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Publikationen »Mitchell, Stephen Arthur«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mitchell, Stephen Arthur

RI opac: 73 Einträge

1Monographie  The Christians of Phrygia from Rome to the Turkish conquest
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. - Leiden [u.a.] (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches: 1
Glauser, JürgHermann, PernilleMitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2018)

3Sammelwerk  Old Norse Mythology: Comparative Perspectives
Hermann, PernilleMitchell, Stephen ArthurSchjødt, Jens PeterRose, Amber J. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge, Mass. (2018)

4Sammelwerk  Minni and Muninn: memory in medieval Nordic culture
Hermann, PernilleMitchell, Stephen ArthurArnórsdóttir, Agnes S. [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2014)

5Sammelwerk  Memory and remembering: past awareness in the medieval north
Pernille, HermannMitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. - Provo, Utah (2013)

6Monographie  Witchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle Ages
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2011)

7Sammelwerk  Patterns in the economy of Roman Asia Minor
Mitchell, Stephen ArthurKatsari, Constantina [Hrsg.]. - Swansea (2005)

8Sammelwerk  Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity
Mitchell, Stephen ArthurGreatrex, Geoffrey [Hrsg.]. - London (2000)

9Sammelwerk  Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. Proceedings of a colloquium held at University College, Swansea, in April 1981
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1983)

10Buchbeitrag  Formulas, Collocations, and Cultural Memory
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2023) - In: New Light on Formulas in Oral Poetry and Prose S. 59-79

11Buchbeitrag  Margrete of Nordnes in Cult, Chronicle, and Ballad.
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2022) - In: FS Jens Peter Schjødt S. 262-288

12Artikel  Magic in Old Norse-Icelandic literature: a typology of modes
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2021) - In: Filologia germanica Bd. 13 (2021) S. 197-224

13Buchbeitrag  Faith and Knowledge in Nordic Charm Magic
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2020) - In: Faith and knowledge in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavia S. 193-212

14Buchbeitrag  Place-Names, Periphrasis, and Popular Tradition: Odinic Toponyms on Samsø
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2020) - In: Essays Stefan Brink S. 283-295

15Artikel  A Matter of Honour: Evolving Moral Codes in the Sagas
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2020) - In: Viking and medieval Scandinavia Bd. 16 (2020) S. 137-156

16Buchbeitrag  Magic and Religion
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2020) - In: The pre-Christian religions of the North. History and structures S. 643-670

17Buchbeitrag  Scandinavia
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2019) - In: The Routledge History of Medieval Magic S. 136-149

18Buchbeitrag  Óðinn, charms, and necromancy: Hávamál 157 in its Nordic and European contexts
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Old Norse Mythology. Comparative Perspectives S. 289-322

19Buchbeitrag  Orality and Oral Theory
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 120-134

20Buchbeitrag  The Northern Isles
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 899-907

21Buchbeitrag  U.S. Perspectives
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 866-875

22Buchbeitrag  Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: An Introduction
Glauser, JürgHermann, PernilleMitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 1-36

23Buchbeitrag  Swedish Perspectives
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 824-833

24Buchbeitrag  Folklore Studies
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 93-106

25Buchbeitrag  Charm Workers
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 655-659

26Buchbeitrag  Óðinn's Ravens
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 454-462

27Buchbeitrag  The Christian Epigraphy of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2017) - In: The epigraphic cultures of Late Antiquity S. 271-286

28Buchbeitrag  On the Old Swedish "Trollmote or Mik motte en gamut kerling"
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2017) - In: Beyond the Piraeus Lion. East Norse studies from Venice S. 171-188

29Buchbeitrag  Heresy and Heterodoxy in Medieval Scandinavia
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2017) - In: Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe S. 35-56

30Buchbeitrag  Perspektiver
Mitchell, Stephen ArthurMorris, BridgetWiktorsson, Per-AxelWiliams, HenrikWollin, Lars. (2015) - In: Østnordisk filologi - nu og i fremtiden S. 15-25

31Artikel  Leechbooks, Manuals and Grimoires
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2014) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 70 (2014) S. 57-74

32Buchbeitrag  The Mythologized Past: Memory in Medieval and Early Modern Gotland
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2014) - In: Minni and Muninn. Memory in medieval Nordic culture S. 155-174

33Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Minni and Muninn - Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture
Pernille, HermannMitchell, Stephen ArthurArnórsdóttir, Agnes S.. (2014) - In: Minni and Muninn. Memory in medieval Nordic culture S. 1-12

34Artikel  Memory, Mediality, and the "Performative Turn": Recontextualizing Remembering in Medieval Scandinavia
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2013) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 85 (2013) S. 282-305

35Artikel  Odin, Magic, and a Swedish Trial from 1484
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2009) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 81 (2009) S. 263-286

36Buchbeitrag  The n-Rune and Nordic Charm Magic
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2008) - In: Studier Kristinn Jóhannesson S. 219-230

37Buchbeitrag  Spirituality and alchemy in Den vises sten (1379)
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2008) - In: Lärdomber oc skämptan. Medieval Swedish literature reconsidered S. 97-108

38Buchbeitrag  The heroic and legendary sagas
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2008) - In: The Viking world (2008) S. 319-322

