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Publikationen »Putter, Ad«

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RI opac: 113 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Medieval Love Letters: A Critical Anthology
Stokes, MyraPutter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2024)

2Monographie  The Dutch hatmakers of late medieval and Tudor London: with an edition of their bilingual guild ordinances
McSheffrey, ShannonPutter, Ad. - Woodbridge (2023)

3Monographie  North Sea crossings: the literary heritage of Anglo-Dutch relations, 1066-1688
Putter, AdLevelt, Sjoerd. - Oxford (2021)

4Sammelwerk  The transmission of Medieval Romance: Metres, Manuscripts and Early Prints
Putter, AdJefferson, Judith A. [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2018)

5Sammelwerk  Handbook of Arthurian Romance: King Arthur's Court in Medieval European Literature (Vol. 1-2)
Busby, KeithPutter, Ad [Bearb.]. Tether, Leah RoseannMcFadyen, Johnny [Hrsg.]. - Berlin (2017)

6Sammelwerk  The dynamics of the medieval manuscript: text collections from a european perspective
Morcos, Hannah [Bearb.]. Pratt, KarenBesamusca, BartMeyer, MatthiasPutter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - Göttingen (2017)

7Sammelwerk  The Works of the Gawain Poet
Putter, AdMyra, S. [Hrsg.]. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex (2014)

8Sammelwerk  Multilingualism in medieval Britain: c. 1066 - 1520
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2013)

9Sammelwerk  The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend
Archibald, ElizabethPutter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2009)

10Sammelwerk  Approaches to the Metres of Alliterative Verse
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - Leeds (2009)

11Sammelwerk  Language and culture in medieval Britain: the French of England, c.1100 - c.1500
Wogan-Browne, JocelynCollette, Carolyn P.Kowaleski, MaryanneMooney, Linne R.Putter, AdTrotter, David A. [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge [u.a.] (2009)

12Sammelwerk  Studies in the metre of alliterative verse
Putter, AdJefferson, Judith A.Stokes, Myra. - Oxford (2007)

13Sammelwerk  Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.Putter, Ad [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (2006)

14Monographie  An Introduction to the Gawain-Poet
Putter, Ad. - London (1996)

15Monographie  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian Romance
Putter, Ad. - New York, NY (1995)

16Buchbeitrag  The Cely and Johnson letters and the languages of Calais, 1347-1558
Putter, Ad. (2024) - In: Essays Helen Fulton S. 190-208

17Buchbeitrag  Multilingualism
Putter, Ad. (2023) - In: The Routledge companion to medieval English literature S. 107-120

18Buchbeitrag  Matters of Form: Experiments in Verse and Prose Romance
Gilbert, JanePutter, Ad. (2023) - In: The new Cambridge companion to medieval romance S. 44-59

19Buchbeitrag  Verse Forms
Putter, Ad. (2023) - In: The Oxford history of poetry in English 2. Medieval poetry 1100-1400 S. 128-144

20Buchbeitrag  The Hero "Remembers": The Verb gemunan in Beowulf and The Battle of Maldon'
Putter, Ad. (2021) - In: Essays Andrew Lynch S. 83-100

21Buchbeitrag  The Popularity of the Arthurian Romances of Chrétien de Troyes and the Continuations in Medieval England and Scotland
Putter, Ad. (2021) - In: Studies Jane H. M. Taylor (2021) S. 85-106

22Buchbeitrag  Dutch, French, and English in Caxton's Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye
Putter, Ad. (2021) - In: Essays Elizabeth Archibald S. 205-226

23Artikel  Materials for a Social History of the Dutch Language in Medieval Britain: Three Case Studies from Wales, Scotland, and England
Putter, Ad. (2021) - In: Dutch crossing Bd. 45 (2021) S. 97-111

24Buchbeitrag  The Geographies and Languages of Later Medieval Arthurian Romances in England and Scotland
McClune, KatePutter, Ad. (2020) - In: La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530 S. 1049-1058

