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Publikationen »Mullett, Margaret E.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mullett, Margaret E.

RI opac: 90 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Illuminations. Studies Presented to Lioba Theis
Fingarova, GalinaGargova, FaniMullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - Wien (2022)

2Sammelwerk  The Holy Apostles.: A lost monument, a forgotten project, and the presentness of the past.
Gargova, Fani [Bearb.]. Mullett, Margaret E.Ousterhout, Robert G. [Hrsg.]. - Washington, DC (2021)

3Sammelwerk  Storytelling in Byzantium: narratological approaches to Byzantine texts and images
Messis, CharisMullett, Margaret E.Nilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Uppsala (2018)

4Sammelwerk  Knowing bodies, passionate souls. Sense perception in Byzantium
Harvey, Susan AshbrookMullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - Washington, DC (2017)

5Sammelwerk  Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium
Mullett, Margaret E.. - Burlington (2007)

6Sammelwerk  Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries ; [papers of the Fifth Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium, Portaferry, Co. Down, 17 - 20 September 1998]
Mullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - Belfast (2007)

7Monographie  Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries
Mullett, Margaret E.. - Belfast (2007)

8Sammelwerk  Metaphrastes, or, Gained in translation: essays and translations in honour of Robert H. Jordan
Mullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - Belfast (2004)

9Sammelwerk  Mosaic. Festschrift for A.H.S. Megaw
Otten-Froux, CatherineHerrin, JudithMullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - London (2001)

10Sammelwerk  Work and worship at the Theotokos Evergetis 1050 - 1200
Kirby, AnthonyMullett, Margaret E. [Hrsg.]. - Belfast (1997)

11Monographie  Theophylact of Ochrid: reading the letters of a Byzantine archbishop
Mullett, Margaret E.. - Aldershot (1997)

12Sammelwerk  Alexios I Komnenos. Papers on the Second Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium, 14-16 April 1989
Mullett, Margaret E.Smythe, Dion C. [Hrsg.]. - Belfast (1996)

13Sammelwerk  The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh Century Monasticism: Papers of the Third Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium
Mullett, Margaret E.Kirby, Anthony [Hrsg.]. - Belfast (1994)

14Monographie  Theophylact through his letters: the two worlds of an exile Bishop
Mullett, Margaret E.. - [University of Birmingham] (1981)

15Sammelwerk  Byzantium and the Classical Tradition. University of Birmingham Thirteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies 1979
Mullett, Margaret E.Scott, Roger D. [Hrsg.]. - Birmingham (1981)

16Buchbeitrag  A Saint in Space: Mobility and Distance in the Life of Cyril Phileotes
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2023) - In: Holiness on the move. Mobility and space in Byzantine hagiography S. 17-43

17Buchbeitrag  Tragic Emotions? The Christos Paschon
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2022) - In: Emotions through Time. From Antiquity to Byzantium S. 281-302

18Buchbeitrag  Thoughts on the Recent Past and the Future of Byzantine Literary Studies
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2021) - In: The Oxford handbook of Byzantine literature S. 725-742

19Buchbeitrag  Spoiling the Hellenes: Intertextuality, Appropriation, Embedment. The Case of the 'Christos Paschon'
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2021) - In: Spoliation as translation. Medieval worlds in the eastern Mediterranean S. 98-115

20Artikel  Ruth Juliana Macrides: (1949-2019)
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2021) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers Bd. 74 (2021) S. 1-6

21Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Symposium, project, monument.
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2021) - In: The Holy Apostles. A lost monument, a forgotten project, and the presentness of the past S. 1-14

22Buchbeitrag  Contexts for the "Christos Paschon"
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2020) - In: Essays Henry Maguire S. 204-217

23Buchbeitrag  Object, text and performance in four Komnenian tent poems
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2018) - In: Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond S. 414-429

24Buchbeitrag  Afterword
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2018) - In: Storytelling in Byzantium. Narratological approaches to Byzantine texts and images S. 305-309

25Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Thirty years on.
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2018) - In: Un large moyen âge? L'oeuvre de Jacques le Goff et les études byzantines S. 23-32

26Buchbeitrag  Performing Court Literature in Medieval Byzantium: Tales Told in Tents
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2017) - In: In the presence of power. Court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East S. 121-141

27Buchbeitrag  Do Brothers Weep? Male Grief, Mourning, Lament and Tears in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Byzantium
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2017) - In: Greek laughter and tears. Antiquity and after S. 312-337

28Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Harvey, Susan AshbrookMullett, Margaret E.. (2017) - In: Knowing bodies, passionate souls. Sense perception in Byzantium S. 1-9

29Buchbeitrag  Monastic culture in the middle Byzantine empire
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2014) - In: Byzantine Culture. Papers S. 343-356

30Buchbeitrag  Dreaming in the Life of Cyril Phileotes
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2014) - In: Dreaming in Byzantium and Beyond S. 1-20

31Buchbeitrag  In Search of the Monastic Author. Story-Telling, Anonymity and Innovation in the 12th Century
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2014) - In: The author in Middle Byzantine literature. Modes, functions, and identities S. 171-199

32Buchbeitrag  Tented Ceremony: Ephemeral Performances under the Komnenoi
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2013) - In: Court ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean S. 487-514

33Buchbeitrag  Did Byzantium Have a Court Literature ?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2013) - In: The Byzantine Court. Source of Power and Culture S. 173-182

34Buchbeitrag  How to criticize the laudandus
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2013) - In: Power and subversion in Byzantium S. 247-262

35Artikel  Female Founders - in Conclusion: The Gynamics of Foundation
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2012) - In: Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte Bd. 60 (2012) S. 417-428

36Buchbeitrag  Whose Muses ? Two Advice Poems Attributed to Alexios I Komnenos.
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2012) - In: La face cachée de la littérature Byzantine S. 195-220

37Buchbeitrag  Conclusion - Not the Theotokos Again?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2011) - In: The cult of the mother of God in Byzantium. Texts and images S. 279-288

38Buchbeitrag  In conclusion: a colloque which brought Byzantinum vividly before our eyes, a synthesis wich brings the colloque vividly before your eyes
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2011) - In: Ekphrasis. La representation des monuments dans les litteratures byzantine et byzantino-slaves S. 265-275

39Buchbeitrag  No Drama, No Poetry, No Fiction, No Readership, No Literature
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2010) - In: A companion to Byzantium S. 227-238

40Buchbeitrag  Imitatio - aemulatio - variatio
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2010) - In: Imitatio - aemulatio - variatio. Akten S. 279-282

41Buchbeitrag  The Poetics of Paraitesis: The Resignation Poems of Nicholas of Kerkyra and Nicholas Mouzalon
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2009) - In: "Doux remède...". Poésie et poétique à Byzance S. 157-178

42Buchbeitrag  Byzantine Scholarship: Twelfth-Century Constantinople, Twentieth-Century Britain
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2008) - In: A century of British medieval studies S. 201-234

43Buchbeitrag  Literature. Epistolography
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2008) - In: The Oxford handbook of byzantine studies S. 882-893

44Buchbeitrag  Refounding monasteries in Constantinople under the Komnenoi
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries S. 366-378

45Buchbeitrag  Typika and other texts
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries S. 182-209

46Buchbeitrag  Rhetoric, theory and the imperative of performance: Byzantium and now
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. X S. 151-172

47Buchbeitrag  Founders, refounders, second founders, patrons
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries S. 1-27

48Buchbeitrag  25 years of letters, literacy and literature. Plenary lecture to the Byzantine Studies Conference in 1999
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. I S. 1-10

49Buchbeitrag  1098 and all that: Theophylact, the bishop of Semnea and the Alexian reconquest of Anatolia
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. V S. 237-252

50Buchbeitrag  The madness of genre
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. IX S. 235-243

51Buchbeitrag  The classical tradition in the Byzantine letter
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. II S. 75-93

52Buchbeitrag  Food for the spirit and a light for the road: reading the bible in the Life of Cyril Phileotes
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. VII S. 139-164

53Buchbeitrag  Literary biography and historical genre in the life of Cyril Phileotes by Nicholas Kataskepenos
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XV S. 387-410

54Buchbeitrag  The language of diplomacy
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. III S. 203-216

55Buchbeitrag  Writing in early mediaeval Byzantium
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. VI S. 156-185

56Buchbeitrag  A New Literary History of Byzantium: a worthwhile endeavour?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XVII S. 37-60

57Buchbeitrag  Dancing with deconstructionists in the gardens of the Muses
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XVI S. 258-275

58Buchbeitrag  In peril on the sea: travel genres and the unexpected
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XIV S. 259-284

59Buchbeitrag  Aristocracy and patronage in the literary circles of Comnenian Constantinople
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. VIII S. 173-201

60Buchbeitrag  Originality and Byzantine letter-writing: the case of exile
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. IV S. 39-58

