Publikationen »Montinaro, Federico«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Montinaro, Federico
RI opac: 19 Einträge
1 | A Companion to Procopius of Caesarea Meier, Mischa • Montinaro, Federico [Hrsg.]. |
2 | The acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70 Price, Richard M. • Montinaro, Federico [Bearb.]. |
3 | Studies in Theophanes Jankowiak, Marek • Montinaro, Federico [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Etudes sur l'évergétisme impérial à Byzance Montinaro, Federico. |
5 | Introduction Montinaro, Federico • Meier, Mischa. |
7 | Reconstructions imaginaires: une note sur Byzance et l'Islam du VIIe au Xe siècle Montinaro, Federico. |
9 | Eusebius was the author of the Contra Hieroclem Montinaro, Federico • Neumann, Lisa. |
10 | Killing "Empire": Goldilocks and the Three Byzantine Kommerkiarioi Montinaro, Federico. |
11 | Scaliger's lie? a note on "Project Procopius" Montinaro, Federico. |
12 | Les fausses donations de Constantin dans le Liber pontificalis Montinaro, Federico. |
13 | Introduction Jankowiak, Marek • Montinaro, Federico. |
14 | Histories of Byzantium: some remarks on the early manuscripts of Theophanes' Chronicle Montinaro, Federico. |
15 | The Chronicle of Theophanes in the indirect tradition Montinaro, Federico. |
16 | Power, Taste and the Outsider: Procopius and the Buildings Revisited Montinaro, Federico. |
17 | Les premiers commerciaires byzantins Montinaro, Federico. |
18 | Les premiers commerciaires byzantins Montinaro, Federico. |
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