25Artikel  A Fragment of Boendale'sMelibeus in England: Manuscript, Text, and Context
Putter, Ad. (2020) - In: Spiegel der letteren Bd. 62 (2020) S. 143-169

26Buchbeitrag  The English poetry of a Frenchman: stress and idiomaticity in Charles d'Orléans
Putter, Ad. (2020) - In: Charles d'Orléans' English Aesthetic. The Form, Poetics, and Style of Fortunes Stabilnes S. 145-168

27Buchbeitrag  Late Arthurian Literature: Medieval to Early Modern
Putter, AdRadelescu, Raluca. (2020) - In: La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530 S. 1005-1014

28Artikel  An unnoticed manuscript fragment of Jan Van Boendale's Melibeus in the National Archives
Putter, Ad. (2019) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 66 (2019) S. 359-361

29Buchbeitrag  An East Anglian poem in a London manuscript? The date and dialect of The Court of Love in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R.3.19
Putter, Ad. (2019) - In: Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age S. 212-243

30Buchbeitrag  Metre and Versification
Putter, Ad. (2019) - In: Geoffrey Chaucer in Context S. 72-82

31Buchbeitrag  The Intelligence of The Court of Love
Putter, Ad. (2018) - In: Tribute Helen Cooper (2018) S. 209-228

32Artikel  Ysengrimus en Reynard the Fox: Engels-Nederlandse contacten als context voor de Reynaerttraditie
Putter, AdHouts, Elisabeth Maria Cornelia vanLevelt, SjoerdArbabzadah, Moreed. (2018) - In: Tiecelijn Bd. 11, 31 (2018) S. 65-81

33Buchbeitrag  Versifications of the Book of Jonah: Late Antique to Late Medieval
Putter, Ad. (2018) - In: Reading Late Antiquity S. 183-203

34Buchbeitrag  The singing of Middle English romance: stanza forms and contrafacta
Putter, Ad. (2018) - In: The transmission of Medieval Romance. Metres, Manuscripts and Early Prints S. 69-90

35Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Forms of Transmission of Medieval Romance
Putter, AdJefferson, J.. (2018) - In: The transmission of Medieval Romance. Metres, Manuscripts and Early Prints S. 1-14

36Artikel  In Appreciation of Metrical Abnormality: Headless Lines and Initial Inversion in Chaucer
Putter, Ad. (2017) - In: Critical survey Bd. 29, 3 (2017) S. 65-85

37Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Pratt, KarenBesamusca, BartMeyer, MatthiasPutter, Ad. (2017) - In: The dynamics of the medieval manuscript S. 11-39

38Buchbeitrag  Comedy in the Works of the Gawain Poet and in Henri Bergson
Putter, Ad. (2016) - In: Parodies courtoises, parodies de la courtoisie S. 15-30

39Buchbeitrag  The Linguistic Repertoire of medieval England, 1100-1500
Putter, Ad. (2016) - In: Imagining medieval English. Language structures and theories, 500-1500 S. 126-144

40Buchbeitrag  Prudentius and the Late Classical Biblical Epics of Juvencus, Proba, Sedulius, Arator, and Avitus
Putter, Ad. (2016) - In: The Oxford history of classical reception in English literature. 1. (800-1558) S. 351-376

41Buchbeitrag  Adventures in the Bob-and-Wheel Tradition: Narratives and Manuscripts
Putter, Ad. (2015) - In: Medieval romance and material culture S. 147-163

42Buchbeitrag  The Organisation of Multilingual Miscellanies: The Contrasting Fortunes of Middle English Lyrics and Romances
Putter, Ad. (2015) - In: Insular books. Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain S. 81-100

43Buchbeitrag  Preface
Putter, Ad. (2015) - In: The Arthur of the Iberians. The Arthurian legend in the Spanish and Portuguese worlds S. IX-XIII

