (1985) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 145 (1985) S. 150-176

139Artikel  To what extent did Anglo-Saxon coins circulate within the Northern Lands?: evidence from the numerical analysis and interpretation of pecking
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: Hikuin Bd. 11 (1985) S. 91-100

140Artikel  A hoard of billon trachea from the Empire of Nicaea, c. 1215/1220
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 30/32 (1976/78) S. 55-70

141Buchbeitrag  The monetary history of England in the tenth century viewed in the perspective of the eleventh century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: Essays Michael Dolley S. 133-157

142Buchbeitrag  To what extent did Anglo-Saxon coins circulate within the Northern Lands? Evidence from the numerical analysis and interpretation of pecking
Metcalf, David Michael. (1985) - In: FS Brita Malmer S. 91-100

143Artikel  A twelfth-century hoard from the sea dated by coins of Raymond of Poitiers
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984 - 1985) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 8 (1984/85) S. 77-83

144Buchbeitrag  Monetary circulation in southern England in the first half of the eighth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Sceattas in England and on the continent S. 27-69

145Buchbeitrag  The Mint of Thessalonica in the Early Byzantine Period
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Villes et peuplement dans l'Illyricum protobyzantin S. 111-129

146Buchbeitrag  A coinage for King Cynewulf of Wessex?
Andrews, PhilMetcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Sceattas in England and on the continent S. 175-179

147Buchbeitrag  A note on sceattas as a measure of international trade, and on the earliest Danish coinage
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Sceattas in England and on the continent S. 159-164

148Artikel  Consistency in the alloy of the Northumbrian stycas: evidence from die-linked specimens
Gilmore, G. R.Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 144 (1984) S. 192-198

149Buchbeitrag  Twenty-five notes on sceatta finds
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Sceattas in England and on the continent S. 193-205

150Buchbeitrag  Estimation of the volume of the Northumbrian coinage, c. 738-788
Metcalf, David Michael. (1984) - In: Sceattas in England and on the continent S. 113-116

151Buchbeitrag  Interpreting the alloy of the Merovingian silver coinage
Metcalf, David Michael. (1983) - In: Studies Philip Grierson S. 113-126

152Artikel  The gros grand and the gros petit of Henry II of Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1983) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 143 (1983) S. 177-201

153Buchbeitrag  Anglo-saxon coins, 2: Alfred to Edgar
Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: The Anglo-Saxons S. 130-131

154Artikel  Chemical analyses of some sceattas from the Southampton excavations
Metcalf, David MichaelStos-Gale, Zofia Anna. (1982) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 142 (1982) S. 142-148

155Buchbeitrag  Anglo-Saxon coins, 3: Edgar's reform to the Conquest
Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: The Anglo-Saxons S. 204-205

156Artikel  Notes on some hoards and stray finds from the time of the Crusades
Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 27/29 (1973/75) S. 67-83

157Artikel  The gros grand and the gros petit of Henry II of Cyprus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 142 (1982) S. 83-100

158Artikel  Excavations at Silver Street, Glastonbury, 1978
Ellis, PeterElias, E.Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: Somerset archaeology and natural history. Proceedings Bd. 126 (1982) S. 17-31

159Buchbeitrag  Anglo-Saxon coins, 1: seventh to ninth centuries
Metcalf, David Michael. (1982) - In: The Anglo-Saxons S. 62-63

160Artikel  Burgundian money in the Latin East
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 5 (1981) S. 73-82

161Artikel  Continuity and change in English monetary history c. 973-1086
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 51 (1981) S. 52-88

162Buchbeitrag  Some Speculations on the Volume of the German Coinage in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: FS Peter Berghaus (1979) S. 185-193

163Buchbeitrag  Architectural designs on papal coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: Studies Bluma L. Trell S. 47-50

164Buchbeitrag  Some twentieth-century runes. Statistical analysis of the Viking-age hoards and the interpretation of wastage rates
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands S. 329-382

165Buchbeitrag  Five-finger exercises on the List hoard
Blackburn, Mark A. S.Metcalf, David MichaelLyon, Colin Stewart Sinclair. (1981) - In: Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands S. 495-524

166Buchbeitrag  A sketch of the currency in the time of Charles the Bald
Metcalf, David Michael. (1981) - In: Charles the Bald. Court and kingdom S. 53-84

167Artikel  Notes on the classification of the trams of Cilician Armenia
Metcalf, David MichaelMajewski, Lawrence J.. (1981) - In: The numismatic chronicle Bd. 141 (1981) S. 166-172

168Buchbeitrag  The Amalricus coins of the kingdom of Jerusalem
Pesant, RobertoSabine, C. J.Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: Coinage in the Latin East. The Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History S. 105-121

