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Publikationen »Pasternack, Carol Braun«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Pasternack, Carol Braun

RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Sex and Sexuality in Anglo-Saxon England: essays in memory of Daniel Gillmore Calder
Pasternack, Carol BraunWeston, Lisa M. C. [Hrsg.]. - Tempe, Ariz. (2004)

2Monographie  Sex and sexuality in Anglo-Saxon England: essays in memory of Daniel Gillmore Calder
Pasternack, Carol BraunCalder, Daniel Gillmore. - Tempe, Ariz. (2004)

3Sammelwerk  Gender and difference in the Middle Ages
Farmer, Sharon AnnPasternack, Carol Braun [Hrsg.]. - Minneapolis, MN [u.a.] (2003)

4Monographie  The textuality of old English poetry
Pasternack, Carol Braun. - Cambridge (1995)

5Sammelwerk  Vox intexta. Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages
Doane, Alger NickPasternack, Carol Braun [Hrsg.]. - Madison (1991)

6Monographie  Disjunction: a structural convention in old english poetry
Pasternack, Carol Braun. - [University of California, Los Angeles] (1983)

7Artikel  Bloodlines: Purity, Warfare, and the Procreative Family in the Old English Bede
Pasternack, Carol BraunHopkins, Shay. (2023) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 122 (2023) S. 435-458

8Buchbeitrag  Ruling Masculinities: From Adam to Apollonius of Tyre in Corpus 201b
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2010) - In: Intersections of gender, religion and ethnicity in the Middle Ages S. 34-61

9Buchbeitrag  The Textuality of Old English Poetry
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2006) - In: The postmodern Beowulf. A critical casebook S. 519-546

10Buchbeitrag  The sexual practices of virginity and chastity in Aldhelm's "De virginitate"
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2004) - In: Sex and Sexuality in Anglo-Saxon England S. 93-120

11Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2004) - In: Sex and Sexuality in Anglo-Saxon England S. IX-XLXI

12Buchbeitrag  Negotiating Gender in Anglo-Saxon England
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2003) - In: Gender and difference in the Middle Ages S. 107-144

13Buchbeitrag  Stylistic Disjunctions in "The dream of the Rood"
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (2002) - In: Old English literature. Critical essays S. 404-424

14Buchbeitrag  Post-structuralist theories: the subject and the text
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (1997) - In: Reading Old English Texts S. 170-191

15Artikel  Anonymous polyphony and The Wanderer's textuality
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (1991) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 20 (1991) S. 99-122

16Artikel  Stylistic disjunctions in The Dream of the Rood
Pasternack, Carol Braun. (1984) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 13 (1984) S. 167-186

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