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Publikationen »Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev

RI opac: 14 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2016)

2Buchbeitrag  The Reception of Early Nordic Religions and Myths in Old Rus'
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevJackson, Tatjana N.. (2018) - In: The pre-Christian religions of the north. Research and reception 1 S. 69-80

3Buchbeitrag  Choice of Faith in the Turkic Empires: East and West - the Uighurs and the Khazars
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2016) - In: Studies Peter B. Golden S. 285-292

4Buchbeitrag  Rus', Scandinavians, and the Balkans in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2015) - In: Scandinavia and the Balkans S. 55-66

5Buchbeitrag  Sacral Kingship and the Judaism of the Khazar
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2013) - In: Conversions. Looking for ideological change in the Early Middle Ages S. 291-302

6Buchbeitrag  [Introduction. Khazarian myth and Khazarian history]
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2010) - In: Chazary. Mif i istorija S. 13-24

7Buchbeitrag  Khazaria and Rus': An Examination of their Historical Relations
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2007) - In: The World of the Khazars. New Perspectives S. 245-268

8Buchbeitrag  Viking women in Rus': wives, slaves or 'valkyries'?
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2007) - In: Cultural interaction between east and west S. 66-69

9Artikel  The "Feast" in Medieval Russia
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2006) - In: Medium Aevum Quotidianum Bd. 54 (2006) S. ??

10Buchbeitrag  A Note on the Sacral Status of the Khazarian Khagan: Tradition and Reality.
Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (2004) - In: Monotheistic Kingship. The Medieval Variants S. 269-275

11Buchbeitrag  Old Russia: the earliest stages of Christianization.
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevPushkina, Tamara A.. (1997) - In: Rom und Byzanz im Norden Tl. 2 S. 247-258

12Artikel  Formirovaniye seti rannegorodskikh tsentrov i stanovlenie gosudarstva (Dre vnvaya Rus' i Skandinaviya). [The formation of early urban centers network and the making of the State (Ancient Russia and Scandinavia).]
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevMelnikova, Elena Aleksandrovna. (1986) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 5 (1986) S. 64-78

13Artikel  Drevnerusskie vliyaniya v kul'ture Skandinavii rannego svednevekov'ya (k postanovke problemy). [Ancient Russia and its impact on early medieval culture in Scandinavia]
Petrukhin, Vladimir YakovlichevMelnikova, Elena AleksandrovnaPushkina, Tamara A.. (1984) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 3 (1984) S. 50-65

14Artikel  K predysorii Drevnerusskogo Goroda. [On the pre-history of the ancient Russian town]
Pushkina, Tamara A.Petrukhin, Vladimir Yakovlichev. (1979) - In: Otecestvennaja istorija Bd. 4 (1979) S. 100-112

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