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Publikationen »Morris, Christopher D.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Morris, Christopher D.

RI opac: 58 Einträge

1Monographie  Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990-1999
Barrowman, RachelBatey, Colleen E.Morris, Christopher D.. - London (2007)

2Sammelwerk  Freswick Links, Caithness; A Late Norse Settlement in Caithness
Batey, Colleen E.Morris, Christopher D.Rackham, D. James. - Inverness [u.a.] (1995)

3Sammelwerk  The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic: Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Eleventh Viking Congress, Thurso and Kirkwall, 22 August - 1 September 1989
Batey, Colleen E.Jesch, JudithMorris, Christopher D. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1993)

4Sammelwerk  Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic
Morris, Christopher D.Rackham, D. James [Hrsg.]. - Glasgow (1992)

5Monographie  Church and monastery in the Far North: an archaeological evaluation
Morris, Christopher D.. - Jarrow on Tyne (1989)

6Buchbeitrag  The Brough of Birsay, Orkney
Morris, Christopher D.. (2023) - In: The Viking Age in Scotland. Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology S. 213-222

7Buchbeitrag  Looking at, and for, inscribed stones: a note from the Brough of Birsay, Orkney
Morris, Christopher D.. (2017) - In: Essays Richard N. Bailey S. 185-194

8Buchbeitrag  Revisiting Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement and Sculpture
Morris, Christopher D.. (2009) - In: Studies Helen Damico (2009) S. 211-233

9Buchbeitrag  The Shetland Chapel-sites Project 1999-2000
Morris, Christopher D.Brady, Kevin J.Johnson, Paul G.. (2007) - In: FS Barbara E. Crawford S. 265-284

10Buchbeitrag  From Birsay to Brattahlíð: recent perspectives on Norse Christianity in Orkney, Shetland and the North Atlantic region
Morris, Christopher D.. (2004) - In: Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350. Contact, Conflict, and Coexistence S. 177-195

11Buchbeitrag  Birsay
Morris, Christopher D.. (2001) - In: Medieval archaeology. An encyclopedia S. 16-18

12Buchbeitrag  Norse settlement in Shetland: the Shetland chapel-sites
Morris, Christopher D.. (2001) - In: Denmark and Scotland. The cultural and environmental resources of small nations S. 58-78

13Artikel  Recent work at Tintagel
Morris, Christopher D.u.a.. (1999) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 43 (1999) S. 206-215

14Artikel  The Shetland Chapel-sites Project 1997-98
Morris, Christopher D.Brady, Kevin J.. (1999) - In: Church archaeology Bd. 3 (1999) S. 25-33

15Buchbeitrag  Raiders, traders and settlers: the early Viking Age in Scotland
Morris, Christopher D.. (1998) - In: Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age S. 73-103

16Artikel  Tintagel Island 1994: an interim report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1997) - In: Cornish archaeology Bd. 36 (1997) S. 208-214

17Buchbeitrag  From Birsay to Tintagel: a personal view
Morris, Christopher D.. (1996) - In: Scotland in dark age Britain S. 37-78

18Artikel  Tintagel Island 1993: an interim report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1995) - In: Cornish archaeology Bd. 34 (1995) S. 191-195

19Artikel  Birsay: an Orcadian centre of political and ecclesiastical power: a retrospective view on work in the 1970s and 1980s
Morris, Christopher D.. (1995) - In: Studia Celtica Bd. 29 (1995) S. 1-29

20Buchbeitrag  Church and Monastery in the Far North: An Archaeological Evaluation
Morris, Christopher D.. (1994) - In: Bede and his World. The Jarrow Lectures Tl. 2 S. 807-848

21Buchbeitrag  The Viking and Early Settlement Archaeological Research Project: past, present and future
Morris, Christopher D.Barrett, James HaroldBatey, Colleen E.. (1994) - In: The Twelfth Viking Congress. Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the Viking Age S. 144-158

22Buchbeitrag  Art. Birsay
Morris, Christopher D.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 44

23Buchbeitrag  Congress diary: notes on field excursions.
Morris, Christopher D.. (1993) - In: The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic S. 1-101

24Buchbeitrag  The Birsay Bay project: a résumé.
Morris, Christopher D.. (1993) - In: The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic S. 285-307

25Buchbeitrag  Earls' Bu, Orphir, Orkney: Excavation of a Norse Horizontal Mill
Batey, Colleen E.Morris, Christopher D.. (1992) - In: Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic S. 33-41

26Buchbeitrag  Preface
Morris, Christopher D.. (1992) - In: Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic S. ix-x

27Buchbeitrag  Excavations at Freswick links, Caithness 1980-82: environmental column samples form the cliff-side
Morris, Christopher D.. (1992) - In: Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic S. 43-102

28Artikel  Tintagel Island 1990: an interim report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1991) - In: Cornish archaeology Bd. 30 (1991) S. 260-262

29Artikel  Viking and late Norse Orkney. An update and bibliography
Morris, Christopher D.u.a.. (1991) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 62 (1991) S. 123-150

30Buchbeitrag  Native and Norse in Orkney and Shetland
Morris, Christopher D.. (1991) - In: Studies in Insular Art and Archaeology S. 61-80

