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Publikationen »Neville, Jennifer«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Neville, Jennifer

RI opac: 25 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition: words, ideas, interactions
Cavell, MeganNeville, Jennifer [Hrsg.]. - Manchester (2020)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Neville, Jennifer. (2016)

3Monographie  The eloquent body. Dance and humanist culture in fifteenth-century Italy
Neville, Jennifer. - Bloomington, Ind. (2004)

4Monographie  Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry
Neville, Jennifer. - Cambridge (1999)

5Monographie  Representations of the natural world in Anglo-Saxon literature
Neville, Jennifer. - [University of Cambridge] (1996)

6Monographie  The courtly dance manuscripts from fifteenth-century Italy
Neville, Jennifer. - [University of New South Wales (Australia)] (1992)

7Artikel  Aldhelm's Fandom: The Humble Virtues of Boniface's Riddles
Cavell, MeganNeville, Jennifer. (2023) - In: The review of English studies Bd. 74 (2023) S. 775-794

8Buchbeitrag  Sorting out the rings: astronomical tropes in Þragbysig (R.4)
Neville, Jennifer. (2020) - In: Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition. Words, ideas, interactions S. 21-39

9Artikel  A modest proposal: titles for the Exeter Book Riddles
Neville, Jennifer. (2019) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 88 (2019) S. 116-123

10Artikel  The Early Medieval Riddle Tradition
Cavell, MeganNeville, Jennifer. (2019) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 103 (2019) S. 397-398

11Buchbeitrag  Redeeming Beowulf. The Heroic idiom as marker of quality in Old English Poetry
Neville, Jennifer. (2014) - In: Narration and hero. Recounting the deeds of heroes in literature and art S. 45-70

12Buchbeitrag  The Exeter Book Riddles' Precarious Insights into Wooden Artefacts
Neville, Jennifer. (2013) - In: Trees and timber in the Anglo-Saxon world S. 122-143

13Artikel  Speaking the Unspeakable: Appetite for Deconstruction in Exeter Book Riddle 12
Neville, Jennifer. (2012) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 93 (2012) S. 519-528

14Buchbeitrag  What else is there? Joyous play and bitter tears: the Kiddies and the Elegies
Neville, Jennifer. (2011) - In: Beowulf and other stories. A new introduction S. 130-159

15Buchbeitrag  Pondering the Soul's Journey in Exeter Book Riddle 43
Neville, Jennifer. (2009) - In: The world of travellers. Exploration and imagination S. 147-162

16Buchbeitrag  "None shall pass": mental barriers to travel in Old English poetry
Neville, Jennifer. (2007) - In: Freedom of movement in the Middle Ages S. 203-214

17Artikel  Fostering the Cuckoo: Exeter Book Riddle 9
Neville, Jennifer. (2007) - In: The review of English studies Bd. 58 (2007) S. 431-446

18Artikel  Hrothgar's horses: feral or thoroughbred?
Neville, Jennifer. (2006) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 35 (2006) S. 131-157

19Buchbeitrag  Selves, Souls, and Bodies: The Assumption of the Virgin in Anglo-Saxon England
Neville, Jennifer. (2004) - In: Miracles and the Miraculous S. 141-154

20Buchbeitrag  Leaves of Glass: Plant Life in Old English Poetry
Neville, Jennifer. (2003) - In: From earth to art S. 287-300

21Buchbeitrag  Making their own sweet time: the scribes of "Anglo-Saxon chronicle A"
Neville, Jennifer. (2002) - In: The Medieval chronicle 2 S. 166-177

22Buchbeitrag  Monsters and criminals: defining humanity in Old English poetry
Neville, Jennifer. (2001) - In: Monsters and the monstrous in medieval northwest Europe S. 103-122

23Buchbeitrag  History, Poetry, and "National" Identity in Anglo-Saxon England and the Carolingian Empire
Neville, Jennifer. (2001) - In: Germanic texts and Latin models S. 107-126

24Buchbeitrag  Living Outside the Law: Justice for Foreigners and Criminals
Neville, Jennifer. (1999) - In: Justice et Injustice au Moyen Âge S. 35-72

25Buchbeitrag  The seasons in Old English poetry
Neville, Jennifer. (1998) - In: La ronde des saisons. Les saisons dans la littérature et la société anglaises au Moyen Âge S. 37-49

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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