169Artikel  A hoard from early in the reign of Aethelred II found at Spettisbury Rings hill fort, Dorset
Metcalf, David MichaelJonsson, Kenneth. (1980) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 50 (1980) S. 132-133

170Artikel  Folles and fractional copper minted at Thessaloniki under Justin I
Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte Bd. 30 (1980) S. 19-27

171Buchbeitrag  Three recent parcels of helmet deniers of Bohemund III of Antioch concealed at about the time of Saladin's conquests
Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: Coinage in the Latin East. The Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History S. 137-145

172Artikel  The Agrinion hoard. Gold hyperpyra of John III Vatatzes
Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 20 (1980) S. 113-131

173Artikel  Continuity and change in English monetary history c.973-1086
Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 50 (1980) S. 20-49

174Buchbeitrag  The Templars as bankers and monetary transfers between West and East in the twelfth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1980) - In: Coinage in the Latin East. The Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History S. 1-17

175Artikel  The Tyre hoard and other finds from the time of the crusades
Bird, Nicholas du QuesneMetcalf, David Michael. (1979 - 1981) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 33/35 (1979/81) S. 55-61

176Buchbeitrag  Coinage and the rise of the Flemish towns
Metcalf, David Michael. (1979) - In: Coinage in the Low Countries (880-1500) S. 1-23

177Artikel  Crusader coins in the Museum of the Order of St. John, at Clerkenwell
Metcalf, David MichaelWillis, P. J.. (1979) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 19 (1979) S. 133-138

178Artikel  La traversée de la Manche (VIIIe - IXe siècles)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1979) - In: Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique Bd. 34 (1979) S. 511-515

179Artikel  Chemical analyses of English sceattas
Metcalf, David Michael. (1978) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 48 (1978) S. 12-19

180Buchbeitrag  The ranking of boroughs: numismatic evidence from the reign of Aethelred II
Metcalf, David Michael. (1978) - In: Ethelred the Unready. Papers from the millenary conference S. 159-212

181Artikel  Coinage of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the name of Baudouin
Metcalf, David Michael. (1978) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 18 (1978) S. 71-84

182Artikel  Another modern forgery of a sceat
Metcalf, David Michael. (1978) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 48 (1978) S. 107

183Artikel  The Antalya hoard of miliaresia of Basil I
Metcalf, David Michael. (1977) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 17 (1977) S. 113-125

184Artikel  A check-list of English finds of sceattas
Metcalf, David MichaelRigold, Stuart Eborall. (1977) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 47 (1977) S. 31-52

185Buchbeitrag  Monetary affairs in Mercia in the time of Aethelbald (716-757)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1977) - In: Mercian Studies S. 87-106

186Buchbeitrag  A Survey of Numismatic Research into the Pennies of the First Three Edwards (1279-1344) and Their Continental Imitations
Metcalf, David Michael. (1977) - In: Edwardian Monetary Affairs S. 1-31

187Artikel  Une trouvaille de la fin du XIIIe siècle, provenant de Bretagne
Metcalf, David Michael. (1976) - In: Revue numismatique Ser. 6, Bd. 18 (1976) S. 171-185

188Artikel  Twelve notes on sceatta finds
Metcalf, David Michael. (1976) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 46 (1976) S. 1-18

189Artikel  Sceattas from the territory of the Hwicce
Metcalf, David Michael. (1976) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 16 (1976) S. 64-74

190Artikel  Tin as a minor constituent in two sceattas from the Shakenoak excavations
Metcalf, David MichaelWalker, D. R.. (1976) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 16 (1976) S. 228-229

191Artikel  Some provenanced finds of Crusader bezants
Metcalf, David Michael. (1975) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 15 (1975) S. 198-199

192Artikel  Some Hoards and Stray Finds from the Latin East
Metcalf, David Michael. (1975) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 20 (1975) S. 139-152

193Buchbeitrag  Monetary expansion and recession: interpreting the distribution patterns of seventh and eighth century coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: Coins and the Archaeologist S. 206-223

194Artikel  The Berbati Hoard, 1953: deniers tournois and sterlings from the Frankish Morea
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 14 (1974) S. 119-124

195Artikel  Sceattas found at the Iron-Age hill fort of Walbury Camp, Berkshire
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 44 (1974) S. 1-12

196Artikel  Basil, Constantine, and Alexander: an enigmatic Byzantine follis of the ninth century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: Situla Bd. 14 (1974) S. 269-273

197Artikel  A Wessex provenance for the round halfpenny of Eadred by Mangod
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 44 (1974) S. 76-77

