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Publikationen »Pigg, Daniel F.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Pigg, Daniel F.

RI opac: 33 Einträge

1Monographie  "Seeing through a glass darkly": "Piers Plowman" and the corruption of sign systems
Pigg, Daniel F.. - [University of Tennessee] (1989)

2Buchbeitrag  Words, Signs, Meanings: William Langland's "Piers Plowman" as a Window on Linguistic Chaos
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2022) - In: Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period S. 209-232

3Buchbeitrag  From Imprisonment to Liberation: Chaucer's Knight's Tale as a Multilayered Exploration of a Paradigm for Prison Life
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2021) - In: Incarceration and slavery in the middle ages and the early modern age: a cultural-historical investigation of the dark side in the pre-modern world S. 347-360

4Buchbeitrag  Who is Grendel in Beowulf? Ambiguity, allegory, and meaning
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2020) - In: Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time S. 303-319

5Buchbeitrag  William Langland's attitude toward play, leisure, and pastime: a realignment of priorities in post-plague England
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2019) - In: Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age S. 433-450

6Buchbeitrag  Representing Magic and Science in The Franklin's Tale and The Canon's Yeoman's Tale: Chaucer's Exploration of Connected Topics
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2017) - In: Magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time S. 507-522

7Buchbeitrag  Bald's Leechbook and the Construction of Male Health in Anglo-Saxon England
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2017) - In: Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature S. 114-128

8Buchbeitrag  Imagining the Mass of Death in Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale: A Critique of Medieval Eucharistic Practices
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2016) - In: Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern S. 263-276

9Buchbeitrag  Children and Childhood in the Middle Ages
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2015) - In: Handbook of medieval culture Tl. 1 S. 149-158

10Buchbeitrag  The Rural World and the Peasants
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2015) - In: Handbook of medieval culture Tl. 3 S. 1535-1542

11Buchbeitrag  Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?: Chaucer's Physician's Tale and the Worlds of Judgment
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2012) - In: Crime and punishment in the Middle Ages and early modern age S. 347-358

12Buchbeitrag  Life on the Manor and in Rural Space: Answering the Challenges of Social Decay in William Langland's Piers Plowman
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2012) - In: Rural space in the middle ages and early modern age S. 351-366

13Buchbeitrag  Social Constructionism
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2010) - In: Handbook of medieval studies. Terms - methods - trends S. 1264-1269

14Buchbeitrag  Masculinity Studies
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2010) - In: Handbook of medieval studies. Terms - methods - trends S. 829-835

15Buchbeitrag  Laughter in Beowulf. Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Group Identity Formation
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2010) - In: Laughter in the Middle Ages and early modern times S. 201-214

16Buchbeitrag  Imagining Urban Life and Its Discontents: Chaucer's Cook's Tale and Masculine Identity
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2009) - In: Urban Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age S. 395-408

17Buchbeitrag  Caught in the Act: Malory's "Sir Gareth" and the Construction of Sexual Performance
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2008) - In: Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the early modern times S. 633-648

18Buchbeitrag  Old Age, Narrative Form, and Epistemology in Langland's Piers Plowman: The Possibility of Learning
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2007) - In: Old age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 393-406

19Buchbeitrag  Margery Kempe and Her Son: Representing the Discourse of Family
Pigg, Daniel F.. (2005) - In: Childhood in the middle ages and the Renaissance S. 329-340

20Artikel  Apocalypse then: the ideology of literary form in "Piers Plowman"
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1999) - In: Religion and literature Bd. 31, 1 (1999) S. 103-116

21Buchbeitrag  Performing the perverse: the abuse of masculine power in the Reeve's Tale
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1998) - In: Masculinities in Chaucer S. 53-61

22Artikel  Charting power and danger in The Crowned King
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1997) - In: English language notes Bd. 34, 3 (1997) S. 10-18

23Buchbeitrag  With Hym Ther Was a Plowman, Was His Brother
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1996) - In: Chaucer's Pilgrims. An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales S. 263-270

24Artikel  Medieval theories of textual formation and "The Book of Margery Kempe"
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1995) - In: Studia mystica Bd. 16 (1995) S. 106-115

25Buchbeitrag  The semiotics of comedy in Chaucer's religious tales
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: Chaucer's Humor. Critical Essays S. 321-348

26Buchbeitrag  Robert ('Maistre') Wace
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: Old and Middle English Literature (DLB 146) S. 312-317

27Buchbeitrag  Imagining feudalism in Piers Plowman. Attempts to restore an order
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: The Rusted Hauberk. Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline S. 29-46

28Artikel  The Carpenter's 'Ernest of Game': A Reevaluation of Noah's Flood in the Miller's Tale
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: In geardagum Bd. 15 (1994) S. 41-53

29Artikel  The implications of realistic poetics in the Middle English Athelston
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: English language notes Bd. 32, 2 (1994) S. 1-8

30Artikel  Refiguring martyrdom: Chaucer's Prioress and her tale.
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1994) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 29 (1994) S. 65-73

31Artikel  Language as weapon: the poetics of plot in Malory's "Tale of Sir Gareth"
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1992) - In: Quondam et futurus Bd. 2, 1 (1992) S. 16-27

32Artikel  The Dream of the Rood in its discursive context: apocalypticism as determinant of form and treatment
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1992) - In: English language notes Bd. 29, 4 (1992) S. 13-22

33Artikel  Cultural markers in "Beowulf": a re-evaluation of the relationship between Beowulf and Christ
Pigg, Daniel F.. (1990) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 74 (1990) S. 601-607

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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