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Publikationen »Pettitt, Thomas«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Pettitt, Thomas

RI opac: 41 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Pettitt, Thomas. - s.l. (2018)

2Sammelwerk  The Book Out of Bounds: Essays Presented to Lars Ole Sauerberg
Schatz-Jacobsen, C.Simonsen, PovlPettitt, Thomas [Hrsg.]. - Odense (2015)

3Sammelwerk  Guilds, towns, and cultural transmission in the north: 1300 - 1500
Bisgaard, LarsMortensen, Lars BojePettitt, Thomas [Hrsg.]. - Odense (2013)

4Sammelwerk  Inclinate aurem: oral perspectives on early European verbal culture: a symposium
Helldán, JanJensen, Minna SkaftePettitt, Thomas [Hrsg.]. - Odense (2001)

5Sammelwerk  The entertainer in Medieval and traditional culture: a symposium
Andersen, Flemming G.Pettitt, ThomasSchröder, Reinhold [Hrsg.]. - Odense (1997)

6Sammelwerk  Custom, Culture and Community in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium
Pettitt, ThomasSondergaard, Leif [Hrsg.]. - Odense (1994)

7Sammelwerk  Popular drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: a symposium; [proceedings of the 11. International Symposium, organ. by the Centre for the Study of Vernacular Literature in the Middle Ages, held at the Odense University on 17 - 18 Nov., 1986]
Andersen, Flemming G.McGrew, Julia H.Pettitt, ThomasSchröder, Reinhold [Hrsg.]. - Odense (1988)

8Sammelwerk  The Ballad as Narrative: Studies in the Ballad Traditions of England, Scotland, Germany, and Denmark
Pettitt, Thomas [Hrsg.]. - Odense (1982)

9Monographie  Middle English social comment: a survey of attitudes to the peasantry in certain types of fourteenth-century English literature
Pettitt, Thomas. - [University of Wales, Bangor] (1967)

10Artikel  Beyond the Bad Quarto: Exploring the Vernacular Afterlife of Early Modern Drama
Pettitt, Thomas. (2019) - In: Journal of early modern studies Bd. 8 (2019) S. 133-171

11Artikel  Carnevale in Norwich, 1443: Gladman's Parade and its Continental Connections
Pettitt, Thomas. (2018) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 39 (2018) S. 35-76

12Buchbeitrag  Performing Intrusions: Interaction and Interaxionality in Medieval English Theatre
Pettitt, Thomas. (2017) - In: Medieval theatre performance. Actors, dancers, automata and their audiences S. 52-75

13Buchbeitrag  The Parenthetical Turn in Journalism Studies: The Role of the News Ballads
Pettitt, Thomas. (2015) - In: Essays Lars Ole Sauerberg S. 161-169

14Buchbeitrag  Approaching Medieval Disorder: Folk Routes
Pettitt, Thomas. (2013) - In: Voix (et voies) du désordre au Moyen Âge S. 5-50

15Buchbeitrag  Medieval Performance Culture and the English Guilds: Custom, Pageantry, Drama
Pettitt, Thomas. (2013) - In: Guilds, towns, and cultural transmission in the north 1300 - 1500 S. 131-162

16Buchbeitrag  The Late-Medieval Ballad
Pettitt, Thomas. (2012) - In: Medieval oral literature S. 429-458

17Buchbeitrag  Folk Custom and Entertainment
Pettitt, Thomas. (2012) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

18Buchbeitrag  Dramatic Pastime, Custom and Entertainment
Pettitt, Thomas. (2012) - In: Medieval oral literature S. 702ff.

19Buchbeitrag  Darkness on the Edge of Town Life at the Flurgrenze in Medieval and Traditional Narrative
Pettitt, Thomas. (2009) - In: The edges of the medieval world S. 82-98

20Buchbeitrag  The Beast of Muhu A Hybrid from the Periphery
Pettitt, ThomasTüür, Kadri. (2009) - In: The edges of the medieval world S. 130-135

21Buchbeitrag  Traditions of the people: customs and folk drama
Pettitt, ThomasSøndergaard, Leif [Hrsg.]. (2008) - In: Theatre in Europe. The Medieval European stage, 500 - 1550 S. 615-665

22Artikel  Nuptial Pageantry in Medieval Culture and Folk Custom: in Quest of the English Charivari
Pettitt, Thomas. (2005) - In: Medium Aevum Quotidianum Bd. 52 (2005) S. ??

23Artikel  'Skreaming like a pigge halfe stickt': vernacular topoi in the carnivalesque martyrdom of Edward II
Pettitt, Thomas. (2005) - In: Orbis litterarum Bd. 60 (2005) S. 79-108

24Artikel  'I am here, Syre Cristesmasse': Dramatic Aspects of Early Poetry and Songs
Pettitt, Thomas. (2004) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 7 (2003) S. 1-28

25Artikel  Moving Encounters: Choreographing Stage and Spectators in Urban Theatre and Pageantry
Pettitt, Thomas. (2003) - In: Medium Aevum Quotidianum Bd. 48 (2003) S. ??

26Artikel  The Morphology of the Parade
Pettitt, Thomas. (2002) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 6 (2002) S. 1-30

27Buchbeitrag  Introduction. Oral perspectives: "I see a voice"
Pettitt, Thomas. (2001) - In: Inclinate aurem. Oral perspectives on early European verbal culture S. 9-20

28Buchbeitrag  Textual to oral: the impact of transmission on narrative word-art
Pettitt, Thomas. (2001) - In: Oral History of the Middle Ages. The Spoken Word in Context S. 19-38

29Artikel  "This man is Pyramus": A pre-history of the English mummers' plays
Pettitt, Thomas. (2000) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 22 (2000) S. 70-99

30Buchbeitrag  Local and 'Customary' Drama
Pettitt, Thomas. (2000) - In: A companion to English Renaissance literature and culture S. 464-476

31Artikel  Protesting inversions: charivari as folk pageantry and folk-law
Pettitt, Thomas. (1999) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 21 (1999) S. 21-51

32Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pettitt, Thomas. (1997) - In: The entertainer in Medieval and traditional culture S. 9-14

33Buchbeitrag  Ballad Singers and Ballad Style: The Case of the Murdered Sweethearts
Pettitt, Thomas. (1997) - In: The entertainer in Medieval and traditional culture S. 101-131

34Buchbeitrag  'Folk Allegory' in the Idiom of John Ball
Pettitt, Thomas. (1996) - In: Etudes André Lascombes S. 55-68

35Buchbeitrag  Mankind: an English Fastnachtspiel?
Pettitt, Thomas. (1996) - In: Festive Drama. Papers from the Sixth Triennial Colloquium S. 190-202

36Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pettitt, Thomas. (1988) - In: Popular drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages S. 9-14

37Artikel  Tudor interludes and the Winter revels
Pettitt, Thomas. (1984) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 6 (1984) S. 16-27

38Artikel  Early English traditional drama: approaches and perspectives
Pettitt, Thomas. (1982) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 25 (1982) S. 1-30

39Buchbeitrag  'St. Stephen and Herod' and the Songs of the Sloane Manuscript
Pettitt, Thomas. (1982) - In: The Ballad as Narrative S. 19-38

40Buchbeitrag  Introduction: the ballad as narrative
Pettitt, Thomas. (1982) - In: The Ballad as Narrative S. 1-15

41Artikel  'Beowulf': the Mark of the Beast and the Balance of Frenzy
Pettitt, Thomas. (1976) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 77 (1976) S. 526-535

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