Publikationen »O'Daly, Gerard J. P.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: O'Daly, Gerard J. P.
RI opac: 44 Einträge
1 | Ennead I.1: what is the living thing? what is man? / Plotinus Plotinus. O'Daly, Gerard J. P. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Days linked by song: Prudentius' Cathemerinon O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
3 | Platonism pagan and Christian: studies in Plotinus and Augustine O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
4 | Augustine's City of God: a reader's guide O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
5 | The Poetry of Boethius O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
6 | The poetry of Boethius O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
7 | Augustine's philosophy of mind O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
8 | Plotins Schriften. Teil: 6. Indices, verbunden mit einem Überblick über Plotins Philosophie und Lehrweise Plotinus. O'Daly, Gerard J. P. [Bearb.]. |
9 | Cassiciacum (= "Augustinus-Lexikon" 1, 771-781) O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
10 | Prudentius: The Self-Definition of a Christian Poet O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
11 | A Problem in Augustine's Use of the Category of Relation in De Trinitate V and VII O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
12 | Two Kinds of Subjectivity in Augustine's Confessions: Memory and Identity, and the Integrated Self O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
13 | Le moi et l'autre dans les Confessions d'Augustin O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
14 | Friendship and Transgression: Luminosus Limes Amicitiae (Augustine, Confessions 2.2.2) and the Themes of "Confessions" 2 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
15 | Memory in Plotinus and two early texts of St. Augustine O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
16 | Time as "distentio" and St. Augustine's exegesis of "Philippians" 3, 12-14 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
17 | "Anima", "error" and "falsum" in some early writings of St Augustine O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
18 | Augustine's critique of Varro on Roman religion O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
19 | The response to skepticism and the mechanisms of cognition O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
20 | Augustine on the origin of souls O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
21 | Augustine on the measurement of time: some comparisons with Aristotelian and Stoic texts O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
22 | Sense-perception and imagination in Boethius, "Philosophiae Consolatio" 5 m. 4 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
23 | Predestination and freedom in Augustine's ethics O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
24 | Did St. Augustine ever believe in the soul's pre-existence? O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
25 | Thinking through history: Augustine's method in the "City of God" and its Ciceronian dimension O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
26 | Remembering and forgetting in Augustine, "Confessions" X O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
27 | "Sensus interior" in St. Augustine, "De libero arbitrio" 2.3.25-6.51 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
28 | Hierarchies in Augustine's thought O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
29 | Thinking through history: Augustine's method in the "City of God" and its Ciceronian dimension O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
30 | Augustine's theology O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
31 | Thinking through History: Augustine's Method in the City of God and Its Ciceronian Dimension O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
32 | Art. Jamblich O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
33 | Sense-Perception and Imagination in Boethius, Philosophiae Consolatio 5 m. 4 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
34 | Remembering and Forgetting in Augustine, Confessions X. O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
35 | Hierarchies in Augustine's Thought O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
36 | Art. Hierarchie O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
37 | Predestination and Freedom in Augustine's Ethics O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
38 | Art. Heraklit O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
39 | Augustine on the Origin of Souls O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
40 | Art. Dionysius Areopagita O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
41 | Anima, error y falsum en los primeros escritos de San Agustín O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
42 | Augustine on the Measurement of Time: Some Comparisons with Aristotelian and Stoic Texts O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
43 | Time as "Distentio" and St. Augustine's Exegesis of "Philippians" 3, 12-14 O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
44 | Did St. Augustine Ever Believe in the Souls's Pre-Existence? O'Daly, Gerard J. P.. |
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