39Buchbeitrag  Skirnismál and Nordic Charm Magic
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2007) - In: Reflections on old norse myths S. 75-94

40Artikel  The Battle on the Ice
Osborn, MarijaneMitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2007) - In: ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Bd. 20, 3 (2007) S. 70-74

41Artikel  Yuletide Beasts at Lejre
Osborn, MarijaneMitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2007) - In: ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Bd. 20, 3 (2007) S. 43-46

42Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Erkut, GüldenMitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2007) - In: The Black Sea. Past, present and future S. 1-4

43Buchbeitrag  The Supernatural and other Elements of the Fantastic in the Fornaldarsogur
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 2 S. 699-706

44Buchbeitrag  'An Evil Woman is the Devil's Door Nail' - Probing the Proverbial and Pictorial Patriarchate in Medieval Scandinavia
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2005) - In: Neue Ansätze in der Mittelalterphilologie - Nye veier i middelalderfilologien S. 11-34

45Buchbeitrag  Olive cultivation in the economy of Roman Asia Minor
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2005) - In: Patterns in the economy of Roman Asia Minor S. 83-114

46Artikel  An Apostle to Ankara from the New Jerusalem: Montanists and Jews in Late Roman Asia Minor
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2005) - In: Scripta classica Israelica Bd. 24 (2005) S. 207-224

47Artikel  Reconstructing Old Norse Oral Tradition
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2003) - In: Oral tradition Bd. 18 (2003) S. 203-206

48Buchbeitrag  Magic as Acquired Art and the Ethnographic Value of the Sagas
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2003) - In: Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society S. 132-152

49Buchbeitrag  Skirnirs other journey: The riddle of Gleipnir
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2000) - In: FS Lars Lönnroth S. 67-75

50Buchbeitrag  Folklore and philology revisited: medieval Scandinavian folklore?
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2000) - In: Norden og Europa. Fagtradisjoner i nordisk etnologi og folkloristikk S. 286-294

51Buchbeitrag  Ethnicity, acculturation and empire in Roman and late Roman Asia Minor
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2000) - In: Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity S. 117-150

52Artikel  Gender and Nordic witchcraft in the later Middle Ages
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2000) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 56 (2000) S. 7-24

53Buchbeitrag  The settlement of Pisidia in Late Antiquity and the Byzantine period: methodological problems
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (2000) - In: Byzanz als Raum S. 139-152

54Buchbeitrag  The Cult of Theos Hypsistos between Pagans, Jews, and Christians
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1999) - In: Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity S. 81-148

55Artikel  Anaphrodisiac charms in the Nordic Middle Ages: impotence, infertility and magic
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1998) - In: Norveg Bd. 41 (1998) S. 19-42

56Buchbeitrag  The cities of Asia Minor in the age of Constantine.
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1998) - In: Constantine. History, Historiography and Legend S. 52-73

57Artikel  Wer waren die Gottesfurchtigen?
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1998) - In: Chiron Bd. 28 (1998) S. 55-64

58Artikel  Courts, Consorts, and the Transformation of Medieval Scandinavian Literature
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1998) - In: North-western European language evolution Bd. 31/32 (1998) S. 229-241

59Artikel  Nordic Witchcraft in Transition: Impotence, Heresy, and Diabolism in 14th-century Bergen
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1997) - In: Scandia Bd. 63 (1997) S. 17-34

60Buchbeitrag  Courts, Consorts, and the Transformation of Medieval Scandinavian Literature
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1997) - In: Germanic Studies Anatoly Liberman S. 229-241

61Artikel  "Blåkulla" and its antecedents: transvection and conventicles in Nordic witchcraft
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1997) - In: Alvíssmál Bd. 7 (1997) S. 81-100

62Buchbeitrag  The Middle Ages
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1996) - In: A history of Scandinavian literatures 3 S. 1-57

63Buchbeitrag  Art. "Guta saga"
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 253

64Buchbeitrag  Art. "Ódinn" (Proto-Germanic "Wøþanaz")
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 444-445

65Buchbeitrag  Art. "Fornaldarsögur" (sagas of antiquity)
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 206-208

66Buchbeitrag  Art. "Skírnismál" (the lay of Skírnir)
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 596-597

67Artikel  "Gråkappan" (AT 425) as Chapbook and Folktale in Sweden
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1991) - In: Harvard English studies Bd. 17 (1991) S. 269-291

68Buchbeitrag  The Sagaman and Oral Literature: The Icelandic Traditions of Hjorleifr inn kvensami and Geirmundr heljarskinn
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1987) - In: FS Milman Parry S. 395-424

69Artikel  The whetstone as symbol of authority in Old English and Old Norse
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1985) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 57 (1985) S. 1-31

70Artikel  On the Composition and Function of "Guta Saga"
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1984) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 99 (1984) S. 151-174

71Artikel  "For Scírnis" as Mythological Model: "frið at kaupa"
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1983) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 98 (1983) S. 108-122

72Artikel  Ambiguity and Germanic imagery in OE Riddle 1: "Army"
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1982) - In: Studia neophilologica Bd. 54 (1982) S. 39-52

73Artikel  Asvan Kale
Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. (1973) - In: Anatolian studies Bd. 23 (1973) S. 121-151

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