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Publikationen »Pedersen, Frederik«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Pedersen, Frederik

RI opac: 35 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age
Ferraro, Joanne MariePedersen, Frederik [Hrsg.]. - London (2021)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Pedersen, Frederik. (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Communities in European history: representations, jurisdictions, conflicts
Pan-Montojo, JuanPedersen, Frederik [Hrsg.]. - Pisa (2007)

4Monographie  Viking empires
Forte, Angelo D. M.Oram, Richard D.Pedersen, Frederik. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2005)

5Sammelwerk  Viking empires
Forte, Angelo D. M.Oram, Richard D.Pedersen, Frederik. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2005)

6Sammelwerk  Ships, guns, and Bibles in the North Sea and Baltic States, c. 1350-c. 1700
MacInnes, Allan I.Pedersen, FrederikRiis, Thomas [Hrsg.]. - East Linton, East Lothian (2000)

7Monographie  Marriage disputes in medieval England
Pedersen, Frederik. - London (2000)

8Monographie  "Romeo and Juliet of Stonegate": a medieval marriage in crisis
Pedersen, Frederik. - York (1995)

9Monographie  Marriage litigation and the ecclesiastical courts in York in the fourteenth century
Pedersen, Frederik. - [University of Toronto] (1991)

10Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pedersen, Frederik. (2021) - In: A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age S. 1-19

11Buchbeitrag  The Family Economy
Pedersen, Frederik. (2021) - In: A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age S. 97-114

12Buchbeitrag  Playing the System: Marriage Litigation in the Fourteenth Century
Pedersen, Frederik. (2018) - In: Petitions and strategies of persuasion in the Middle Ages S. 185-201

13Buchbeitrag  Trade and Politics in the Medieval Baltic: English Merchants and England's Relations to the Hanseatic League 1370-1437
Pedersen, Frederik. (2011) - In: Regional and transnational history in Europe. A Cliohworld reader S. 169-188

14Buchbeitrag  Privates on parade: impotence cases as evidence for medieval gender
Pedersen, Frederik. (2011) - In: Law and private life in the Middle Ages S. 81-104

15Artikel  'A good and sincere man ... even though he looked like a Slav': Asger of Lund, canon law, and politics in Denmark, ca 1085-1140
Pedersen, Frederik. (2010) - In: Mediaeval Scandinavia Bd. 20 (2010) S. 141-162

16Buchbeitrag  Discrimination, Tolerance and Institutions in European History
Martykanova, DarinaPedersen, FrederikLottes, Güntheru.a.. (2008) - In: Discrimination and tolerance in historical perspective S. 41-76

17Buchbeitrag  Politics and Prelates: Kingdom, Church and Empire in Southern Scandinavia, 950-1076.
Pedersen, Frederik. (2008) - In: Sacri canones servandi sunt. Ius canonicum et status ecclesiae saeculis XIII-XV S. 153-167

18Buchbeitrag  Making and Using the Law in the North, c. 900-1350
Sigurðsson, Jón ViðarPedersen, FrederikBerge, Anders. (2008) - In: Making, using and resisting the law in European history S. 37-64

19Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pan-Montojo, JuanPedersen, Frederik. (2007) - In: Communities in European history. Representations, jurisdictions, conflicts S. ixff

20Buchbeitrag  Marriage Contracts and the Church Courts of Fourteenth-Century England
Pedersen, Frederik. (2007) - In: To have and to hold. Marrying and its documentation in Western Christendom, 400 - 1600 S. 287-331

21Buchbeitrag  A matter of choice: spiritual and secular jurisdiction in two English marriage cases in the early fourteenth century
Pedersen, Frederik. (2006) - In: Law and learning in the middle ages. Proceedings S. 223-234

22Buchbeitrag  Trade and Politics in the Medieval Baltic: English Merchants and England's Relations to the Hanseatic League 1370-1437
Pedersen, Frederik. (2006) - In: Public power in Europe. Studies in historical transformations S. 161-180

23Buchbeitrag  The Danes and the Marriage Break-up of Philip II of France
Pedersen, Frederik. (2005) - In: Adventures of the Law S. 54-70

24Buchbeitrag  Counsel and Consent: Preparing for Marriage Litigation According to the Fourteenth-Century York Cause Papers
Pedersen, Frederik. (2005) - In: The medieval marriage scene. Prudence, passion, policy S. 181-210

25Buchbeitrag  The Legal Sophistication of Litigants in Marriage Cases from Medieval York
Pedersen, Frederik. (2001) - In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law Syracuse S. 965-984

26Artikel  A medieval welfare state? Welfare provision in a twelfth-century Icelandic law code
Pedersen, Frederik. (1999) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 34 (1999) S. 89-111

27Buchbeitrag  Art. Marriage
Pedersen, Frederik. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing Tl. 2 S. 766-768

28Buchbeitrag  Maritalis affectio: marital affection and property in fourteenth-century York Cause Papers
Pedersen, Frederik. (1998) - In: Essays Michael M. Sheehan S. 175-209

29Artikel  The York cause papers: a reply to Jeremy Goldberg
Pedersen, Frederik. (1997) - In: Continuity and change Bd. 12 (1997) S. 447-455

30Artikel  Demography in the archives: social and geographical factors in fourteenth-century York cause marriage litigation
Pedersen, Frederik. (1995) - In: Continuity and change Bd. 10 (1995) S. 405-436

31Artikel  Did the medieval laity know the canon law rules on marriage?: Some evidence from fourteenth-century York cause papers
Pedersen, Frederik. (1994) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 56 (1994) S. 111-152

32Artikel  The fællig and the family: the understanding of the family in Danish medieval law
Pedersen, Frederik. (1992) - In: Continuity and change Bd. 7 (1992) S. 11-22

33Buchbeitrag  Tidemann Limbergh: en hanseatisk købmand i det fjortende århundrede
Pedersen, Frederik. (1986) - In: Mennesker i Danmarks og Europas middelalder S. 72-88

34Buchbeitrag  Kærlighed i ægteskabet i middelalderen: teori og praksis
Pedersen, Frederik. (1985) - In: Kærlighed - Magt og Afmagt S. 83-96

35Artikel  The German Hanse and the Peasants Revolt of 1381
Pedersen, Frederik. (1984) - In: Bulletin of the Institute of historical Research Bd. 57 (1984) S. 92-97

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