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Publikationen »Mills, Maldwyn«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mills, Maldwyn

RI opac: 28 Einträge

1Sachtitel  Ywain and Gawain; Sir Percyvell of Gales; The Anturs of Arther
Mills, Maldwyn [Hrsg.]. - London (1992)

2Sammelwerk  Romance in Medieval England
Mills, MaldwynFellows, JenniferMeale, Carol M. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1991)

3Sachtitel  Horn childe and maiden Rimnild: ed. from the Auchinleck MS, National Library of Scotland, Advocates' MS 19.2.1
Mills, Maldwyn [Hrsg.]. - Heidelberg (1988)

4Sammelwerk  Fragments of an early fourteenth-century Guy of Warwick
Mills, Maldwyn [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1974)

5Sammelwerk  Six Middle English Romances, edited with an introduction
Mills, Maldwyn [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (1973)

6Sachtitel  Lybeaus desconus
Mills, Maldwyn [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (1969)

7Monographie  An edition of the Middle English Libeaus Desconus
Mills, Maldwyn. - [University of Oxford] (1959)

8Buchbeitrag  The Manuscripts of Popular Romance
Mills, MaldwynRogers, Gillian. (2009) - In: A companion to medieval popular romance S. 49-66

9Buchbeitrag  EB and his Two Books: Visual Impact and the Power of Meaningful Suggestion. 'Reading' the Illustrations in MSS Douce 261 and Egerton 3132A
Mills, Maldwyn. (2005) - In: Imagining the book S. 173-194

10Buchbeitrag  The Lost Beginning of The Jeaste of Syr Gaweyne and the Collation of Bodleian Library MS Douce 261
Mills, Maldwyn. (2004) - In: Arthurian studies P. J. C. Field S. 133-141

11Buchbeitrag  Generic titles in Bodleian Library MS Douce 261 and British Library MS Egerton 3132A
Mills, Maldwyn. (2002) - In: The matter of identity in medieval romance S. 125-138

12Buchbeitrag  Chivalric romance
Mills, Maldwyn. (2001) - In: The Arthur of the English S. 113-183

13Buchbeitrag  Using the Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English
Mills, Maldwyn. (1998) - In: A Guide to Editing Middle English S. 185-202

14Buchbeitrag  History, Legend, and Fantasy in the Liber Regum Anglie
Mills, Maldwyn. (1996) - In: Essays Edmund Fryde S. 139-164

15Buchbeitrag  A list of the writings of Maldwyn Mills, 1962-1994
Mills, Maldwyn. Slay, Desmond [Bearb.]. (1996) - In: Essays Maldwyn Mills S. 6-10

16Buchbeitrag  The illustrations of British Library MS. Egerton 3132A and Bodleian Library MS. Douce 261, possibly by Edward Banyster of Idsworth (1540 - c. 1606)
Mills, Maldwyn. (1994) - In: Essays Daniel Huws S. 307-327

17Buchbeitrag  "Sir Isumbras" and the styles of the tail-rhyme romance
Mills, Maldwyn. (1994) - In: Readings in Medieval English romance S. 1-24

18Buchbeitrag  Structure and meaning in Guy of Warwick
Mills, Maldwyn. (1992) - In: From Medieval to Medievalism S. 54-68

19Buchbeitrag  Techniques of translation in the Middle English versions of Guy of Warwick.
Mills, Maldwyn. (1991) - In: The Medieval Translator 2 S. 209-229

20Artikel  Havelok's return
Mills, Maldwyn. (1976) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 45 (1976) S. 20-35

21Buchbeitrag  Christian significance and romance tradition in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Mills, Maldwyn. (1968) - In: Critical Studies of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight S. 85-105

22Artikel  Havelok and the brutal fisherman
Mills, Maldwyn. (1967) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 36 (1967) S. 219-230

23Artikel  The huntsman and the dwarf in "Erec" and "Libeaus desconus"
Mills, Maldwyn. (1966) - In: Romania Bd. 87 (1966) S. 33-58

24Artikel  A note on "Sir Launfal"733-744
Mills, Maldwyn. (1966) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 35 (1966) S. 122-124

25Artikel  A note on "Sir Launfal" 733-744
Mills, Maldwyn. (1966) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 35 (1966) S. 122-124

26Artikel  Christian significance and romance tradition in 'Sir Gawain and the green knight'
Mills, Maldwyn. (1965) - In: The modern language review Bd. 60 (1965) S. 483-493

27Artikel  A mediaeval reviser at work
Mills, Maldwyn. (1963) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 32 (1963) S. 11-23

28Artikel  The composition and style of the "southern" " Octavian, Sir Launfal"and "Libeaus desconus "
Mills, Maldwyn. (1962) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 31 (1962) S. 88-109

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