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Publikationen »Nieuwenhove, Rik van«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Nieuwenhove, Rik van

RI opac: 28 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The temple of our soul: Vanden tempel onser sielen
Nieuwenhove, Rik vanFaesen, Rob [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2024)

2Monographie  Thomas Aquinas and Contemplation
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. - Oxford (2021)

3Monographie  An introduction to medieval theology
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2012)

4Sammelwerk  Late medieval mysticism of the Low Countries
Nieuwenhove, Rik van [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2008)

5Sammelwerk  Late Medieval Mysticism of the Low Countries
Nieuwenhove, Rik vanFaessen, R.Rolfson, Helen [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2008)

6Sammelwerk  The theology of Thomas Aquinas
Nieuwenhove, Rik vanWawrykow, Joseph P. [Hrsg.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. (2005)

7Monographie  Jan van Ruusbroec, mystical theologian of the Trinity
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. - Notre Dame, Ind. (2003)

8Monographie  Jan van Ruusbroec, mystical theologian of the Trinity
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. - [University of Dublin] (1999)

9Artikel  Divine Nothingness, Ecstasy and Self-transcendence in the Evangelical Pearl
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2022) - In: Medieval Mystical Theology Bd. 31 (2022) S. 33-40

10Artikel  Searching for a Connection: Prayer and Contemplation "Broadly Conceived" in Thomas Aquinas
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2019) - In: Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses Bd. 95 (2019) S. 283-298

11Artikel  Assent to Faith, Theology and Scientia in Aquinas
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2019) - In: New blackfriars Bd. 100 (2019) S. 410-424

12Artikel  Saint Thomas Aquinas on Salvation, Making Satisfaction, and the Restoration of Friendship with God
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2019) - In: The Thomist Bd. 83 (2019) S. 521-545

13Buchbeitrag  Art, contemplation and "intellectus": Aquinas and Gadamer in conversation.
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2018) - In: Art and mysticism. Interfaces in the medieval and modern periods S. 70-86

14Artikel  "Recipientes per contemplationem, tradentes per actionem": The Relation between the Active and Contemplative Lives according to Thomas Aquinas
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2017) - In: The Thomist Bd. 81 (2017) S. 1-30

15Buchbeitrag  Commitments to Medieval Mystical Texts within Contemporary Contexts: Some Reflections on Medieval Mystical Texts as 'Classic' Texts in the Gadamerian Sense
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2017) - In: Commitments to medieval mysticism within contemporary contexts S. 239-254

16Artikel  Aquinas on Contemplation: A Neglected Topic
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2016) - In: European journal for the study of Thomas Aquinas Bd. 35 (2016) S. 8-33

17Buchbeitrag  Late Mediaeval Atonement Theologies
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2015) - In: The Oxford Handbook of Christology S. 250-266

18Buchbeitrag  Ruusbroec, Jordaens, and Herp on the Common Life: The Transformation of a Spiritual Ideal
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2014) - In: A companion to John of Ruusbroec S. 204-236

19Buchbeitrag  The Saving Work of Christ
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2012) - In: The Oxford handbook of Aquinas S. 436-447

20Artikel  Catholic theology in the thirteenth century and the origins of secularism
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2010) - In: The Irish theological quarterly Bd. 75 (2010) S. 339-354

21Buchbeitrag  Trinity, Faith and Mysticism: The Need for a Medieval Ressourcement
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2010) - In: Trinity and salvation. Theological, spiritual, and aesthetic perspectives S. 65-80

22Buchbeitrag  Jan van Ruusbroec on the Trinity, Prayer, and the Nature of Contemplation
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2008) - In: A history of prayer. The first to the fifteenth century S. 369-388

23Buchbeitrag  'Bearing the Marks of Christ's Passion': Aquinas' Soteriology
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2005) - In: The theology of Thomas Aquinas (2005) S. 277-302

24Artikel  St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas on "Satisfaction": Or how Catholic and Protestant understandings of the Cross differ
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2003) - In: Angelicum Bd. 80 (2003) S. 159-176

25Artikel  In the image of god: the trinitarian anthropology of Bonaventure, Aquinas, and Ruusbroec
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2002) - In: The Irish theological quarterly Bd. 67 (2002) S. 109-125

26Artikel  The Franciscan inspiration of Ruusbroec's mystical theology. Ruusbroec in dialogue with Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2001) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 75 (2001) S. 102-115

27Artikel  Ruusbroec: Apophatic Theologian or Phenomenologist of the Mystical Experience?
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (2000) - In: Journal of religion Bd. 80 (2000) S. 83-105

28Artikel  Meister Eckhart and Jan Van Ruusbroec: a comparison
Nieuwenhove, Rik van. (1998) - In: Medieval philosophy and theology Bd. 7 (1998) S. 157-193

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