44Buchbeitrag  Anglo-French Letters and the Private Correspondence of an Abbot to his Mistress
Putter, Ad. (2015) - In: Language in medieval Britain. Networks and exchanges S. 201-213

45Buchbeitrag  French in Medieval England
Putter, AdAiles, Marianne J.. (2014) - In: La Francophonie européenne S. 51-80

46Artikel  Dialect, Rhyme, and Emendation in Sir Tristrem
Putter, Ad. (2014) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 113 (2014) S. 73-92

47Buchbeitrag  The French of Medieval England
Ailes, Marianne J.Putter, Ad. (2014) - In: European francophonie S. 51-80

48Artikel  Perfect and Imperfect Rhyme: Romances in the abab Tradition
Putter, AdJefferson, J.Minkova, Donka. (2014) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 111 (2014) S. 631-651

49Buchbeitrag  Linguistic Boundaries in Multilingual Miscellanies: The Case of Middle English Romance
Griffith, GarethPutter, Ad. (2014) - In: FS Toshiyuki Takamiya S. 116-124

50Buchbeitrag  The predictable and the unpredictable: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the metres of Middle English romance
Putter, Ad. (2013) - In: Evur happie & glorious, ffor I hafe at will grete riches S. 71-88

51Artikel  Dialects in the Harley Miscellany: The Song of the Husbandman and The Poet's Repentance
Putter, Ad. (2013) - In: The yearbook of Langland studies Bd. 27 (2013) S. 61-78

52Buchbeitrag  Fifteenth-Century Chaucerian Visions: The Flower and the Leaf, The Assembly of Ladies, La Belle Dame Sans Mercy, and The Isle of Ladies
Putter, Ad. (2013) - In: A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry S. 143-155

53Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad. (2013) - In: Multilingualism in medieval Britain c. 1066 - 1520 S. XIff.

54Buchbeitrag  A Prototype Theory of Metrical Stress: Lexical Category and Ictus in Langland, The Gawain Poet and Other Alliterative Poets
Putter, Ad. (2012) - In: The use and development of Middle English S. 281-299

55Artikel  Personifications of Old Age in Medieval Poetry: Charles d'Orleans and William Langland
Putter, Ad. (2012) - In: The review of English studies Bd. 63 (2012) S. 388-409

56Buchbeitrag  Arthur's Children in Le Petit Bruit and the Post-Vulgate Cycle
Putter, Ad. (2012) - In: Legendary Rulers. Arthur and Charlemagne S. 25-42

57Buchbeitrag  Ralph the Collier
Putter, Ad. (2012) - In: Heroes and anti-heroes in medieval romance S. 145-159

58Buchbeitrag  Middle English Romances and the Oral Tradition
Putter, Ad. (2012) - In: Medieval oral literature S. 335-352

59Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's Complaint unto Pity and the Insights of Allegory
Putter, Ad. (2011) - In: Essays Jill Mann S. 166-181

60Buchbeitrag  Latin Historiography after Geoffrey of Monmouth
Putter, Ad. (2011) - In: The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature S. 85-108

61Buchbeitrag  Code-switching in Langland, Chaucer and the Gawain poet: Diglossia and footing
Putter, Ad. (2011) - In: Code-switching in early English S. 281-302

62Artikel  Personifications of Old Age in medieval poetry: Charles D'Orleans
Putter, Ad. (2011) - In: British Academy Review Bd. 17 (2011) S. 15-17

63Buchbeitrag  Cleanness and the tradition of biblical versification
Putter, Ad. (2010) - In: Essays Thorlac Turville-Petre S. 166-184

64Buchbeitrag  La famille d'Arthur dans Le Petit Bruit et le Cycle Post-Vulgate
Putter, Ad. (2010) - In: L'imaginaire de la parenté dans les romans arthuriens S. 85-96

