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Publikationen »Nilsson, Ingela«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Nilsson, Ingela

RI opac: 58 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Spatialities of the Byzantine Culture from the Human Body to the Universe
Veikou, MyrtoNilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2022)

2Monographie  Writer and Occasion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: The Authorial Voice of Constantine Manasses
Nilsson, Ingela. - Cambridge (2021)

3Sammelwerk  Spoliation as translation: medieval worlds in the eastern Mediterranean
Jevtic, IvanaNilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Brno (2021)

4Sammelwerk  Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period: The Golden Age of Laughter?
Marciniak, PrzemyslawNilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2020)

5Sammelwerk  Constantinople as Center and Crossroad
Heilo, OlofNilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Istanbul (2019)

6Sammelwerk  Reading the late Byzantine romance: a handbook
Goldwyn, Adam J.Nilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2019)

7Sammelwerk  Round trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean tradition: visits to the underworld from antiquity to Byzantium
Ekroth, GunnelNilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2018)

8Sammelwerk  Storytelling in Byzantium: narratological approaches to Byzantine texts and images
Messis, CharisMullett, Margaret E.Nilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - Uppsala (2018)

9Sammelwerk  Wanted, Byzantium: the desire for a lost empire
Nilsson, IngelaStephenson, Paul [Hrsg.]. - Uppsala (2014)

10Monographie  Raconter Byzance: la littérature du XIIe siècle
Nilsson, Ingela. - Paris (2014)

11Sammelwerk  Plotting with Eros. Essays on the Poetics of Love and the Erotics of Reading
Nilsson, Ingela [Hrsg.]. - København (2009)

12Monographie  Erotic pathos, rhetorical pleasure: narrative technique and mimesis in Eumathios Makrembolites' Hysmine & Hysminias
Nilsson, Ingela. - Uppsala (2001)

13Buchbeitrag  From Metaphrasis to Fanfiction: The Diachronie Translatability of Characters
Hölzlhammer, LilliNilsson, Ingela. (2023) - In: FS Albrecht Berger S. 213-228

14Artikel  The Description of the catching of siskins and chaffinches by Constantine Manasses: Introduction, Text and Translation
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2022) - In: Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 8 (2022) S. 9-66

15Buchbeitrag  (Byzantine) Space Matters! An Introduction
Veikou, MyrtoNilsson, IngelaJames, Liz. (2022) - In: Spatialities of the Byzantine Culture from the Human Body to the Universe S. 1-18

16Buchbeitrag  Imitation as Spoliation, Reception as Translation. The Art of Transforming Things in Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2021) - In: Spoliation as translation. Medieval worlds in the eastern Mediterranean S. 20-37

17Artikel  L'ixeutique à Byzance: pratique et représentation littéraire
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2021) - In: Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 7 (2021) S. 81-108

18Buchbeitrag  Narrative: Theory and Practice
Nilsson, Ingela. (2021) - In: The Oxford handbook of Byzantine literature S. 273-293

19Artikel  The Literary Voice of a Chronicler: The Synopsis Chronike of Constantine Manasses
Nilsson, Ingela. (2021) - In: Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 7 (2021) S. 9-40

20Buchbeitrag  Towards an Empathetic Approach to Material and Literary Spolia
Jevtic, IvanaNilsson, Ingela. (2021) - In: Spoliation as translation. Medieval worlds in the eastern Mediterranean S. 11-17

21Buchbeitrag  It is Difficult Not to Write Satire: A Brief Introduction to the Satirical Mode
Nilsson, Ingela. (2020) - In: Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period. The Golden Age of Laughter? S. 1-9

22Buchbeitrag  Parody in Byzantine Literature
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2020) - In: Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period. The Golden Age of Laughter? S. 62-78

23Buchbeitrag  The Past as Poetry: Two Byzantine World Chronicles in Verse
Nilsson, Ingela. (2019) - In: A companion to Byzantine poetry S. 517-538

24Buchbeitrag  An Introduction to the Palaiologan Romance: Narrating the Vernacular
Goldwyn, Adam J.Nilsson, Ingela. (2019) - In: Reading the late Byzantine romance. A handbook S. 1-18

25Buchbeitrag  Troy in Byzantine Romances: Homeric Reception in Digenis Akritis, the Tale of Achilles and the Tale of Troy
Goldwyn, Adam J.Nilsson, Ingela. (2019) - In: Reading the late Byzantine romance. A handbook S. 188-210

26Artikel  The Description of a Crane Hunt by Constantine Manasses: Introduction, text and translation
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2019) - In: Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 5 (2019) S. 9-89

27Buchbeitrag  Byzantine storytelling and modern narratology: an introduction
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2018) - In: Storytelling in Byzantium. Narratological approaches to Byzantine texts and images S. 1-11

28Buchbeitrag  Hades Meets Lazarus: The Literary "Katabasis" in Twelfth-Century Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2018) - In: Round trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean tradition S. 322-341

29Buchbeitrag  Eros as Passion, Affection and Nature: Gendered Perceptions of Erotic Emotion in Byzantium
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2018) - In: Emotions and Gender in Byzantine Culture S. 159-190

30Buchbeitrag  Round Trip to Hades: An Introductory Tour
Ekroth, GunnelNilsson, Ingela. (2018) - In: Round trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean tradition S. 1-10

31Buchbeitrag  Comforting Tears and Suggestive Smiles: To Laugh and Cry in the Komnenian Novel
Nilsson, Ingela. (2017) - In: Greek laughter and tears. Antiquity and after S. 291-211

32Artikel  ‘Hurry up, reap every flower of the logoi!' The Use of Greek Novels in Byzantium
Nilsson, IngelaZagklas, Nikolaos. (2017) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 57 (2017) S. 1120-1148