31Artikel  Tintagel, Cornwall: the 1990 excavations
Morris, Christopher D.. (1990) - In: Antiquity. A quarterly review of archaeology Bd. 64 (1990) S. 843-849

32Artikel  10th-century carved bone strip from Ferryhill, County Durham
Batey, Colleen E.Morris, Christopher D.Vyner, Blaise E.. (1990) - In: Durham archaeological journal Bd. 6 (1990) S. 31-34

33Artikel  Birsay Bay, Orkney: Human Exploitation of Natural and Agricultural Resources
Morris, Christopher D.. (1989) - In: Hikuin Bd. 15 (1989) S. 207-222

34Buchbeitrag  The Brough of Deerness, Orkney. Excavations 1975-7: Summary Report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1987) - In: Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress S. 113-130

35Artikel  The buildings of King's College, Cambridge
Morris, Christopher D.. (1986) - In: Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society Bd. 30 (1986) S. 16-28

36Artikel  The setting for the Brough of Deerness, Orkney
Morris, Christopher D.Emery, Norman. (1986) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 23 (1986) S. 1-30

37Artikel  The chapel and enclosure on the Brough of Deerness, Orkney: survey and excavations, 1975-1977
Morris, Christopher D.Emery, Norman. (1986) - In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Bd. 116 (1986) S. 301-374

38Artikel  Aspect of Scandinavian settlement in Northern England: a review
Morris, Christopher D.. (1984) - In: Northern History Bd. 20 (1984) S. 1-22

39Artikel  Freswick Castle, Caithness: report on rescue excavations carried out in 1979
Batey, Colleen E.Morris, Christopher D.Rackham, James. (1984) - In: Glasgow archaeological journal Bd. 11 (1984) S. 83-118

40Buchbeitrag  Burials in Birsay, Orkney
Morris, Christopher D.Pearson, Nicholas F.. (1984) - In: Pictish Studies. Settlement, Burial and Art in Dark Age Northern Britain S. 135-144

41Buchbeitrag  The survey and excavations at Keeill Vael, Druidale, in their context.
Morris, Christopher D.. (1983) - In: The Viking Age in the Isle of Man S. 107-131

42Buchbeitrag  The Vikings in the British Isles: some aspects of their settlement and economy.
Morris, Christopher D.. (1982) - In: The Vikings. Papers from the Cornell Lecture Series S. 70-94

43Buchbeitrag  From sword to plough.
Morris, Christopher D.. (1981) - In: The Vikings in England and in their Danish Homeland S. 69-77

44Buchbeitrag  Recent excavations at the Brough of Birsay, Orkney
Hunter, John R.Morris, Christopher D.. (1981) - In: Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress S. 245-258

45Buchbeitrag  Viking and native in northern England. A case-study
Morris, Christopher D.. (1981) - In: Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress S. 223-244

46Artikel  Birsay "small sites" excavations and survey 1978
Morris, Christopher D.. (1979) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 13 (1979) S. 3-19

47Artikel  Recent finds of pre-Norman sculpture from Gilling West, N. Yorkshire
Lang, James T.Morris, Christopher D.. (1978) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 22 (1978) S. 127-130

48Buchbeitrag  Aycliffe and its pre-Norman sculpture
Coatsworth, ElizabethMorris, Christopher D.. (1978) - In: Anglo-Saxon and Viking age sculpture and its context S. 97-133

49Artikel  Brough of Deerness, Orkney (NGR 596087): interim report on excavations and survey 1976-77
Morris, Christopher D.. (1978) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 11 (1978) S. 16-19

50Artikel  Brough of Birsay, Orkney (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1977; interim report on work by Durham University
Morris, Christopher D.. (1978) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 11 (1978) S. 19-22

51Artikel  Northumbria and the Viking settlement: the evidence for land-holding
Morris, Christopher D.. (1977) - In: Archaeologia Aeliana Ser. 5, Bd. 5 (1977) S. 81-103

52Artikel  Brough of Birsay, Orkney: excavations and survey 1976: interim report on work by Durham University
Morris, Christopher D.. (1977) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 10 (1977) S. 28-31

53Artikel  Brough of Birsay (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1974: interim report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1976) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 7/8 (1976) S. 24-28

54Artikel  Pre-Conquest sculpture of the Tees Valley
Morris, Christopher D.. (1976) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 20 (1976) S. 140-146

55Artikel  Brough of Birsay (NGR HY239285): excavations and survey 1975: interim report
Morris, Christopher D.. (1976) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 7/8 (1976) S. 28-33

56Artikel  Brough of Deerness, Orkney (NGR HY596087): excavation 1975
Morris, Christopher D.. (1976) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 7/8 (1976) S. 33-37

57Artikel  Museum Notes 1975: objects from Viking period graves at Norby, Norway
Morris, Christopher D.. (1975) - In: Archaeologia Aeliana Ser. 5, Bd. 3 (1975) S. 205-211

58Artikel  Two early grave-markers from Billingham
Morris, Christopher D.. (1974) - In: Archaeologia Aeliana Ser. 5, Bd. 2 (1974) S. 49-55

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