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Publikationen »Olson, Kristina Marie«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Olson, Kristina Marie

RI opac: 17 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching Dante's divine comedy
Kleinhenz, ChristopherOlson, Kristina Marie [Hrsg.]. - New York (2020)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Boccaccio 1313-2013
Ciabattoni, FrancescoFilosa, ElsaOlson, Kristina Marie [Hrsg.]. - Ravenna (2015)

4Monographie  Courtesy Lost: Dante, Boccaccio and the Literature of History
Olson, Kristina Marie. - Toronto (2014)

5Monographie  The afterlife of Dante's "Commedia" in Boccaccio's "Decameron" and "Esposizioni"
Olson, Kristina Marie. - [Columbia University] (2006)

6Artikel  Migrant Purgatories: Dante, Lô, Nabil, and Sedira
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2022) - In: Le tre corone Bd. 9 (2022) S. 77-92

7Buchbeitrag  Conceptions of Women and Gender in the Comedy
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2020) - In: Approaches to Teaching Dante's Divine Comedy S. 110-119

8Artikel  Dante and Economics
Montefusco, AntonioPetricca, FilippoOlson, Kristina Marieu.a.. (2020) - In: Dante studies Bd. 138 (2020) S. 176-308

9Artikel  The Ethical and Sartorial Geography of the Far East: Tartar Textiles in Boccaccio's Decameron and Esposizioni
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2019) - In: Le tre corone Bd. 6 (2019) S. 125-139

10Artikel  Ideology and Pedagogy: The Tensions of Teaching Dante
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2019) - In: Dante studies Bd. 137 (2019) S. 124-126

11Artikel  Legacies of Greed and Liberality: Angevin Rulers in Dante and Boccaccio
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2019) - In: Studi sul Boccaccio Bd. 47 (2019) S. 181-202

12Artikel  Shoes, Gowns and Turncoats: Reconsidering Cacciaguida's History of Florentine Fashion and Politics
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2016) - In: Dante studies Bd. 134 (2016) S. 26-47

13Artikel  Uncovering the Historical Body of Florence: Dante, Forese Donati, and Sumptuary Legislation
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2015) - In: Italian culture Bd. 33 (2015) S. 1-15

14Artikel  Dante's Urban American Vernacular: Sandow Birk's "Comedy"
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2013) - In: Dante studies Bd. 131 (2013) S. 143-169

15Artikel  The Language of Women as Written by Men: Boccaccio, Dante and Gendered Histories of the Vernacular
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2011 - 2012) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 8/9 (2011/12) S. 51-78

16Artikel  Resurrecting Dante's Florence: Figural Realism in the Decameron and the Esposizioni
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2009) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 124 (2009) S. 45-65

17Artikel  "Concivis meus": Petrarch's Rerum memorandarum libri 2.60, Boccaccio's Dec. 6.9, and the Specter Of Dino del Garbo
Olson, Kristina Marie. (2004) - In: Annali d'italianistica Bd. 22 (2004) S. 375-380

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