65Buchbeitrag  The twelfth-century Arthur
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Arthurian legend S. 36-52

66Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Archibald, ElizabethPutter, Ad. (2009) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Arthurian legend S. 1-18

67Artikel  Metre and the Editing of Middle English Verse: Prospects for Tail-Rhyme Romance, Alliterative Poetry, and Chaucer
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 71 (2009) S. 29-48

68Buchbeitrag  The Metres and Stanza Forms of Popular Romance
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: A companion to medieval popular romance S. 111-131

69Buchbeitrag  Alliterative Metre and Editorial Practice: The Case of Death and Liffe
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Approaches to the Metres of Alliterative Verse S. 269-292

70Buchbeitrag  Gerald of Wales and the Prophet Merlin
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Anglo-Norman studies 31 S. 90-103

71Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Medieval Francophonia
Putter, AdBusby, Keith. (2009) - In: Medieval multilingualism. The francophone world and its neighbours S. 1-14

72Buchbeitrag  Arthurian Romance in English Popular Tradition: 'Sir Percyvell of Gales, Sir Cleges, and Sir Launfal'
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: A companion to Arthurian literature S. 235-251

73Buchbeitrag  The Poetry of "Things" in Gower, The Great Gatsby and Chaucer
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: The Construction of Textual Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Literature S. 63-82

74Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Approaches to the Metres of Alliterative Verse S. 1-9

75Buchbeitrag  The French of English Letters: Two Trilingual Verse Epistles in Context
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England S. 397-408

76Buchbeitrag  Multilingualism in England and Wales, c. 1200: The Testimony of Gerald of Wales
Putter, Ad. (2009) - In: Medieval multilingualism. The francophone world and its neighbours S. 83-106

77Artikel  The Linguistic Atlas and the Dialect of the Gawain Poems
Putter, Ad. (2007) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 106 (2007) S. 468-491

78Buchbeitrag  Moving towards God: the possibilities and limitations of metaphorical journeys in Hilton's Scale of Perfection
Putter, Ad. (2007) - In: Freedom of movement in the Middle Ages S. 331-345

79Artikel  Chaucer's Verse and Alliterative Poetry: Grammar, Metre, and Some Secrets of the Syllable Count
Putter, Ad. (2007) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 67 (2007) S. 19-37

80Artikel  Full record Full text Page image Walewein ende Keye and the Strategies of Honor
Putter, Ad. (2007) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 17, 1 (2007) S. 55-78

81Buchbeitrag  Textual and Familial Relationships: The Place of the Michigan Fragment in the Evolution of Sir Eglamour
Curnow, D. J.Putter, Ad. (2007) - In: Studies Erik Kooper S. 51-66

82Artikel  The Ways and Words of the Hunt: Notes on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Master of Game, Sir Tristrem, Pearl, and Saint Erkenwald
Putter, Ad. (2006) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 40 (2006) S. 354-385

83Buchbeitrag  Envisaging heaven: an introduction
Muessig, Carolyn A.Putter, Ad. (2006) - In: Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages S. 3-12

84Buchbeitrag  The influence of visions of the otherworld on some medieval romances
Putter, Ad. (2006) - In: Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages S. 237-251

85Artikel  The distribution of infinitives in E and -En in some middle english alliterative poems
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad. (2005) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 74 (2005) S. 221-247

86Artikel  Alliterative Patterning in the Morte Arthure
Jefferson, Judith A.Putter, Ad. (2005) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 102 (2005) S. 415-433

87Artikel  Weak e and the Metre of Richard Spalding's Alliterative Katherine Hymn
Putter, Ad. (2005) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 52 (2005) S. 288-292

88Buchbeitrag  Late Romance: Malory and the Tale of Balin
Putter, Ad. (2005) - In: Readings in medieval texts. Interpreting old and middle English literature S. 337-353

