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Publikationen »Papadopoulou, Pagona«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Papadopoulou, Pagona

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  De l'unité à l'éclatement: la monnaie et son usage dans le monde byzantin (1092-1261)
Papadopoulou, Pagona. - [Université de Paris 1] (2007)

2Buchbeitrag  From One Coast to Another and Beyond: Adriatic Connections through the Sigillographic Evidence
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2021) - In: Byzantium, Venice and the medieval Adriatic S. 203-244

3Buchbeitrag  Byzantine and early modern coins (9th-17th century)
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2019) - In: Butrint 6. Excavations on the Vrina plain 2 S. 41-54

4Buchbeitrag  Lead seals
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2019) - In: Butrint 6. Excavations on the Vrina plain 2 S. 55-58

5Artikel  Matériaux pour servir à la numismatique byzantine tardive: le "CNG hoard"
Morrisson, CécilePapadopoulou, Pagona. (2016) - In: Revue numismatique Bd. 173 (2016) S. 373-395

6Buchbeitrag  Coins and Pots: Numismatic and ceramic evidence in the economic history of the Middle Ages
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2015) - In: Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean - Fact and Fiction S. 199-226

7Buchbeitrag  Coinage and the Economy at the End of the Twelfth Century; An Assessment
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2015) - In: Byzantium, 1180-1204 S. 179-194

8Buchbeitrag  Byzantium
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2015) - In: Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013 S. 281-297

9Artikel  Betwixt Greeks, Saracens and Crusaders. Lusignan Coinage and its Place in die Eastern Mediterranean (1192-1324).
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2013) - In: Cahiers du Centre d'Études Chypriotes Bd. 43 (2013) S. 473-492

10Artikel  L'atelier monétaire du Grand Palais de Constantinople en 1201
Morrisson, CécilePapadopoulou, Pagona. (2013) - In: Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique Bd. 68 (2013) S. 320-323

11Buchbeitrag  Symbols of Power, Symbols of Piety: Dynastic and Religious Iconography on Post-iconoclastic Byzantine Coinage
Morrisson, CécilePapadopoulou, Pagona. (2013) - In: Zwei Sonnen am Goldenen Horn? Tl. 2 S. 75-98

12Buchbeitrag  Holokotinarea, Protocharagea, Stamenarea: Three 12th - and 13th - Century Byzantine Units of Measurement
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2013) - In: FS Petros N. Protonotarios S. 99-104

13Artikel  Five lead seals from byzantine Butrint (Albania)
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2012) - In: Studies in Byzantine sigillography Bd. 11 (2012) S. 133-142

14Buchbeitrag  The medieval church and cemetery at the Well of Junta Kuhna
Sebastiani, AlessandroGooney, DawnMitchell, JohnPapadopoulou, PagonaReynolds, PaulVaccaro, EmanueleVroom, Joanita. (2012) - In: Butrint 4. The archaeology and histories of an Ionian town S. 215-244

15Buchbeitrag  The numismatic evidence from the southern Adriatic (5th-11th centuries): some preliminary observations and thoughts
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2012) - In: From one sea to another. Trading places in the European and Mediterranean early Middle ages S. 297-320

16Buchbeitrag  Bizans Dünyasindaki Kücük Para Biriminin Büyük Problemi (On Ikinci ve On Ücüncü Yüzyillar) / The big problem of small change in the Byzantine world (twelfth and thirteenth centuries)
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2010) - In: Change in the Byzantine World in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries S. 206-210

17Artikel  Monnaies en plomb d'Alexis ler Comnène dans la collection de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2005) - In: Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique Bd. 60 (2005) S. 20-25

18Buchbeitrag  Un trésor monétaire de trachéa de billon du XIIe siècle provenant de Butrint (Albanie)
Papadopoulou, Pagona. (2005) - In: XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismática, Madrid 2003. Actas - Proceedings - Actes Tl. 2 S. 1231-1236

19Artikel  L'éclatement du monnayage dans le monde byzantin après 1204: apparence ou réalité?
Morrisson, CécilePapadopoulou, Pagona. (2003 - 2005) - In: Revue française d'héraldique et de sigillographie Bd. 73/75 (2003/05) S. 135-144

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