Publikationen »Poole, Russell Gilbert«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Poole, Russell Gilbert
RI opac: 68 Einträge
1 | Egil, the Viking poet: new approaches to Egil's saga Looze, Laurence N. de • Helgason, Jón Karl • Poole, Russell Gilbert • Tulinius, Torfi H. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Grettir's Saga Zori, Davide Marco • Poole, Russell Gilbert [Bearb.]. Byock, Jesse L. [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Verbal encounters. Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse studies for Roberta Frank Harbus, Antonina • Poole, Russell Gilbert [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Skaldsagas. Text, Vocation, and Desire in the Icelandic Sagas of Poets Poole, Russell Gilbert [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Viking poems on war and peace: a study in skaldic narrative Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
6 | An early Icelandic attestation of þveit "thwaite" Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
7 | The Danish Tongue on Skaldic Lips Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
8 | ‘Fro dedly synne we dyd hym schelve': A Problematic Word in The Castle of Perseverance Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
9 | An Icelander in Cnut's court: the case of Sigvatr Þórðarson Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
10 | Nuces Skaldicae: Kennings and their Contexts in a lausavísa in Gísla saga Súrssonar Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
11 | Íslendingasõgur - a case study: Vatnsdœla saga Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
12 | The "Sentential Turn" in Sigvatr Þórðarson Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
13 | The textual tradition of Gunnlaugr Leifsson's Merlínusspá Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
14 | Skalds Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
15 | The Dream of the Rood Lines 125B-126A Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
16 | Conspicuous mediality in a medieval poem: the case of 'Merlinusspá' Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
17 | Introduction: Egil, The Viking Poet: New Approaches to Egils Saga Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
18 | Autobiographical Memory in Medieval Scandinavia and amongst the Kievan Rus' Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
19 | Identity Poetics among the Icelandic Skalds Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
21 | The Power of One: An Ideologeme in Early Irish and Norse Tradition Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
22 | Scholars and Skalds The Northwards Diffusion of Carolingian Poetic Fashions Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
23 | Crossing ihe language divide: Anglo-Scandinavian language and literature Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
25 | Icelandic, Danish, and Old Norse Studies Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
26 | Pulir as Tradition-Bearers and Prototype Saga-Tellers Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
28 | Charms and Incantations Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
29 | Didactic and Gnomic Literature Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
30 | Sievers, Georg Eduard Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
31 | Jonsson, Finnur Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
32 | Myth and Ritual in the Haleygiatal of Eyvindr skaildaspillir Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
33 | Ekphrasis: Its 'Prolonged Echoes' in Scandinavia Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
34 | Sighvatr Þórarson Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
35 | Some Southern Perspectives on Starcatherus Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
36 | Counsel in Action in Hrafnkels saga Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
37 | Kindred, College, and Scholarship in the Lifework of Bertha Surtees Phillpotts (1877-1932) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
38 | Metre and metrics Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
39 | Claiming Kin Skaldic-Style Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
41 | Adverbial Genitives in skaldic poetry Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
42 | Myth, Psychology, and Society in Grettis saga Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
43 | Lof en eigi háð? The Riddle of Grettis saga verse 14 Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
44 | The "conversion verses" of Hallfreðr vandræðaskáld. Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
45 | Introduction Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
47 | Composition, transmission, performance: the first ten "Lausavísur" in "Kormáks saga" Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
48 | Constructions of Fate in Victorian Philology and Literature Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
49 | Art. "Gunnlaugr ormstunga" (serpent-tongue) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
50 | Art. "Óttarr svarti" (the black) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
51 | Art. "Lausavísur" (loose verses) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
52 | Variants and variability in the text of Egill's Höfuðlausn Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
53 | Art. "Lidsmannaflokkr" (household troop's poem) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
54 | Art. "Darradarljód" (Dørrudr's lay) Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
55 | Art. "Sighvatr Þórdarson" Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
56 | Skaldic praise poetry as a marginal form Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
57 | Orðræðan í konungakvæðum dróttskálda. Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
58 | Verses and prose in Gunnlaugs saga Ormstungu Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
59 | The textile inventory in the Old English Gerefa. Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
61 | Skaldic Verse and Anglo-Saxon History: Some Aspects of the Period 1009-1016 Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
62 | Darraðarljóð 2: prum hrælaðr Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
63 | The origins of the Máhliðingavísur Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
64 | Some royal love-verses. Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
65 | Henryson, Fables 2193. Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
66 | Ormr SteinÞorsson and the "Snjófríðardrápa" Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
67 | Compositional Technique in Some Verses from "Gunnlaugs saga" Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
68 | In search of the Partar Poole, Russell Gilbert. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a
Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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