Publikationen »Niles, John D.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Niles, John D.
RI opac: 75 Einträge
1 | God's Exiles and English Verse: On the Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry Niles, John D.. |
2 | Old English literature: a guide to criticism with selected readings Niles, John D.. |
3 | Anglo-Saxon England and the visual imagination Niles, John D. • Klein, Stacy S. • Wilcox, Jonathan [Hrsg.]. |
4 | The idea of Anglo-Saxon England 1066 - 1901: remembering, forgetting, deciphering, and renewing the past Niles, John D.. |
5 | The Genesis of the Book: Studies in the Scribal Culture of Medieval England in Honour of A. N. Doane Hussey, Matthew T. • Niles, John D. [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Old English heroic poems and the social life of texts Niles, John D.. |
7 | Beowulf and Lejre Niles, John D.. |
8 | Old English enigmatic poems and the play of the texts Niles, John D.. |
9 | Homo Narrans. The poetics and anthropology of oral literature Niles, John D.. |
10 | Anglo-Saxonism and the Construction of Social Identity Frantzen, Allen J. • Niles, John D. [Hrsg.]. |
11 | A Beowulf Handbook Bjork, Robert E. • Niles, John D. [Hrsg.]. |
12 | Anglo-Scandinavian England. Norse-English Relations in the Period before the Conquest Niles, John D. • Amodio, Mark C. [Hrsg.]. |
13 | Old English Literature in Context. Ten Essays Niles, John D. [Hrsg.]. |
14 | Myths of the Eastern Origins of the Franks: Fictions or a Kind of Truth? Niles, John D.. |
15 | Reassessing Anglo-Saxon Origins from a Eurasian Perspective Niles, John D.. |
16 | Who Wrote the Non-Racist Essay "The Anglo-Saxon Race"? Longfellow and Nineteenth-Century American Anglo-Saxonism Niles, John D.. |
17 | Introduction: Negotiating the Anglo-Saxons' Visual World Niles, John D.. |
18 | The Myth of the Feud in Anglo-Saxon England Niles, John D.. |
19 | Beowulf 2545B-2549: The Stream that Bursts into Flame at the Dragon's Barrow Niles, John D.. |
20 | The Fonthill Ghost Word, the Fonthill Thief, and Early West Saxon Scribal Culture Niles, John D.. |
21 | On the Danish origins of the Beowulf story Niles, John D.. |
22 | On the Earliest English Literature: Text and Meaning at the Meeting of Two Cultures Niles, John D.. |
23 | Trial by ordeal in Anglo-Saxon England: what's the problem with barley? Niles, John D.. |
24 | Maldon and Mythopoesis Niles, John D.. |
25 | On Night Owls and Society Niles, John D.. |
26 | True Stories and Other Lies Niles, John D.. |
27 | Myths and Texts Niles, John D.. |
28 | Widsith, the Goths, and the Anthropology of the Past Niles, John D.. |
29 | Locating Beowulf in Literary History Niles, John D.. |
30 | Heaney's Beowulf Six Years Later Niles, John D.. |
31 | Beowulf and Lejre Niles, John D.. |
32 | Was There a 'Legend of Lejre'? Niles, John D.. |
33 | Anglo-Saxon Heroic Geography: How (on Earth) Can It Be Mapped? Niles, John D.. |
34 | Lejre in the Modern Era: The Rise and Fall of a Myth Niles, John D.. |
35 | Bede's Csedmon, 'The Man Who Had No Story' (Irish Tale-Type 2412B) Niles, John D.. |
36 | True Stories and Other Lies Niles, John D.. |
37 | The Myth of the Anglo-Saxon Oral Poet Niles, John D.. |
38 | Byrhtnoth's Laughter and the Poetics of Gesture Niles, John D.. |
39 | Locating Beowulf in Literary History Niles, John D.. |
40 | The Problem of the Ending of the Wife's "Lament" Niles, John D.. |
41 | The myth of the Anglo-Saxon oral poet Niles, John D.. |
42 | Prizes from the Borderlands Niles, John D.. |
44 | Maldon and mythopoesis Niles, John D.. |
45 | Byrhtnoth's laughter and the poetics of gesture Niles, John D.. |
46 | Widsith and the anthropology of the past Niles, John D.. |
48 | The wasteland of Loegria: Geoffrey of Monmouth's reinvention of the Anglo-Saxon past Niles, John D.. |
49 | Appropriations: a concept of culture Niles, John D.. |
50 | Myth and history Niles, John D.. |
51 | Introduction: Beowulf, truth, and meaning Niles, John D.. |
52 | Editing "Beowulf": What can the study of the ballads tell us? Niles, John D.. |
53 | Locating Beowulf in literary history Niles, John D.. |
54 | Toward an Anglo-Saxon Oral Poetics Niles, John D.. |
55 | Sign and Psyche in Old English Poetry. Niles, John D.. |
56 | Pagan survivals and popular belief Niles, John D.. |
57 | Maldon and mythopoesis Niles, John D.. |
58 | Skaldic technique in Brunanburh Niles, John D.. |
59 | Introduction: the Vikings and England Niles, John D. • Amodio, Mark C.. |
60 | Introduction: the Vikings and England Niles, John D. • Amodio, Mark C.. |
61 | Skaldic technique in Brunanburh Niles, John D.. |
62 | The economics of Beowulf. Niles, John D.. |
63 | Art. Cædmon Niles, John D.. |
64 | Time and the barbaric style in Beowulf. Niles, John D.. |
65 | The Normans and the Chansons de Geste Niles, John D.. |
66 | Compound diction and the style of Beowulf Niles, John D.. |
67 | The Æcerbot ritual in context Niles, John D.. |
68 | On the Logic of 'Le Pèlerinage de Charlemagne' Niles, John D.. |
69 | De Normandiërs en het chanson de geste Niles, John D.. |
70 | "Beowulf" 431-2 and the Hero's Civility in Denmark Niles, John D.. |
71 | Ring composition and the structure of Beowulf Niles, John D.. |
72 | Narrative anomalies in "La Chançun de Willame" Niles, John D.. |
73 | The old alliterative verse form as a medium for poetry Niles, John D.. |
74 | The ideal depiction of Charlemagne in "La Chanson de Roland" Niles, John D.. |
75 | Ring-Composition in "La chanson de Roland" and "La chan·un de Williame" Niles, John D.. |
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