61Buchbeitrag  Alexios and imperial renewal
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XII S. 257-267

62Buchbeitrag  The imperial vocabulary of Alexios I Komnenos
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XIII S. 359-397

63Buchbeitrag  Novelisation in Byzantium: narrative after the revival of fiction
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2007) - In: Mullett, Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium Tl. XI S. 1-22

64Buchbeitrag  Novelisation in Byzantium: Narrative after the Revival of Fiction
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2006) - In: Papers Roger Scott S. 1-28

65Artikel  Power, relations and networks in medieval Europe, Introduction
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2005) - In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire Bd. 83 (2005) S. 255-260

66Buchbeitrag  Literary biography and historical genre in the life of Cyril Phileotes by Nicholas Kataskepenos
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2004) - In: Les "Vies des saints" à Byzance. Genre littéraire ou biographie historique? S. 387-409

67Buchbeitrag  The detection of relationship in middle Byzantine literary texts. The case of letters and letter-networks
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2003) - In: L'épistolographie et la poésie épigrammatique S. 63-74

68Buchbeitrag  Rhetoric, theory and the imperative of performance: Byzantium and now
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2003) - In: Rhetoric in Byzantium S. 151-172

69Buchbeitrag  Food for the spirit and a light for the road: reading the Bible in the "Life of Cyril Phileotes" by Nicholas Kataskepenos
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2002) - In: Literacy, education and manuscript transmission in Byzantium and beyond S. 139-164

70Buchbeitrag  Theophylact of Ochrid's defence of eunuchs
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2002) - In: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond S. 177-198

71Buchbeitrag  New literary history and the history of Byzantine literature: a worthwhile endeavour?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2002) - In: Pour une "nouvelle" histoire de la littérature byzantine S. 37-60

72Buchbeitrag  The 'other' in Byzantium
Mullett, Margaret E.. (2000) - In: Strangers to themselves. The Byzantine outsider S. 1-22

73Buchbeitrag  Friendship in Byzantium: genre, topos and network
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1999) - In: Friendship in Medieval Europe S. 166-184

74Buchbeitrag  From Byzantium, with love
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1999) - In: Desire and Denial in Byzantium S. 3-22

75Buchbeitrag  Introduction: work and worship
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1997) - In: Work and worship at the Theotokos Evergetis 1050 - 1200 S. 1-20

76Artikel  1098 and all that: Theophylact bishop of Semnea and the Alexian reconquest of Anatolia
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1996) - In: Peritia Bd. 10 (1996) S. 237-252

77Buchbeitrag  The imperial vocabulary of Alexios I Komnenos
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1996) - In: Alexios I Komnenos. Papers on the Second Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium S. 359-397

78Buchbeitrag  Originality in the Byzantine letter: the case of exile
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1995) - In: Originality in Byzantine Literature, Art and Music S. 39-58

79Buchbeitrag  Alexios I Komnenos and imperial renewal.
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1994) - In: New Constantines. The Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th Centuries S. 259-267

80Buchbeitrag  Introduction: the monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1994) - In: The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh Century Monasticism S. 1-16

81Buchbeitrag  The way ahead: the Evergetis project
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1994) - In: The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh Century Monasticism S. 362-370

82Artikel  The madness of genre
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1992) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers Bd. 46 (1992) S. 233-243

83Buchbeitrag  The language of diplomacy
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1992) - In: Byzantine Diplomacy S. 203-216

84Artikel  Dancing with deconstructionists in the Garden of the Muses: new literary history vs ?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1990) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 14 (1990) S. 258-275

85Buchbeitrag  Writing in early mediaeval Byzantium
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1990) - In: The uses of literacy in early mediaeval Europe S. 156-185

86Buchbeitrag  Patronage in action: the problems of an eleventh-century bishop
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1990) - In: Church and people in Byzantium S. 125-147

87Artikel  Byzantium: A Friedly Society?
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1988) - In: Past and Present Bd. 118 (1988) S. 3-24

88Buchbeitrag  Aristocracy and patronage in the literary circles of comnenian Constantinople
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1984) - In: The Byzantine aristocracy IX to XIII centuries S. 173-201

89Artikel  The "disgrace" of the ex-Basilissa Maria
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1984) - In: Byzantinoslavica Bd. 45 (1984) S. 202-211

90Buchbeitrag  The classical tradition in the Byzantine letter
Mullett, Margaret E.. (1981) - In: Byzantium and the Classical Tradition S. 75-93

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