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Publikationen »Newfield, Timothy P.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Newfield, Timothy P.

RI opac: 21 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2016)

2Sammelwerk  Landscapes and societies in medieval Europe East of the Elbe: interactions between environmental settings and cultural transformations
Kleingärtner, SunhildRossignol, SébastienNewfield, Timothy P.Wehner, Donat [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2013)

3Monographie  The contours of disease and hunger in Carolingian and early Ottonian Europe (c.750-c.950 CE)
Newfield, Timothy P.. - [McGill University] (2011)

4Monographie  A great destruction of cattle: The impact and extent of epizootic disease in early fourteenth-century northwestern Europe
Newfield, Timothy P.. - [University of Toronto] (2006)

5Buchbeitrag  Proxies for Plague? New Approaches in Studying the Causes and Consequences of the First Plague Pandemic
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2024) - In: Legal pluralism and social change in late antiquity and the middle ages S. 63-116

6Buchbeitrag  "Verbalist ingenuity" and the evidential basis for virgin-soil smallpox epidemics in the sixth century: from Iona to Sana?
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2023) - In: Essays Alasdair Ross S. 25-82

7Buchbeitrag  New interdisciplinary approaches to life, land, and environment at Herstmonceux
Bednarski, StevenMoore, AndrewNewfield, Timothy P.. (2022) - In: The Routledge handbook of medieval rural life S. 303-319

8Buchbeitrag  New interdisciplinary approaches to life, land, and environment at Herstmonceux
Bednarski, StevenMoore, AndrewNewfield, Timothy P.. (2022) - In: The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Rural Life S. 303-319

9Buchbeitrag  The Environmental History of the Late Antique West: a Bibliographic Essay
Eisenberg, MerlePatterson, David J.Kreiner, JamieArnold, Ellen FenzelNewfield, Timothy P.. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 31-51

10Buchbeitrag  Mysterious and Mortiferous Clouds: The Climate Cooling and Disease Burden of Late Antiquity
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 271-297

11Artikel  Mysterious and Mortiferous Clouds: The Climate Cooling and Disease Burden of Late Antiquity
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 89-115

12Artikel  The Environmental History of the Late Antique West: a Bibliographic Essay
Eisenberg, MerlePatterson, David J.Kreiner, JamieArnold, Ellen FenzelNewfield, Timothy P.. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 11 (2018) S. 31-50

13Artikel  Malaria and malaria-like disease in the early Middle Ages
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2017) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 25 (2017) S. 251-300

14Artikel  Livestock plagues in late antiquity, with a disassembling of the bovine panzootic of A.D. 376-386
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2017) - In: Journal of Roman archaeology Bd. 30 (2017) S. 490-508

15Artikel  Domesticates, Disease and Climate in Early Post-Classical Europe: The Cattle Plague of c.940 and its Environmental Context
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2015) - In: PCA. Post classical archaeologies Bd. 5 (2015) S. 95-126

16Artikel  Human-Bovine Plagues in the Early Middle Ages
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2015) - In: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History Bd. 46 (2015) S. 1-38

17Buchbeitrag  The Contours, Frequency and Causation of Subsistence Crises in Carolingian Europe (750-950 CE)
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2013) - In: Crisis alimentarias en la Edad Media. Modelos, explicaciones y representaciones S. 117-172

18Buchbeitrag  Early medieval epizootics and landscapes of disease: the origins and triggers of European livestock pestilences, 400 - 1000 CE
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2013) - In: Landscapes and societies in medieval Europe East of the Elbe S. 73-113

19Artikel  A Great Carolingian Panzootic: The Probable Extent, Diagnosis and Impact of an Early Ninth-Century Cattle Pestilence
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2012) - In: Argos Bd. 46 (2012) S. 200-210

20Buchbeitrag  Epizootics and the Consumption of Diseased Meat in the Middle Age
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2011) - In: Religione e istituzioni religiose nell'economia europea (1000-1800) S. 619-640

21Artikel  A Cattle Panzootic in Early Fourteenth-Century Europe
Newfield, Timothy P.. (2009) - In: The agricultural history review Bd. 57 (2009) S. 155-190

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