89Buchbeitrag  Story line and story shape in Sir Percyvell of Gales and Chrétien de Troyes's "Conte du Graal"
Putter, Ad. (2004) - In: Pulp Fictions of Medieval England. Essays in Popular Romance S. 171-196

90Buchbeitrag  'False Friends' in the Works of the Gawain-Poet
Putter, Ad. (2004) - In: Arthurian studies P. J. C. Field S. 173-180

91Buchbeitrag  Walter Hilton's "Scale of Perfection" and "The Cloud of Unknowing"
Putter, Ad. (2004) - In: A Companion to Middle English Prose S. 33-52

92Artikel  The Language and Metre of Pater Noster and Three Dead Kings
Putter, Ad. (2004) - In: The review of English studies Bd. 55 (2004) S. 498-526

93Buchbeitrag  Fier Margrietken: a medieval ballad and its history
Putter, Ad. (2003) - In: The singer and the scribe S. 69-88

94Artikel  King Arthur at Oxbridge: Nicholas Cantelupe, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and Cambridge's Arthurian foundation myth
Putter, Ad. (2003) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 72 (2003) S. 63-81

95Buchbeitrag  Fiere Margriet in de ballade-traditie
Putter, Ad. (2002) - In: Fiere Margriet van Leuven S. 84-92

96Artikel  The text of Sir Perceval of Galles
Putter, Ad. (2001) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 70 (2001) S. 191-203

97Buchbeitrag  In search of lost time: missing days in Sir Cleges and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Putter, Ad. (2001) - In: Time in the Medieval World S. 119-136

98Buchbeitrag  The Narrative Logic of Emaré
Putter, Ad. (2000) - In: The spirit of medieval English popular romance S. 157-180

99Artikel  Gifts and commodities in Sir Amadace.
Putter, Ad. (2000) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 51 (2000) S. 371-394

100Buchbeitrag  Preface
Putter, Ad. (2000) - In: The spirit of medieval English popular romance S. VII

101Artikel  Spelling, grammar and metre in the works of the "Gawain"-poet
Putter, Ad. (2000) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 18, 1 (2000) S. 77-95

102Buchbeitrag  Introduction. A Historical Introduction
Putter, Ad. (2000) - In: The spirit of medieval English popular romance S. 1-15, 31-38

103Artikel  Walewein in the otherworld and the land of Prester John
Putter, Ad. (1999) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 17 (1999) S. 79-99

104Artikel  Sir Tristrem, lines 1343-75
Stokes, MyraPutter, Ad. (1999) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 46 (1999) S. 435-442

105Buchbeitrag  Walewein in the Otherworld and the land of Prester John
Putter, Ad. (1999) - In: Arthurian Literature 17 S. 79-99

106Artikel  The Medieval Siege
Putter, Ad. (1998) - In: English Bd. 47 (1998) S. 131-135

107Buchbeitrag  Animating medieval court satire
Putter, Ad. (1997) - In: The Court and Cultural Diversity S. 67-76

108Artikel  Descriptions of the Flood in Medieval and Renaissance Literature: Some Sources and Backgrounds
Putter, Ad. (1997) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 94 (1997) S. 137-159

109Artikel  Sources and backgrounds for descriptions of the Flood in medieval and renaissance literature
Putter, Ad. (1997) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 94 (1997) S. 137-159

110Buchbeitrag  Transvestite knights in medieval life and literature
Putter, Ad. (1997) - In: Becoming Male in the Middle Ages S. 279-302

111Buchbeitrag  Knights and clerics at the court of Champagne: Chrétien de Troyes's romances in context
Putter, Ad. (1995) - In: Medieval Knighthood (1995) S. 243-266

112Buchbeitrag  Arthurian literature and the rhetoric of "effeminacy"
Putter, Ad. (1995) - In: Arthurian Romance and Gender S. 34-49

113Artikel  Finding time for romance: mediaeval Arthurian literary history
Putter, Ad. (1994) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 63 (1994) S. 1-16

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