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Publikationen »Peixoto Cabral, João M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Peixoto Cabral, João M.

RI opac: 10 Einträge

1Monographie  Ensaios sobre história monetária da monarquia visigoda
Gomes Marques, MárioPeixoto Cabral, João M.Rodrigues Marinho, José. - Porto (1995)

2Buchbeitrag  Non-destructive examination of four plated Almoravid qirats
Peixoto Cabral, João M.Rodrigues Marinho, José. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 175-186

3Buchbeitrag  On the silver contents of the dirhams issued by Hisham II in A.H. 403 (A.D. 1012-13)
Rodrigues Marinho, JoséPeixoto Cabral, João M.. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 99-105

4Buchbeitrag  On the metrology of the reais de dez soldos of the master of Avis and its typological implications
Peixoto Cabral, João M.Rodrigues Marinho, JoséGomes Marques, Mário. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 411-446

5Buchbeitrag  Analysis of the Almoravid silver coinage. The qirats
Peixoto Cabral, João M.Rodrigues Marinho, José. (1988) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 3 S. 145-173

6Buchbeitrag  The silver contents of some dirhams of the revolutionary period of the Spanish Umayyad caliphate
Peixoto Cabral, João M.Sáenz-Díez, Juan Ignacio. (1986) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 2 S. 197-206

7Buchbeitrag  A preliminary note on the metrology of the meio real cruzado
Gonçalves, NunoPeixoto Cabral, João M.Gomes Marques, Mário. (1986) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 2 S. 265-276

8Buchbeitrag  Non-destructive methods of chemical analysis of coins. Results of their use for the study of medieval coins
Peixoto Cabral, João M.. (1984) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 1 S. 13-47

9Buchbeitrag  The silver contents of the reais brancos of Dom João I of Portugal
Araújo, M. Fátima D.Peixoto Cabral, João M.Gomes Marques, Mário. (1984) - In: Problems of medieval coinage in the iberian area 1 S. 231-242

10Artikel  Análise de moedas de bolhão de D. Fernando por espectometria de fluorescência de raios X
Peixoto Cabral, João M.Gomes Marques, Mário. (1983) - In: O arqueólogo português Ser. 4, Bd. 1 (1983) S. 391-398

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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