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Publikationen »Nowacki, Edward«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Nowacki, Edward

RI opac: 17 Einträge

1Monographie  Greek and Latin music theory: principles and challenges
Nowacki, Edward. - Rochester, NY (2020)

2Artikel  On the Locrian Mode
Nowacki, Edward. (2019) - In: Music theory spectrum Bd. 41 (2019) S. 37-47

3Buchbeitrag  The Earliest Antiphons of the Roman Office
Nowacki, Edward. (2017) - In: Essays Joseph Dyer S. 81-142

4Artikel  The Anonymous Musica in Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Ms 1492: A New Edition and Translation
Nowacki, Edward. (2014) - In: Early music history Bd. 33 (2014) S. 143-182

5Artikel  The Latin antiphon and the question of frequency of interpolation
Nowacki, Edward. (2012) - In: Plainsong and medieval music Bd. 21 (2012) S. 23-40

6Buchbeitrag  Antiphonal Psalmody in Western Monasticism from the Fourth to the Seventh Century
Nowacki, Edward. (2012) - In: Cantus Planus 16 S. 295-300

7Buchbeitrag  The Misunderstood Confinalis
Nowacki, Edward. (2009) - In: Cantus planus. Papers read at the 13th meeting of the IMS Study Group S. 503-518

8Buchbeitrag  The Gregorian office antiphons and the comparative method
Nowacki, Edward. (2009) - In: Chant and its origins Tl. X S. 287-322

9Buchbeitrag  Chant Research at the Turn of the Century and the Analytical Programme of Helmut Hucke
Nowacki, Edward. (2008) - In: Oral and written transmission in chant Tl. XIV S. 359-384

10Buchbeitrag  The Distributional Evidence for Orality
Nowacki, Edward. (2007) - In: Studies David Hiley S. 369-384

11Buchbeitrag  Reading the Melodies of the Old Roman Mass Proper: A Hypothesis Defended
Nowacki, Edward. (2003) - In: Western plainchant in the first millennium S. 319-330

12Artikel  Chant research at the turn of the century and the analytical programme of Helmut Hucke
Nowacki, Edward. (1998) - In: Plainsong and medieval music Bd. 7 (1998) S. 47-71

13Buchbeitrag  Antiphonal psalmody in Christian Antiquity and the early Middle Ages
Nowacki, Edward. (1995) - In: Essays David G. Hughes S. 287-315

14Buchbeitrag  Constantinople - Aachen - Rome: the transmission of Veterem hominem
Nowacki, Edward. (1993) - In: FS Helmut Hucke S. 95-115

15Artikel  Text declamation as a determinant of melodic form in the Old-Roman eighth-mode tracts
Nowacki, Edward. (1986) - In: Early music history Bd. 6 (1986) S. 193-226

16Artikel  The Gregorian Office antiphons and the comparative method
Nowacki, Edward. (1985 - 1986) - In: The Journal of musicology Bd. 4 (1985/86) S. 243-275

17Buchbeitrag  The latin psalm motet 1500-1535
Nowacki, Edward. (1979) - In: FS Helmuth Osthoff S. 159-184

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