198Artikel  Byzantine Coins Minted in Central Greece under Basil II
Metcalf, David Michael. (1974) - In: Nomismatika Khronika Bd. 3 (1974) S. 21-24

199Artikel  Corinth in the ninth century: the numismatic evidence.
Metcalf, David Michael. (1973) - In: Hesperia. Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Bd. 42 (1973) S. 180-251

200Artikel  The Peter and Paul Hoard: Bulgarian and Latin imitative trachea in the time of Ivan Asen II
Metcalf, David Michael. (1973) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 13 (1973) S. 144-172

201Artikel  Odjeci imena mletackog dužda Lorenza Tiepola (imitacije mletackih groša na Balkanu)
Metcalf, David Michael. (1973) - In: Numizmaticke vijesti Bd. 31 (1973) S. 35-44

202Artikel  The "Bird and Branch" sceattas in the light of a find from Abingdon
Metcalf, David Michael. (1972) - In: Oxoniensia Bd. 37 (1972) S. 51-65

203Artikel  A hoard of billon of Fernando IV of Castile and Leon
Metcalf, David Michael. (1972) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 18 (1972) S. 87-107

204Artikel  Classification of the trams of Levon I of Cilician Armenia
Metcalf, David Michael. (1972) - In: Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Bd. 118 (1972) S. 109-126

205Artikel  The Pylia hoard: derniers tournois of Frankish Greece
Metcalf, David Michael. (1971) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 17 (1971) S. 173-227

206Artikel  A hoard of Sienese denari from the period c. 1180-1230
Metcalf, David Michael. (1971) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 11 (1971) S. 261-265

207Artikel  A coin of Offa from Deddington Castle, Oxon.
Metcalf, David Michael. (1971) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 40 (1971) S. 171-172

208Artikel  The mental contents of the silver pennies of William II and Henry I (1087-1135)
Meer, Gay van derMetcalf, David Michael. (1971) - In: Archaeometry Bd. 13 (1971) S. 177-190

209Artikel  The Magaracik Hoard of "Helmet" Coins of Bohemund III of Antioch
Metcalf, David Michael. (1970) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 16 (1970) S. 95-110

210Artikel  Interpretation of the Byzantine 'Rex Regnantium' folles of class 'A' c. 970-1030
Metcalf, David Michael. (1970) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 10 (1970) S. 199-219

211Artikel  The alloy of the Byzantine miliaresion and the question of the reminting of Islamic silver
Gordus, Adon A.Metcalf, David Michael. (1970 - 1972) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 24/26 (1970/72) S. 9-36

212Artikel  An early Carolingian mint in the Low Countries: Bona = Tiel
Metcalf, David Michael. (1970) - In: Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Bd. 116 (1970) S. 141-152

213Artikel  Milliprobe analyses of some Visigothic, Suevic and other gold coins of the early Middle Ages
Metcalf, David MichaelSchweitzer, F.. (1970) - In: Archaeometry Bd. 12 (1970) S. 173-188

214Artikel  Milliprobe analyses of some problematic Burgundian and other gold coins of the early Middle Ages
Merrick, J. M.Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: Archaeometry Bd. 11 (1969) S. 61-65

215Artikel  A hoard of Byzantine 16 - nummi coins minted at Thessaloniki in the time of Justinian
Weller, H. L.Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: Balkan studies Bd. 10 (1969) S. 311-314

216Artikel  The Short Cross coins in the Ras Shamra hoard of 1966
Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 38 (1969) S. 188-189

217Artikel  A Hoard of "Porcupine" Sceattas
Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 15 (1969) S. 101-118

218Artikel  The metal contents of the early Serbian coinage
Gordus, Adon A.Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Bd. 115 (1969) S. 57-82

219Artikel  Billon coinage of the crusading principality of Antioch
Metcalf, David Michael. (1969) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 9 (1969) S. 247-267

220Artikel  Coins of Lucca, Valence, and Antioch. Some new hoards and stray finds from the time of the Crusades
Metcalf, David Michael. (1968 - 1969) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 22/23 (1968/69) S. 443-470

221Artikel  The Reformed Folles of Theophilus: Their Styles and Localization
Metcalf, David Michael. (1968) - In: American Numismatic Society. Museum notes Bd. 14 (1968) S. 121-154

222Artikel  How extensive was the issue of folles during the years 775-820?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1967) - In: Byzantion Bd. 37 (1967) S. 270-310

223Artikel  The Wolf Sceattas
Metcalf, David MichaelWalker, D. R.. (1967) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 36 (1967) S. 11-28

224Artikel  Studies in the composition of early medieval coins
Metcalf, David Michael. (1967) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 7 (1967) S. 167-181

