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Publikationen »Mundill, Robin R.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Mundill, Robin R.

RI opac: 22 Einträge

1Monographie  The king's Jews: money, massacre and exodus in medieval England
Mundill, Robin R.. - London [u.a.] (2010)

2Monographie  England's Jewish solution. Experiment and expulsion, 1262-1290
Mundill, Robin R.. - Cambridge (1998)

3Monographie  The Jews in England 1272-1290
Mundill, Robin R.. - [University of St. Andrews] (1988)

4Monographie  Jews in England, 1272-1290
Mundill, Robin R.. - [University of St. Andrews] (1987)

5Buchbeitrag  Banishment from the edge of the world: the Jewish experience of Expulsion from England in 1290
Mundill, Robin R.. (2015) - In: Expulsion and Diaspora Formation S. 85-102

6Buchbeitrag  The 'Archa' System and its Legacy after 1194
Mundill, Robin R.. (2013) - In: Christians and Jews in Angevin England S. 148-162

7Buchbeitrag  Edward I and the Final Phase of Anglo-Jewry
Mundill, Robin R.. (2012) - In: Jews in Medieval Britain. Historical, Literary and Archaeological Perspectives S. 55-69

8Artikel  Out of the Shadow and into the Light - the Impact and Implications of Recent Scholarship on the Jews of Medieval England 1066-1290
Mundill, Robin R.. (2011) - In: History Compass Bd. 9 (2011) S. 572-601

9Buchbeitrag  England: the island's Jews and their economic pursuits
Mundill, Robin R.. (2004) - In: The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries) S. 221-232

10Buchbeitrag  England: Die Juden im Wirtschaftsleben der Insel
Mundill, Robin R.. (2004) - In: Europas Juden im Mittelalter. Beiträge des internationalen Symposium in Speyer S. 235-247

11Artikel  Changing Fortunes: Edwardian Anglo-Jewry and Their Credit Operations in Late Thirteenth-Century England
Mundill, Robin R.. (2003) - In: The Haskins Society journal Bd. 14 (2003) S. 83-90

12Buchbeitrag  Edward I and the final phase of Anglo-Jewry
Mundill, Robin R.. (2003) - In: The Jews in medieval Britain S. 55-70

13Buchbeitrag  Christian and Jewish lending patterns and financial dealings during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Mundill, Robin R.. (2002) - In: Credit and debt in medieval England, c.1180-c.1350 S. 42-67

14Buchbeitrag  The Medieval Anglo-Jewish Community: Organization and Royal Control
Mundill, Robin R.. (2002) - In: Jüdische Gemeinden und ihr christlicher Kontext in kulturräumlich vergleichender Betrachtung S. 267-281

15Artikel  Clandestine Crypto-Camouflaged Usurer or Legal Merchant? Edwardian Jewry, 1275-90
Mundill, Robin R.. (2000) - In: Jewish culture and history Bd. 3, 2 (2000) S. 73-97

16Buchbeitrag  Medieval Anglo-Jewry: Expulsion and Exodus
Mundill, Robin R.. (1999) - In: Judenvertreibungen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit S. 75-97

17Artikel  Rabbi Elias Menahem: a late-13th-century English entrepreneur
Mundill, Robin R.. (1994 - 1996) - In: Transactions. The Jewish Historical Society of England Bd. 34 (1994/96) S. 161-188

18Artikel  English medieval Ashkenazim-literature and progress
Mundill, Robin R.. (1991) - In: Aschkenas Bd. 1 (1991) S. 203-210

19Artikel  Lumbard and son: the businesses and debtors of two Jewish moneylenders in late thirteenth century England
Mundill, Robin R.. (1991) - In: The Jewish quarterly review Bd. 82 (1991) S. 137-170

20Artikel  The Jewish entries from the Patent Rolls, 1270-1292
Mundill, Robin R.. (1990 - 1992) - In: Transactions. The Jewish Historical Society of England Bd. 32 (1990/92) S. 25-88

21Artikel  Anglo-Jewry under Edward I: credit agents and their clients
Mundill, Robin R.. (1988 - 1990) - In: Transactions. The Jewish Historical Society of England Bd. 31 (1988/90) S. 1-22

22Artikel  Anglo-Jewry under Edward I: credit agents and their clients
Mundill, Robin R.. (1988 - 1990) - In: Jewish historical studies Bd. 31 (1988/90) S. 1-21

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