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Publikationen »Pesce, Dolores«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Pesce, Dolores

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Hearing the motet: essays on the motet of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Pesce, Dolores [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY [u.a.] (1997)

2Monographie  The concept of the affinities in theoretical writings on music: from C. 900 to C. 1550
Pesce, Dolores. - Ann Arbor, Mich. (1982)

3Buchbeitrag  Montpellier 8 PORTARE Motets and Tonal Exploration
Pesce, Dolores. (2018) - In: The Montpellier Codex. The final fascicle S. 233-253

4Buchbeitrag  Thirteenth-Century Motet Functions: Views through the Lens of the "Portare" Motet Family
Pesce, Dolores. (2018) - In: A critical companion to medieval motets S. 131-154

5Buchbeitrag  Theory and notation
Pesce, Dolores. (2011) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music S. 276-290

6Buchbeitrag  Guido d'Arezzo, Ut queant laxis, and Musical Understanding
Pesce, Dolores. (2010) - In: Music education in the Middle ages and the Renaissance S. 25-36

7Buchbeitrag  Beyond Glossing: The Old Made New in "Mout mefu griefl Robin m 'aimel Portare"
Pesce, Dolores. (2008) - In: Ars antiqua organum, conductus, motet S. 485-508

8Buchbeitrag  A historical context for Guido d'Arezzo's use of "distinctio"
Pesce, Dolores. (2007) - In: Studies Bryan Gillingham S. 146-162

9Buchbeitrag  Beyond glossing: the old made new in "Mout me fu grief/Robin m'aime/Portare"
Pesce, Dolores. (1997) - In: Hearing the motet S. 28-51

10Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pesce, Dolores. (1997) - In: Hearing the motet S. 3-11

11Artikel  A case for coherent pitch organization in the thirteenth-century double motet
Pesce, Dolores. (1990) - In: Music analysis Bd. 9 (1990) S. 287-318

12Artikel  A revised view of the thirteenth-century Latin double motet
Pesce, Dolores. (1987) - In: Journal of the American Musicological Society Bd. 40 (1987) S. 405-442

13Artikel  The significance of the text in thirteenth-century Latin motets
Pesce, Dolores. (1986) - In: Acta musicologica Bd. 58 (1986) S. 91-117

14Artikel  B-flat: transposition or transformation
Pesce, Dolores. (1985 - 1986) - In: The Journal of musicology Bd. 4 (1985/86) S. 330-349

15Buchbeitrag  The Individual as Composer
Pesce, Dolores. (1984) - In: 1983 NEH Institute Resource Book for the Teaching of Medieval Civilization S. 217-222

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