Publikationen »Morris, Richard K.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Morris, Richard K.
RI opac: 60 Einträge
1 | Kenilworth Castle Morris, Richard K.. |
2 | Coventry: medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the city and its vicinity Monckton, Linda • Morris, Richard K. [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Kenilworth Castle Morris, Richard K.. |
4 | Kenilworth Castle Morris, Richard K.. |
5 | Tewkesbury Abbey: History, Art and Architecture Morris, Richard K. • Shoesmith, Ron [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Cathedrals and Abbeys of England and Wales: The Building Church, 600-1540 Morris, Richard K.. |
7 | The Archaeological Study of Churches Addyman, Peter V. • Morris, Richard K. [Hrsg.]. |
8 | The Architecture of Arthurian Enthusiasm: Castle Symbolism in the Reigns of Edward I and his Successors Morris, Richard K.. |
9 | The Chapter-House of St Albans Abbey: Reconstructing its 15th-Century Vault Morris, Richard K.. |
10 | Sidelights on the 11th-Century Architecture at Kenilworth Castle Morris, Richard K.. |
12 | Comparative analysis Morris, Richard K.. |
13 | Deira and York in 7th and 8th centuries Morris, Richard K. • Powlesland, Dominic • Wood, Ian N.. |
14 | Later Gothic architecture in south Wales Morris, Richard K.. |
15 | "Calami et iunci": Lastingham in the seventh and eighth centuries Morris, Richard K.. |
16 | The Bones in the Clarence Vault Donmall, Michael • Morris, Richard K.. |
17 | The Monastic Buildings Morris, Richard K.. |
18 | The Gothic Church: Architectural History Morris, Richard K. • Thurlby, Malcolm. |
19 | The Gothic Church: Vaulting and Carpentry Morris, Richard K.. |
20 | A wall painting of the apocalypse in Coventry rediscovered Gill, Miriam • Morris, Richard K.. |
21 | Architectural terracotta decoration in Tudor England Morris, Richard K.. |
22 | The architectural history of the medieval cathedral church Morris, Richard K.. |
23 | Tewkesbury Abbey nave: cleaning and recording 1996 Morris, Richard K. • Kendrick, David. |
25 | A fourteenth-century pulpitum screen at Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire Harrison, Stuart A. • Morris, Richard K. • Robinson, David M.. |
26 | European prodigy or regional eccentric? The rebuilding of St Augustine's Abbey Church, Bristol Morris, Richard K.. |
27 | Mouldings in medieval cathedrals Morris, Richard K.. |
28 | The style and buttressing of Salisbury cathedral tower Morris, Richard K.. |
29 | The archaeological study of cathedrals in England, 1800 - 2000: a review and speculation Morris, Richard K.. |
30 | The lost cathedral priory church of St Mary, Coventry Morris, Richard K.. |
31 | Monasteries as settlements: religion, society, and economy, AD 600-1050 Gilchrist, Roberta • Morris, Richard K.. |
33 | The Lapidary Collections of Lichfield Cathedral Morris, Richard K.. |
34 | Trial excavation and salvage recording at St Oswald's Almshouses, Worcester Edwards, R. E. • White, H. A. • Morris, Richard K.. |
35 | An English glossary of medieval mouldings: with an introduction to mouldings c. 1040-1240 Morris, Richard K.. |
36 | Baptismal places: 600-800 Morris, Richard K.. |
37 | Thomas of Witney at Exeter, Winchester and Wells Morris, Richard K.. |
38 | Mouldings and the analysis of medieval style Morris, Richard K.. |
39 | The new work at old St Paul's cathedral and its place in English thirteenth-century architecture Morris, Richard K.. |
40 | Beverley Minster before the early thirteenth century Morris, Richard K. • Cambridge, Eric • Doyle, Anthony Ian. |
41 | Windows in Early Tudor Country Houses Morris, Richard K.. |
42 | St. Mary's Hall and the medieval architecture of Coventry Morris, Richard K.. |
43 | The Gothic mouldings of the Latin and Lady Chapels. Morris, Richard K.. |
45 | Parish Churches Morris, Richard K.. |
46 | Alcuin, York, and the alma sophia Morris, Richard K.. |
47 | The architecture of the Earls of Warwick in the fourteenth century Morris, Richard K.. |
48 | Early Gothic architecture at Tewkesbury Abbey Morris, Richard K.. |
49 | Ballflower work in Gloucester and its vicinity Morris, Richard K.. |
50 | The architectural history of Wells Cathedral Morris, Richard K.. |
51 | The Herefordshire school: recent discoveries Morris, Richard K.. |
52 | The development of later Gothic mouldings in England, c.1250-1400 Morris, Richard K.. |
53 | Worcester nave: from decorated to perpendicular Morris, Richard K.. |
54 | The development of later Gothic mouldings in England, c.1250-1400 Morris, Richard K.. |
55 | Kirk Hammerton Church: the tower and the fabric Morris, Richard K.. |
57 | Tewkesbury Abbey: the Despenser mausoleum Morris, Richard K.. |
58 | The mason of Madley, Allensmore and Eaton Bishop Morris, Richard K.. |
59 | The local influence of Hereford cathedral in the decorated period Morris, Richard K.. |
60 | A restoration at Fletching, Sussex: the Dallingridge tomb Egan, B.S.H. • Morris, Richard K.. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a
Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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