Publikationen »Morris, Christopher D.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Morris, Christopher D.
RI opac: 58 Einträge
1 | Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990-1999 Barrowman, Rachel • Batey, Colleen E. • Morris, Christopher D.. |
2 | Freswick Links, Caithness; A Late Norse Settlement in Caithness Batey, Colleen E. • Morris, Christopher D. • Rackham, D. James. |
4 | Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic Morris, Christopher D. • Rackham, D. James [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Church and monastery in the Far North: an archaeological evaluation Morris, Christopher D.. |
6 | The Brough of Birsay, Orkney Morris, Christopher D.. |
7 | Looking at, and for, inscribed stones: a note from the Brough of Birsay, Orkney Morris, Christopher D.. |
8 | Revisiting Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement and Sculpture Morris, Christopher D.. |
9 | The Shetland Chapel-sites Project 1999-2000 Morris, Christopher D. • Brady, Kevin J. • Johnson, Paul G.. |
11 | Birsay Morris, Christopher D.. |
12 | Norse settlement in Shetland: the Shetland chapel-sites Morris, Christopher D.. |
13 | Recent work at Tintagel Morris, Christopher D. • u.a.. |
14 | The Shetland Chapel-sites Project 1997-98 Morris, Christopher D. • Brady, Kevin J.. |
15 | Raiders, traders and settlers: the early Viking Age in Scotland Morris, Christopher D.. |
16 | Tintagel Island 1994: an interim report Morris, Christopher D.. |
17 | From Birsay to Tintagel: a personal view Morris, Christopher D.. |
18 | Tintagel Island 1993: an interim report Morris, Christopher D.. |
19 | Birsay: an Orcadian centre of political and ecclesiastical power: a retrospective view on work in the 1970s and 1980s Morris, Christopher D.. |
20 | Church and Monastery in the Far North: An Archaeological Evaluation Morris, Christopher D.. |
22 | Art. Birsay Morris, Christopher D.. |
23 | Congress diary: notes on field excursions. Morris, Christopher D.. |
24 | The Birsay Bay project: a résumé. Morris, Christopher D.. |
25 | Earls' Bu, Orphir, Orkney: Excavation of a Norse Horizontal Mill Batey, Colleen E. • Morris, Christopher D.. |
26 | Preface Morris, Christopher D.. |
28 | Tintagel Island 1990: an interim report Morris, Christopher D.. |
29 | Viking and late Norse Orkney. An update and bibliography Morris, Christopher D. • u.a.. |
30 | Native and Norse in Orkney and Shetland Morris, Christopher D.. |
31 | Tintagel, Cornwall: the 1990 excavations Morris, Christopher D.. |
32 | 10th-century carved bone strip from Ferryhill, County Durham Batey, Colleen E. • Morris, Christopher D. • Vyner, Blaise E.. |
33 | Birsay Bay, Orkney: Human Exploitation of Natural and Agricultural Resources Morris, Christopher D.. |
34 | The Brough of Deerness, Orkney. Excavations 1975-7: Summary Report Morris, Christopher D.. |
35 | The buildings of King's College, Cambridge Morris, Christopher D.. |
36 | The setting for the Brough of Deerness, Orkney Morris, Christopher D. • Emery, Norman. |
37 | The chapel and enclosure on the Brough of Deerness, Orkney: survey and excavations, 1975-1977 Morris, Christopher D. • Emery, Norman. |
38 | Aspect of Scandinavian settlement in Northern England: a review Morris, Christopher D.. |
39 | Freswick Castle, Caithness: report on rescue excavations carried out in 1979 Batey, Colleen E. • Morris, Christopher D. • Rackham, James. |
40 | Burials in Birsay, Orkney Morris, Christopher D. • Pearson, Nicholas F.. |
41 | The survey and excavations at Keeill Vael, Druidale, in their context. Morris, Christopher D.. |
42 | The Vikings in the British Isles: some aspects of their settlement and economy. Morris, Christopher D.. |
43 | From sword to plough. Morris, Christopher D.. |
44 | Recent excavations at the Brough of Birsay, Orkney Hunter, John R. • Morris, Christopher D.. |
45 | Viking and native in northern England. A case-study Morris, Christopher D.. |
46 | Birsay "small sites" excavations and survey 1978 Morris, Christopher D.. |
47 | Recent finds of pre-Norman sculpture from Gilling West, N. Yorkshire Lang, James T. • Morris, Christopher D.. |
48 | Aycliffe and its pre-Norman sculpture Coatsworth, Elizabeth • Morris, Christopher D.. |
49 | Brough of Deerness, Orkney (NGR 596087): interim report on excavations and survey 1976-77 Morris, Christopher D.. |
50 | Brough of Birsay, Orkney (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1977; interim report on work by Durham University Morris, Christopher D.. |
51 | Northumbria and the Viking settlement: the evidence for land-holding Morris, Christopher D.. |
52 | Brough of Birsay, Orkney: excavations and survey 1976: interim report on work by Durham University Morris, Christopher D.. |
53 | Brough of Birsay (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1974: interim report Morris, Christopher D.. |
54 | Pre-Conquest sculpture of the Tees Valley Morris, Christopher D.. |
55 | Brough of Birsay (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1975: interim report Morris, Christopher D.. |
56 | Brough of Deerness, Orkney (NGR HY596087): excavation 1975 Morris, Christopher D.. |
57 | Museum Notes 1975: objects from Viking period graves at Norby, Norway Morris, Christopher D.. |
58 | Two early grave-markers from Billingham Morris, Christopher D.. |
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