Publikationen »Mitchell, Stephen Arthur«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mitchell, Stephen Arthur
RI opac: 73 Einträge
1 | The Christians of Phrygia from Rome to the Turkish conquest Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
2 | Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches: 1 Glauser, Jürg • Hermann, Pernille • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Old Norse Mythology: Comparative Perspectives Hermann, Pernille • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur • Schjødt, Jens Peter • Rose, Amber J. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Minni and Muninn: memory in medieval Nordic culture Hermann, Pernille • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur • Arnórsdóttir, Agnes S. [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Memory and remembering: past awareness in the medieval north Pernille, Hermann • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Witchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle Ages Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
7 | Patterns in the economy of Roman Asia Minor Mitchell, Stephen Arthur • Katsari, Constantina [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity Mitchell, Stephen Arthur • Greatrex, Geoffrey [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. Proceedings of a colloquium held at University College, Swansea, in April 1981 Mitchell, Stephen Arthur [Hrsg.]. |
10 | Formulas, Collocations, and Cultural Memory Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
11 | Margrete of Nordnes in Cult, Chronicle, and Ballad. Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
12 | Magic in Old Norse-Icelandic literature: a typology of modes Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
13 | Faith and Knowledge in Nordic Charm Magic Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
14 | Place-Names, Periphrasis, and Popular Tradition: Odinic Toponyms on Samsø Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
15 | A Matter of Honour: Evolving Moral Codes in the Sagas Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
16 | Magic and Religion Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
17 | Scandinavia Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
18 | Óðinn, charms, and necromancy: Hávamál 157 in its Nordic and European contexts Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
19 | Orality and Oral Theory Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
20 | The Northern Isles Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
21 | U.S. Perspectives Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
23 | Swedish Perspectives Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
24 | Folklore Studies Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
25 | Charm Workers Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
26 | Óðinn's Ravens Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
27 | The Christian Epigraphy of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
28 | On the Old Swedish "Trollmote or Mik motte en gamut kerling" Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
29 | Heresy and Heterodoxy in Medieval Scandinavia Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
30 | Perspektiver Mitchell, Stephen Arthur • Morris, Bridget • Wiktorsson, Per-Axel • Wiliams, Henrik • Wollin, Lars. |
31 | Leechbooks, Manuals and Grimoires Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
32 | The Mythologized Past: Memory in Medieval and Early Modern Gotland Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
34 | Memory, Mediality, and the "Performative Turn": Recontextualizing Remembering in Medieval Scandinavia Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
35 | Odin, Magic, and a Swedish Trial from 1484 Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
36 | The n-Rune and Nordic Charm Magic Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
37 | Spirituality and alchemy in Den vises sten (1379) Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
38 | The heroic and legendary sagas Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
39 | Skirnismál and Nordic Charm Magic Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
40 | The Battle on the Ice Osborn, Marijane • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
41 | Yuletide Beasts at Lejre Osborn, Marijane • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
42 | Introduction Erkut, Gülden • Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
43 | The Supernatural and other Elements of the Fantastic in the Fornaldarsogur Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
45 | Olive cultivation in the economy of Roman Asia Minor Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
46 | An Apostle to Ankara from the New Jerusalem: Montanists and Jews in Late Roman Asia Minor Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
47 | Reconstructing Old Norse Oral Tradition Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
48 | Magic as Acquired Art and the Ethnographic Value of the Sagas Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
49 | Skirnirs other journey: The riddle of Gleipnir Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
50 | Folklore and philology revisited: medieval Scandinavian folklore? Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
51 | Ethnicity, acculturation and empire in Roman and late Roman Asia Minor Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
52 | Gender and Nordic witchcraft in the later Middle Ages Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
53 | The settlement of Pisidia in Late Antiquity and the Byzantine period: methodological problems Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
54 | The Cult of Theos Hypsistos between Pagans, Jews, and Christians Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
55 | Anaphrodisiac charms in the Nordic Middle Ages: impotence, infertility and magic Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
56 | The cities of Asia Minor in the age of Constantine. Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
57 | Wer waren die Gottesfurchtigen? Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
58 | Courts, Consorts, and the Transformation of Medieval Scandinavian Literature Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
59 | Nordic Witchcraft in Transition: Impotence, Heresy, and Diabolism in 14th-century Bergen Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
60 | Courts, Consorts, and the Transformation of Medieval Scandinavian Literature Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
61 | "Blåkulla" and its antecedents: transvection and conventicles in Nordic witchcraft Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
62 | The Middle Ages Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
63 | Art. "Guta saga" Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
64 | Art. "Ódinn" (Proto-Germanic "Wøþanaz") Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
65 | Art. "Fornaldarsögur" (sagas of antiquity) Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
66 | Art. "Skírnismál" (the lay of Skírnir) Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
67 | "Gråkappan" (AT 425) as Chapbook and Folktale in Sweden Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
68 | The Sagaman and Oral Literature: The Icelandic Traditions of Hjorleifr inn kvensami and Geirmundr heljarskinn Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
69 | The whetstone as symbol of authority in Old English and Old Norse Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
70 | On the Composition and Function of "Guta Saga" Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
71 | "For Scírnis" as Mythological Model: "frið at kaupa" Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
72 | Ambiguity and Germanic imagery in OE Riddle 1: "Army" Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
73 | Asvan Kale Mitchell, Stephen Arthur. |
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