225Artikel  Classification of byzantine stamena in the light ol a hoard fond in Southern Serbia
Metcalf, David Michael. (1967) - In: Situla Bd. 9 (1967) S. 1-130

226Artikel  A stylistic analysis of the 'porcupine' sceattas
Metcalf, David Michael. (1966) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 6 (1966) S. 179-205

227Artikel  Artistic Borrowing, Imitation, and Forgery in the Eighth Century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1966) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 20 (1966) S. 379-392

228Artikel  Frankish petty currency from the Areopagus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1965) - In: Hesperia. Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Bd. 34 (1965) S. 203-223

229Artikel  How large was the Anglo-Saxon currency?
Metcalf, David Michael. (1965) - In: The Economic history review Ser. 2, Bd. 18 (1965) S. 475-482

230Artikel  An Eighth-Century Find at Banbury
Metcalf, David Michael. (1965 - 1965) - In: Oxoniensia Bd. 29/30 (1964/65) S. 193-194

231Buchbeitrag  The byzantine bronze coinage in the East Mediterranian World
Metcalf, David Michael. (1965) - In: Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica (1961) S. 517-520

232Artikel  Coins of Charlemagne Reading DMAG. C. S.
Metcalf, David Michael. (1964 - 1965) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 18/19 (1964/65) S. 13-20

233Artikel  The Brauron hoard and the petty currency of central Greece, 1143-1204
Metcalf, David Michael. (1964) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 4 (1964) S. 251-259

234Artikel  The coinage of Thessaloniki, 829 - 1204, and its place in Balkan Monetary History
Metcalf, David Michael. (1963) - In: Balkan studies Bd. 4 (1963) S. 277-288

235Artikel  The relic of a Crusader's coin of Friesach found in Ireland
Metcalf, David Michael. (1962) - In: The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Bd. 92 (1962) S. 15-20

236Artikel  Le trésor de Samos et la circulation monétaire en Orient latin aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles
Duplessy, JeanMetcalf, David Michael. (1962) - In: Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Bd. 108 (1962) S. 173-207

237Artikel  The Reformed Gold Coinage of Alexius I Comnenus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1962) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 16 (1962) S. 271-284

238Buchbeitrag  The Reform of the English Coinage under Edgar
Dolley, Reginald Hugh MichaelMetcalf, David Michael. (1961) - In: Studies F. M. Stenton S. 136-168

239Artikel  Some finds of medieval coins from Scotland and the north of England
Metcalf, David Michael. (1961) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 30 (1961) S. 88-123

240Artikel  The money of a medieval French traveller in the Balkans
Metcalf, David Michael. (1961) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 7, Bd. 1 (1961) S. 145-149

241Artikel  Byzantine Scyphate Bronze coinage in Greece
Metcalf, David Michael. (1961) - In: The annual of the British School at Athens Bd. 56 (1961) S. 42-63

242Artikel  Provincial Issues Among the Byzantine Bronze Coinage of the Eleventh Century
Metcalf, David Michael. (1961) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 15 (1961) S. 25-32

243Artikel  The metrology of Justinian's follis
Metcalf, David Michael. (1960) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 6, Bd. 20 (1960) S. 209-219

244Artikel  Ljubic's "Jugoslavenski novci" as a source-book
Metcalf, David Michael. (1960) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 6, Bd. 20 (1960) S. 201-208

245Artikel  John Vatatzes and John Comnenus questions of style and detail in Byzantine numismatics
Metcalf, David Michael. (1960) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 3 (1960) S. 203-214

246Artikel  A shipwreck on the Dalmatian Coast and some gold coins of Romanus III Argyrus
Metcalf, David Michael. (1960) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 3 (1960) S. 101-106

247Artikel  The Currency of Byzantine Coins in Smyrna and Slavonia
Metcalf, David Michael. (1960) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 14 (1960) S. 429-444

248Artikel  On an Unpublished Parcel of Serbian Grossi in the Slavonian Museum
Metcalf, David Michael. (1958 - 1959) - In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik Bd. 12/13 (1958/59) S. 59-64

249Artikel  Eighteenth-century finds of medieval coins from the records of the society of Antiquaries
Metcalf, David Michael. (1958) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 6, Bd. 18 (1958) S. 73-96

250Artikel  Find-records of medieval coins from Gough's Camden's "Britannia"
Metcalf, David Michael. (1957) - In: The numismatic chronicle Ser. 6, Bd. 17 (1957) S. 181-207

251Artikel  Two stray finds from St. Albans of coins of Offa and of Charlemagne
Dolley, Reginald Hugh MichaelMetcalf, David Michael. (1954 - 1957) - In: British Numismatic Journal Bd. 28 (1954/57) S. 459-466

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