33Buchbeitrag  To Touch or Not to Touch Erotic Tactility in Byzantine Literature
Nilsson, Ingela. (2017) - In: Knowing bodies, passionate souls. Sense perception in Byzantium S. 239-259

34Buchbeitrag  Les amours d'Ismène & Isménias, ‘roman très connu': the afterlife of a Byzantine novel in eighteenth-century France
Nilsson, Ingela. (2016) - In: The reception of Byzantium in European culture since 1500 S. 171-202

35Buchbeitrag  Words, water and power: literary fountains and metaphors of patronage in eleventh- and twelfth-century Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2016) - In: Fountains and water culture in Byzantium S. 265-280

36Buchbeitrag  Romantic Love in Rhetorical Guise: The Byzantine Revival of the Twelfth Century
Nilsson, Ingela. (2016) - In: Fictional storytelling in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean and beyond S. 39-66

37Artikel  Poets and teachers in the underworld: the literary katabasis in the Second Sophistics and Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2016) - In: Symbolae Osloenses Bd. 90 (2016) S. 180-204

38Artikel  Constantin Manassès, La description d'un petit homme. Introduction, texte, traduction et commentaires
Messis, CharisNilsson, Ingela. (2015) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik Bd. 65 (2015) S. 169-194

39Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Nilsson, IngelaStephenson, Paul. (2014) - In: Wanted, Byzantium. The desire for a lost empire S. 1-7

40Buchbeitrag  Komnenian literature
Nilsson, Ingela. (2014) - In: Byzantine Culture. Papers S. 121-131

41Buchbeitrag  In Response to Charming Passions: Erotic Readings of a Byzantine Novel
Nilsson, Ingela. (2013) - In: Pangs of Love and Longing. Configurations of Desire in Premodern Literature S. 176-203

42Buchbeitrag  Nature Controlled by Artistry: The Poetics of the Literary Garden in Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2013) - In: Byzantine gardens and beyond S. 14-29

43Buchbeitrag  La douceur des dons abondants: patronage et littérarité dans la Constantinople des Comnènes
Nilsson, Ingela. (2012) - In: La face cachée de la littérature Byzantine S. 179-194

44Buchbeitrag  Toards a new history of Byzantine literature: the case of historiography
Scott, Roger D.Nilsson, Ingela. (2012) - In: Scott, Byzantine chronicles and the sixth century Tl. V S. 319-332

45Buchbeitrag  Constantine Manasses, Odysseus, and the Cyclops: on Byzantine appreciation of pagan art in the Twelfth Century.
Nilsson, Ingela. (2011) - In: Ekphrasis. La representation des monuments dans les litteratures byzantine et byzantino-slaves S. 123-136

46Buchbeitrag  The Same Story, but Another. A Reappraisal of Literary Imitation in Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2010) - In: Imitatio - aemulatio - variatio. Akten S. 195-208

47Buchbeitrag  Byzantine Narrative: the Form of Storytelling in Byzantium
Bourbouhakis, Emmanuel C.Nilsson, Ingela. (2010) - In: A companion to Byzantium S. 263-274

48Buchbeitrag  Desire and God have always been around, in life and romance alike
Nilsson, Ingela. (2009) - In: Plotting with Eros. Essays on the Poetics of Love and the Erotics of Reading S. 235-260

49Artikel  To Compose, Read, and Use a Byzantine Text: Aspects of the Chronicle of Constantine Manasses
Nilsson, IngelaNyström, Eva. (2009) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 33 (2009) S. 42-60

50Artikel  Towards a New History of Byzantine Literature: The Case of Historiography
Nilsson, Ingela. (2007) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 58 (2007) S. 319-332

51Buchbeitrag  To Narrate the Events of the Past: On Byzantine Historians, and Historians on Byzantium
Nilsson, Ingela. (2006) - In: Papers Roger Scott S. 47-58

52Buchbeitrag  Discovering literariness in the past: Literature vs. History in the Synopsis Chronike of Konstantinos Manasses
Nilsson, Ingela. (2006) - In: L'écriture de la mémoire. La littérarité de l'historiographie S. 15-32

53Artikel  Narrating images in byzantine literature: the ekphraseis of Konstantinos Manasses
Nilsson, Ingela. (2005) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik Bd. 55 (2005) S. 121-146

54Artikel  From Homer to Hermoniakos: some considerations of troy matter in byzantine literature
Nilsson, Ingela. (2004) - In: Troianalexandrina Bd. 4 (2004) S. 9-34

55Buchbeitrag  Spatial time and temporal space: aspects of narrativity in Makrembolites
Nilsson, Ingela. (2000) - In: Der Roman im Byzanz der Komnenenzeit S. 94-108

56Buchbeitrag  Mimesis och mixis: Intertextualitet och genreblandning i 1100-talets bysantinska litteratur [Mimesis und Mixis: Intertextualität und Mischung der Genres in der byzantinischen Literatur des 12. Jh.].
Nilsson, Ingela. (1999) - In: Inga helgon precis S. 21-33

57Buchbeitrag  "Da du betraktar dessa man ar det heia aret du ser." Bysantinska kalendrar i ord och bild ["Wenn du diese Männer betrachtest, siehst du das ganze Jahr." Byzantinische Kalender in Wort und Bild]
Åkerström-Hougen, GunillaNilsson, Ingela. (1999) - In: Inga helgon precis S. 35-57

58Buchbeitrag  Phantasia: a wise and subtle artist. Visualising a twelfth century Ekphrasis
Nilsson, Ingela. (1998) - In: Studies Gunilla Åkerström-Hougen S. 50-59

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